This is really happening!

About a month ago my fiance and I decided to quit our jobs, sell ALL of our stuff including our house to buy an RV and travel for a year or two. I wrote a article about our decision to do this about 3 weeks ago called *Screw it, we're doing it* and now I wanted to give everyone an update! We have now sold nearly all of our stuff, our bedroom set, our dining room table, we even sold our couch *today* so we are sitting on the floor for the next month! lol. I know it may seem a little pre-mature to sell big items like that but we posted it all for sale online and are letting the universe decide when everything sells, because we are ready to go.
The more stuff we sell and/or give away the lighter I feel and the more excited I get. I thought it would be hard to give away and sell the life I have created over the last 5 years with my fiance but we both have never felt so free as we do right now sitting on the floor in an empty house waiting to leave to Arizona to start our journey.

We don't really know why we are setting out to do this journey or where it will take us exactly, we just know we can't live in the rat race anymore. We want to try and live a simple life for a while to see what is truly important in life. We decided we can't keep selling hours of our lives (working) to buy crap we really don't need.

Life is so amazing and we feel people are always to busy working their lives away (to buy crap we dont need) to realize what they are actually missing out on. I'm not talking about Mansions and Mercedes, I'm talking about birds and beaches. Nature and being part of it is truly the most fulfilling thing in life. I know most people think this idea of ours sounds crazy but I know first hand that money does not make you happy, no matter how much you have! But being outside, feeling the wind and the sun on my body and doing what I want every single minute of every day is worth more than any amount of money!

So I will continue on this crazy journey of figuring out what life is all about and I hope people will join me. Our travels will be starting next month and I will be documenting as much as I can so people can experience our journey with us!

"Peace, love and all that hippie shit"

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