My Actifit Report Card: August 23 2019

I was not planning on posting an Actifit so soon since my last report, but I got very close to my goal of 15,000 so I decided to do another today.

This first photograph is a new wood splitter I bought this week. I used it yesterday to learn how to use it. It saves me from having use a splitting mall or ax. I had used one before and the physical activity is still very aerobic.

This next photo shows the wood I split in 30 - 45 minutes. I monitored my pulse and stayed in a very nice aerobic range. You may notice my moral support to the left side of the photo.

In addition to stacking the split wood I also carried some rounds into the woodshed for the bottom row. I will split them during the winter.

This next photo shows the stacked wood. I have the drier wood to the right but lots of space to the left and to the back. Besides carrying the wood in I start a number of rows so they act as stairs so I can get wood to the highest are of the wood shed.

Prior to setting up the wood-splitter I spent a couple of hours cutting and stacking scrap wood I get from a pallet mill. It is not as aerobic, yet there is lots of bending, stooping, crouching, lifting, carrying and walking with an armful of wood.

In this next picture it shows the stack of wood I have been working on for awhile. As I mentioned I worked at this for a couple of hours before beginning splitting wood. This is in my shop which is kept heated during the winter. This photo was taken with my phone and may be turned on its side.

Some of these photos may not be up to my usual standards, yet they show what i was doing today to get close to my goal of 15,000.

My final photograph is my cheerleaders and moral support (Sahara and Sheba):

Thank you visiting my actifit report.

Aerobics, Daily Activity, House Chores, Walking, Yard Work


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