My Actifit Report Card: December 18 2018

Over 13,800 steps!

Today was adorableness fodder. My babes all dressed up in their Christmas best. Inari in his khakis and a white button up, Sparrow in a flowery dress straight from the 50's and Willow in a flashy silver bow.

I may have sprouted a few tears, but they were so darn cute, dang it! Their little concert ran an hour and 45 minutes long.

Parents and grandparents these days have zero respect for other audience members, or the feelings of the children performing.

Great groups of them stood in the center aisle, recording their precious child, taking pictures and shouting "Over here!"

If it pleases you, folks, could the rest of us be allowed the privilege of seeing our own children, or must we stare at your backs the whole way through?

The worst, for me, was the groups arriving and leaving in the middle of the programs.

Showing up just in time to see just their kid's grade, and leaving immediately there- after while the next group of kids struggle to have their songs heard over the noise the selfish parents were making.

One middle-aged white guy found a children's concert to be the perfect venue to wear his MAGS hat to. Just gross behavior.

Afterward I visited my babes for a few minutes each in their classrooms before trying to catch the city bus to arrive home before they did.

But, when I got to the bus stop, I found out the next one was not due for another 22 minutes, which is a good chunk of my step count today. By the time the bus caught up with me, 37 minutes later, I was only 3 blocks from where I would have gotten off anyway.

The kids beat me to the Boy's and Girl's Club, but that turned out to be for the best. They were having a talent show at the club! All these sweet little cherubs had been practicing their singing and dancing for a couple of months!

We got to see some tumbling and two kids, a boy and a girl performed a very energetic set of splits in their routine! It was all very impressive and adorable.

Most impressive was the level of enthusiasm each kid was met with as they went on stage and when they finished. Not one kid was ridiculed, just solid encouragement. Loved it.

Took our doggie for a walk, made some sammies for dinner and read a book.

Next it's time for sleepyville with my beau, #Albus. Goodnight, #steemit, love to you!


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