Budapest a city to remember vol. 4 - Heros' Square

Greetings fellow Steemians,

Today we will be touring the beautiful Heros’ Square (Hősök tere) deep on the flat Pest side of the city.


Hero’s square is one of the major squares in Budapest. It is located on the far end of the Pest side or about a 20 minute walk from the Basilica.
It is a beautiful walk full of small side streets, statues, and loads of that Budapest charm as you stroll along.


Here is one of the many charming roadways branching off the path to the square.


At the base of the monument rest the effigies of the seven Magyar chieftains, which were also represented by the watchtowers at the Fisherman’s Bastion in Volume 3.
This square is alive with people. Settled between the Palace of Art and the Museum of Fine Art, as well as the gothic styled Vajdahhunyad Castle to its back with its massive diving stadium erected in the castle moat, it is a central location for massive foot traffic and the chaos of tourists that comes with it.

Image credit - We Love Budapest (Decided to put this image which clearly isn't one of mine just to show the juxtaposition of the square and the castle. Heros' square rests just west of the high diving stadium and the castle.)

However, it isn’t as bad as it sounds. Unlike in countries such as Italy, where the crowds are shuffling along in densely packed corridors, Budapest remains fairly uncrowded by comparison, even during the busiest time of year.

Image credit (One of two image that isn’t mine in this post. I was too overwhelmed by the beauty around me and forgot to snap a decent shot of the beer bike.)

You can commonly find street performers, people lounging on the monument, of course tourists making their memories, and even a beer bike bar scooting around the area. And, when the crowds become to overbearing, one can retreat to a massive park (Not pictured, I was too busy exploring the nearby castle. Look out for it in Volume 5 :D) to enjoy a quiet afternoon away from the hustle and bustle of the square.

Like many of the area I have shown in this series, my enjoyment of these sites was completely free. The only place I paid to enter during my entire stay was the Basilica rooftop (Lookout for Volume 7 where I go inside. If you thought the outside was pretty, you are in for a treat.). This is one of the many reasons my trip was so cost effective (The entire trip ran me less than $500. :3). Most of my exploring was free and the places I did pay to enter were very cheap and had value much greater than their entry fee (Adventure caving for example, which I will cover in a later volume. Spoiler, it was amazing and super cheap. Honestly, I feel like I robbed them, it was so cheap.).

Please enjoy some more images of the square. Don’t forget to check out Volume 1, 2, and 3. And Be sure to return for Volume 5 where we venture into the nearby Vajdahhunyad Castle for a surprise and a possibly the most amazing, scratch that, the most amazing concert experience of my life. I’ve never seen anything quite so inspiring. Be sure to return for it.

Beautifully lit up square in the night.

The dark road back from the square with the Budapest Ferris wheel lighting up the sky.

The oldest metro in Europe coasts far beneath the Square form this entry point.

A closer look at the right side of the monument.

The angel and the moon.

A closer look at one of her protectors on the left side.

The angel and the Lamppost.

The angel in the lamppost. :3

Let me know what you’d like to see next in the comments (adventure caving, nightlife, riverside walks, Gillert Hill, or inside the basilica.)

In the meantime upvote, follow, and resteem. Thank you for joining me.

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