Nerdy Numeracy

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Hey Fellow HIVERS!

Hope your week is going smoothly, but with a bit of intensity; so that you can keep it crush mode throughout the last week of April and ready to go All Out Mayhem next month.


I got in another workout this morning, but honestly with an eye out for rest day tomorrow; as I've been grinding pretty hard under the orange lights and beyond, the last few days.

Of course, I look forward to my @actifit submission later on today; so folks can read what this morning's template was. Not a bad one before a day off tomorrow.


As I continue to juggle my workouts, my 9 to 5 employment and my family time; there is an unquestionable push to always be present on HIVE and subsequently making sure that I show up daily and without fail.

Although, I'm not a very analytical person or a math wizard of any sort; there are basic numerical results, that I, like many others post to either hold ourselves accountable or motivate others.

Looking back, just a few months before becoming full Nerdy, my activity on HIVE was constant, just as it is today; but with my LISTNERDS activity, I have a solid bridge that connects my marketing journey with my journey on this blockchain.

That allows for having the best of both worlds and where the lines can get blurred, because of some of the bad habits, one can bring from off-chain marketing; there are those good things that can be fused into both environments.


On a personal scale, I'm starting to see more of my subscribers ask me the same old questions that we all have asked; especially when we want to earn an income online, but actually be a bit receptive to the whole blockchain opportunity.

It is still a tough nut to crack, but at least folks are more open to at least asking about it and signing up to The HIVE Guide:

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Had a couple more sign up for it yesterday:

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It's just a matter of time before there is an influx of folks wanting to get in on HIVE and luckily ListNerds is now another amazing tool to expose people to the blockchain.


Some of you know, that I pivoted from what I was promoting off-chain to focusing on building my list with the main goal of getting folks to join ListNerds or any of the CTP Universe programs that will eventually expose folks to HIVE and have the CTP team be that solid guide and help folks avoid getting overwhelmed with all this platform offers.

Yes, it's a much slower process; because it's no longer based on my promoting ad sites that offer free solo ads and ad packages, but I'm accepting that; as not a bad thing.

So a 30 day look at how my newer Lead Capture Page:


brought on 37 subscribers:

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without using the word FREE on the Lead Capture Page and more of an invitation for those who have a more long-term outlook in growing a business online than getting things handed to them without any effort.


Again, if you know be my now; know, I am a die-hard ListNerds ambassador.


I continue to maintain my tasks:

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Again, this is part of the accountability factor for myself; as I want to be present and show folks that, I'm serious about my ListNerds membership.

I put in a genuine effort in maintaining a top 10 presence in the platform:

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If I'm not about it, how can I speak about it?

I also maintain a 99 to 100 on the ListNerds reputation scale and in all honesty, I don't do anything differently; but what I've been doing for the last few months.


My results on HIVE has benefited from what I've posted above, such as the faster rise in my HIVE power, my HBD and more importantly; the engagement with other HIVERS, has exponentially doubled if not tripled.

I'm more proud of that, than anything else. Yes, the numbers are nice to see when there is an upward movement. Yes, an increase in earnings; will forever be welcomed. BUT, being able to meet so many people in such a short time; because of this mailer? The first ever blockchain mailer?? That's what's up!!



I'm an upgraded member and use the following services:


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