Helping each other. Is it the new business model?


@jimmy.adames Nerdy Numeracy.

You see what I did here? First thing in my post was another member of:

List Nerds

Not just another member of ListNerds but the number one person on the rich list. The person who is killing it the most.

The old mind set in business was secrecy and crush the competition. I believe the business model is or should be openness and cooperation. We have so much to learn from each other, we can help each other achieve our dreams.

The blockchain, Hive, ListNerds has helped change the business model. And for the better. Better for all of humanity.

People love reading things that they can relate to. In Jimmy's post one line really caught my attention:

"As I continue to juggle my workouts, my 9 to 5 employment and my family time; there is an unquestionable push to always be present on HIVE and subsequently making sure that I show up daily and without fail."

My first thought was - Get our of my head Jimmy. Stop reading my mind. lol. That is my life to a tee.

I know a lot of people look up to what I have done and I am doing on ListNerds, being number 5 on the rich list. And the fact that I am hoping beyond hope to hit 1000 strait days of posting on Hive. I just want to let people know I look up to other people. Not just in awe inspiring ways, but to learn from them so I can grown as a person and grow my business.

HiveBloPoMo - Tell A Story Day | April 27th 2022 by @successchar really hit home for me today also.

"The road was not easy. I have been online since the mid 1980's learning about affiliate marketing and making money online. after all these years. I did everything possible from doing surveys (that I never seemed to qualify for) to selling other peoples products (supposedly for a commission). I now see where my hard work, time and efforts are paying off."

Okay, so people of Hive and ListNerds GET OUT OF MY HEAD. lol. Just kidding. Bam, that is me again. I have been at this, what I use to call a game, a long time. I had no success until Hive. NONE, ZERO. Fantastic, 100 percent Positivity on Hive!

Heartbeat On Hive We Are Alive Curation Collection 60 by @heartbeatonhive.

Why highlight this post today? Because this type of person, Hive needs many more of them. I have been onboard with @flaxz and the We Are Alive tribe from the beginning and to see someone else jump on board and promote the poop out of it just because they love the tribe and believe in the tribe is fantastic awesome fracking sauce. My hat off to you.

Scarcity Principle And Why Some Lives Are Worth Less Than others by @amirtheawesome1.

Do you want your mind blown? Or you just want to really think about the human race or just your brain? This is one fantastic post. As I commented in the post it reminded me, me being a Nerd, of Star Trek "The needs of the one outway the needs of many". This post gives some insight into that.

All these posts I found on:

List Nerds


And yes I am throwing ListNerds in you face. Because I am a 100 percent believer in the program. 100 percent baby.

I am almost at the 5000 Nerds staked. Let me have a look at the richlist.


You will see my rise slow down. My original goal was to be number one but I am going to leave that for Jimmy. lol. I did my forth day of unstake today. I earned just over 180 Nerds today. So I did my set max of 75 Nerds unstaked. Working towards some liquidity.

One last thing, for people having trouble creating content everyday. Believe it or not I had no idea what I was going to write when I sat down in front my keyboard this morning. I think I did pretty good. lol


List Nerds

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Have a super positive day everyone.


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