AER crowd character: DollaGoat

Sorry @dolladu, you're now a goat XD (but let me know if you'd rather be something else)

I really wanted to do a variation of the upgoat footer for his Bounce upgoats, and "wall-running upgoat" was a concept firmly embedded in my mind...pretty much since then. And this was how that ended up.

I'm currently not sure whether the eye markings are staying or whether they'll go and the nose marking will get bigger.

And when I get around to 3d-ing these characters I am so doing a short anim of dollagoat and Ninjaroo racing.

Also, I even remembered to sign this one.

This post also appears on my blog.

Other crowd characters

Stuff to do

  • AER crowd character for @lordnigel (will proceed when I get a response or an idea, responses are safer ;D)
  • AER crowd character for @bmj (I'm worried about these horns! XD)
  • Aurelius action shot for @jedau (I don't think it's actiony enough but it looks cool? Oh wait I have to actually draw it now XD)
  • AER crowd characer 2 for @aussieninja (self insert)
  • AER crowd character for @vincentnijman (a walking fish? Sensibly you should be a dolphin or seal/ion Selkie, ridiculously you may end up as an axlotl because Mexican WALKING FISH XD)
  • upgoats for Cae
  • mascot for @bmj
  • @tubcat illustration (tubcaaaaaaaaaaat!)
  • @symphonyofechoes header (still minorly freaking out but I have some vague beginnings of an idea at least)
  • upgoats for @pangoli
  • mascot for @just2random
  • upgoats for @thecreativerebel (there's a ridiculous amount of shades of cobalt did you know? :O)

Want a crowd character? If you interact frequently with me here (either on my posts or your posts or better yet both!) or on one of the linked Discord channels, all you have to do is let me know and tell me what you'd like :) It can be one of your characters (including ones you make up on the spot for this XD) or a self insert. There's a bunch of different human types to choose from, and pets/other animals are also welcome.

Thanks for looking! _

If you want to natter I usually haunt the #teamaustralia channel on PAL, Be Awesome, and hang with the @steemartists on the server with the same name on Discord with a bunch of awesome people :D


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The steemaroo divider is free to use. Ask me nicely if you want an upgoat/cute critter footer.

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