Comment Art

Sometimes I make a drawing and put it in the comment-field instead of words. I just made a birthday-greating for example, but while I did so I thought I might find some of the images thrown randomly in my many image folders. I have taken a daily hour lately to get some order in all the harddisk mess, and in doing so I have created a comment-art folder, so I have somewhere to put them when I find them.

It is not always I remember the context so some of them are pretty cryptic. But I mostly remember which user it was for.

This was something about roleplaying and as far as I remember was an aswer to @builderofcastles

I can't remember the context, but it is Shakespeare as a punk, and it was made for @roused

This one was for @nyarlathotep as far as I remember. I made a drawing with seaguls and doors so it must have been from that post.

No idea what this means, but I made it for @shortcut

This was from one of the #nowords posts and was made for @ocrdu

This one is so old I do not remember the context, but it was on the Diaspora network. It is called facepalm.

Another one for @shortcut. It is called blown so I must have thought it should say exactly that.

Made for one of @steevc's many songs.

This one is recent and i remember that it was an answer to @meesterboom in the Bernie lovepost. As you can see the topic is quite topical.

There are also some comment-art in this post with Katharsisdrill portraits.

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