Where I'm living on Marion Island - not quite the Antarctic, but definitely on the way!

Hi all, I want to show you where the research team lives before I show you more penguins and seals. It's been a while since my last post since we've been out doing research and our internet connection hasn't been great.

The Marion Research Base consists of three wings. Two of those are accommodation areas and one is a science block, where on the ground floor you find scientific labs and top floor has the offices for all different research carried out in the island.

The base also consists of the dining hall, kitchen, bar and braai (barbecue for people not from South Africa) area, mechanical area for the mechanic, central hub, radio control room, movie rooms, gym, sauna and jacuzzi.

It's a state of the art base.

Marion Island Research Base

Photo credit: Michelle Risi Jones, team member

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