The forgotten island of Nias


Indonesia is an archipielago of more than 18000 islands, if you visit one per day, it would take 30 years to visit all of it...

It is crazy how big this country is... or I should say this project of a country!
From one island to the other sometimes there are huge differences. Once I worked in a surfcamp in Sumbawa and just on the western part of Sumbawa there were 3 dialects...


Many people think all Indonesia is muslim but actually many islands are catholic, hindouist or have their own belief, one of these islands is Nias witch is in majority catholic like we can see on this picture, village with a church.

I got to this island not for its different spiritual belief but for its waves... Nias is home of one of the best waves in the world... The point at lagundry bay.


This is one of the things I love about surfing... I discover places not many people go... Nias is far from everything and not many people go there a part from surfers...

So if the waves are good we surf but if its flat we go explore and visit the place... Indonesia is very rich in culture and you can come across some amazing remains from the past like I did discovering Nias... some historians and archaeologists said that the local culture is one of the few remaining Megalithic cultures in existence today.

This was the throne of the king, Nias was a kingdom not so long ago and this huge amazingly carved stone was right there in the middle of a village... it is kind of surreal actually, it is like an open air museum...



The house of the king was full of wood carvings on the wall and furniture

Warriors used to prove their relevance by jumping this wall.

The people of Nias build "omo sebua" houses on massive ironwood pillars. Not only they were protected from attacks, their flexible construction was very effective against earthquake.

I was amazed to discover such a place, it feels very isolated and unique, it has its unique vibe and I highly recommend if you are in Indonesia one day to take a step further and have a look at this unique place! and the waves are really good ;)


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