Terence Coventry Sculpture Park - EggMeister Family Visit - April 2015

Hello Steem Meisters,

Here's a short video of our excursion to the Terence Coventy sculpture park back in 2015. Before our daughter was born, Kathryn and I regularly had our holidays in the Headland apartments which was formerly a hotel many moons ago. During one of those holidays, we ventured onto the nearby coastal path for a nosey around and we was amazed to find a couple of large fields with lots of sculptures in them. We tentatively walked around unsure if we was trespassing until we found a notice board explaining that we were free to wander around the sculptures.


We've been a few times since (including the photos here in April 2015) and we usually park near the school in Coverack and walk down the road to the large white building on the cliff top known as the Headland apartments (formerly The Headland Hotel). Just before you reach the old Headland Hotel and immediately after a row of bungalows on your right, we pick up the coastal path heading South and within 5 minutes you find yourself in the park. The fields are regularly mown and create a 'path' for you to wander around the sculptures. All the while you're surrounded by the breath-taking and rugged Cornish countryside and coastline.

Here's a short video I took at the time...

...and here's an official website/video. http://terencecoventry.com/sculpture-park-2/

It's well worth a visit if you're on the Lizard Peninsula and wanting to loose a couple of hours. Coverack itself is a beautiful village with a lovely beach, a small working harbour, thatched cottages and the 'famous' Paris Hotel/Pub. Coverack found itself in the media 'headlights' back in 2017 as the village suffered due to flooding (as any google search will show).

So apologies for no Eggmotor, bushcraft & SH2OMI related content in this posting ;)

Bye for now,



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