My Actifit Activity Log [01.27.2019] HOW TO GET 73,000 STEPS IN 24 HOURS [PART 1]


How to get 73,000 steps in 24 hours. [Part 1] #PersonalBest

Originally this post was going to be called, "HOW TO GET TO 100,000 STEPS IN 24 HOURS" but if you read on you will see just how difficult the 100K step barrier is to break! I know a couple of you out there in @actifit land have managed this... I'm just not there yet. So my hat goes off to you! (And that's saying a lot because I'm a bald guy and us bald guys hold our hats as dear as you hairy people hold your hair!)

Here's the original post where I managed my new personal best... Just for reference for those who don't think 73,000 steps is something someone in their right mind can do... It is possible! Sane or no! Read all about it!


Sleep 😴 until 3:48am. It’s way to early. Maybe if I had gone to bed on time at 10pm last night this would feel better... but I didn’t. I went to bed at 12:18am. [Mistake number 1] ⏰ Go back to bed.

Wake up at 5:38am and stumble around for 15 min. Gathering random fruits, vegetables, and holiday chocolates. No preparation before hand. [Mistake number 2] Remember to pack water. Going to need a lot of that today [Win number 1]
Walk for about 15 minuets. “Oh God! I need to use a washroom somewhere. Anywhere! There’s one! The gas station over there!”
Yeah! It’s there! See! Waaaaaaay down there and the Australians would be proud! LONG LIVE THE DOWN UNDER!
Petrol ⛽️ (as the British say) has dipped to $0.876 Canadian but I could care less! I have unfinished business and 100,000 steps to take before this day is done! (At least that's the crazy idea I came up with last night before crashing into my bed like a load of bricks!)

Walking into the gas station and without hesitation the taxi 🚕 driver behind me busts into the washroom ahead of me somehow taking a shortcut through another isle mumbling something about filling his pants. 👖 Man Alive! Some people will say and do anything to get into a washroom before someone else! 😮🤬😩😰😑

It’s 6am and this morning is off to a rocky start! Dance like Michael Jackson in the isles while I wait for the bathroom intruder to be done his business. Check my step count 1,832 Steps (thousands more to go!) Thank you for the extra steps taxi man! [Win number 2]

Back on track with no general direction in mind... I just need steps... lots of them! Hey! There’s the GIANT mall I live next to! I bet they are open this time of the morning!

Pretty Christmas lights adorn it’s perimeter luring me in the malls direction against my better judgment like a bug to a porch light.
I feel strangely awake. Strangely happy and I can't explain why... Perhaps you girls and guys have an idea?

Anyways! I’m walking on air and I’m actually excited! I hope the mall doesn’t still have Christmas music stuck on repeat. The other day I went into a place that was still playing Christmas music like it was elevator music. I looked at the employees working there like they were out of their minds... nothing registered. All the lights were on but no one seemed to be home. Ok good! That means they are all in comatose because Christmas 2018 is officially over!

Poor bastards! Retail is such a tough sport. Don’t even get me stated about retail therapy! Those guys must be going nuts 🥜 looking at their credit card bills right about now! BUY BUY BABY! Yikes!
Yeah! There’s a water park! My favorite thing about this place... especially during the cold winter months! It’s the closest thing us Canadians trapped in the prairie Provence’s can get to going to the beach! 🏝 🏖 🏝
It’s -4 C (and dark) outside, which really isn’t that cold 🥶 for us winter hardy Canadians, even so I’m glad to walk through the doors of the Monstrosity, the Titanic of all malls, West Edmonton Mall.
5.3 million (Yeah! You heard that right... MILLION!) square feet of everything a human desires but I just call it "the doodad factory".


Time for me to grab my bananas! And that’s when I encounter my next win and mistake simultaneously!
A nice yummy perfectly yellow and ripe banana and his ugly brother. The banana that’s seen better days. Many better days! Note to self: I had better eat him first. [Win number 3] [Mistake number 3]

Oh well! At least my invisible mall DJ ISN’T playing Christmas Music! 🎶 Whoever they are, wherever they are, they are alright even at this hour. They are playing 80’s dance music so I guess I’m going to be ok after surviving the last retail experience I had. I was actually worried that I was going to loose my mind if I heard another Christmas song. 🥴 Hahahaha! Ok! Maybe not! But! How many of you know what I mean by this!? 😂 Yeah... You know EXACTLY what I mean. ADMIT IT!

No one is in the mall this Sunday morning. It’s now 7:21am and I feel like the ruler of a strange world. It’s just the invisible DJ and myself!
I wonder what would happen if I threw the cover off this Lamborghini and took it for a spin? Zero days until the draw?! Yeah! Because I drove it on out of here! Oh wait! I’m not here to drive anything... not even a Lamborghini! I’m here to put my feet in front of themselves 100,000 times before the end of the day! I had better get busy! This place is soooooooo distracting! But here I am at 6,445 steps!
Thank you @mcfarhat and the rest of the @actifit team! I’m still on track! At least I think I am! I have no idea how long this is going to take and what toll it is going to take on my body...

Meet me back here for more of this story... When I find the chance to continue writing this one that is... Please be patient as I can't take another late night of writing... It's 11:55pm and I'm headed to bed so I can get an #AutomaticWin in the morning!

More about that bellow! Check it!!!






Select your activity:


Get 10,000 steps before 10am.


Take a screen shot of your @Actifit step count for proof of an #AutomaticWin.


At the end of the day post your proof of activity to the Steem blockchain with the @Actifit app as you normally would.


Include (along with the #Actifit hashtag) the #AutomaticWin hashtag and the screen capture proof you took when you got your 10,000 steps before 10am to your end of day post using the @Actifit app.
NOTE: You may also include the #AdventureWalk, #AdventureRun, or @AdventureClimb hashtags (please only use one of these at a time per. post.) depending on what primary activity you did to get your #AutomaticWin! We will use this information to enhance the step statistics we publish during the course of any currently running Step Challenges!

Congratulations! You have achieved an #AutomaticWin! Being intentional with your health means the rest of your day is now officially the bonus round! How sweet is that?! The more #AutomaticWin’s around the world the better all around so make sure you tell your friends all about how you made it happen this morning!

💨10,000👟 + 10am⏱ = #AutomaticWin!💥🏅💥

** Please note that you will need to follow each of the simple steps above to qualify for an #AutomaticWin. Failure to do so will mean that, although you may have completed plenty of steps for the day an #AutomaticWin must be confirmed by the above parameters.
***If you have further questions please feel free to click over to the #AutomaticWin hashtag where you will find a feed of other peoples posts as examples and inspiration! Should you need more clarity you can always contact @wil.metcalfe here on SteemIt or the @Actifit Discord Channel.

#AutomaticWin Step Challenge Winners:
1st Step Challenge
2nd Step Challenge
3rd Step Challenge


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