HiveBloPoMo - Tell A Story Day | April 27th 2022

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Tomorrow is National Tell A Story Day. So today I am writing my story for tomorrow, this is my personal story.

The Forgotten Affiliate Marketer

I once called myself 'The Forgotten Affiliate Marketer'. It was how I felt after hard work, lots of time, & my hard earned money just wasn't enough. Here's the story of The Forgotten Affiliate Marketerand here's why I called myself 'The Forgotten Affiliate Marketer'.
Now I no longer feel that way. Of course I still remember what I went through and what made me feel that way, but I never stopped working toward what I want. Too many positive things have happened in the last 4 years as I found a home with new mentors & a great, supportive, community. Not to mention the success I've had being here on Hive.

No-One Becomes A Millionaire Overnight

The road was not easy. I have been online since the mid 1980's learning about affiliate marketing and making money online. after all these years. I did everything possible from doing surveys (that I never seemed to qualify for) to selling other peoples products (supposedly for a commission). I now see where my hard work, time and efforts are paying off.

I always believed it was possible to make money online and have never loss that mindset, I just didn't know how it was possible. If you're not born a millionaire then you won't become one overnight. It takes lots of dedicated work, lots of time & usually a little money. The less money you have to invest, the more time it will require.

My Problem Way Back When

I remember all the promises of not to have to put any money into this business & that business, but the truth be told, you get out what you put in. I would sign up, start the process and than 'BAM'! you need to get this website and guess what? You have to pay. That's when I would say forget it! After signing up to several of these I got wise. I would look for them to tell me that I got a FREE website & say 'yeah right'.

You Can Start With No Money

You can START just about any business on line with NO MONEY. The key word being START.
I learned this the hard way, I signed up for almost anything free. I built my own free website, tried SEO and all that stuff that was free. Nothing.

When I realized that I was always gonna have to put a little money in if I wanted to get something out. I learned that even having my own website required me to at least pay for hosting and my domain if I wanted my own real .com. On from there I started looking at things that was affordable figuring if I could grow a team in a low cost program, I'd be good. That was a joke, you start out low but there was always the next level, the upgrade, more money. Remember 'Feeder Matrix' yeah I was one of those people. I had a small team, but they were like me, wanting to spend as little as possible. So from then on I was going after all these matrix programs 'cause they sounded good. But that was a joke, too.

From Rags to Riches

Think of all those programs I tried one after the other, they were my rags. I've moved on to bigger & better things. All the mentors I had that moved on cause they had enough me's to fill their pockets & leave me in the dust when I could no longer pay up. And what I got for my money difnitely wasn't a team of followers like me that would just give up their hard earned money to follow someone else's dream.

Today, I follow my own dreams. I have mentors who like to say things like 'I'm just an average guy. They also take time to help me when I'm stuck, they explain over & over when I need it, They're there for me, not just to drag me into their world but to help me reach my dreams. I have my own thing going on and they have theirs and they don't close me out because I'm following my dream and not theirs. Their dream is actually to see me succeed.

I'm working on my Riches and they're shaping up nicely. Four years ago, when I committed to building my business and investing in myself, with time & money, I had no idea that I would have a crypto portfolio worth thousands of dollars & growing everyday. I never thought I would have websites and blogs and all the connections I've made here on hive. My next step I am sure will get me closer to my riches, upgrading in ListNerds. I am making more money then I imagined possible on a viral mailer. Except, that's what it was called when it was just a mailer program on the internet. Now ListNerds is on the blockchain and is what it's called 'Proof-of-Mail'. It's been on the blockchain now for 3&1/2 months and in that time I have made more money on ListNerds alone then all the money I have made in all the years before coming to Hive & following the path I'm on right now.

I'm On My Way To RICHES!!

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ListNerds- Click Here!

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