My Actifit Report Card: December 17 2018

Over 16,300 steps today. Can I have a nap?

Another crazy day, as usual. Work was long, a typical 8 hour shift with no break. My trio called later than they usually would. They are supposed to call right around 3 PM to let me know they got to the Boy's and Girl's Club after school all right and I can let them know about how much longer I will be at work.

They called 47 minutes late today. It was @inaristorm and when I asked what happened he said "Fire. There's a fire. Bigger than last time!"

Can you say "mama level fear" three times fast?

He goes on "It must have been 2 gas tanks this time, it was huge!"

If you do not remember, we had a massive explosion and fire that took all day and night to put out at the Husky/Enbridge oil refinery across the harbor from us, over in Superior Wisconsin.

This, this was a granary elevator fire, the last remnant of the past, the last wooden elevator in Superior.

And yeah... It was huge. We could see the flames from our house. And it was much, much closer. Officials state a spark from salvaging equipment started the fire and while they believe it will burn for days, we can no longer see flames from here. They're already claiming $10 million in damages.


But, our night was only beginning. We took the bus up to Target to get Christmas dresses for the concert tomorrow. I have to say, I was very disappointed in the selection this year. #Target #dobetter

We had to walk through the mall, across their parking lot, across the parking lots of Aldi and the long strip mall and across a few roads to get to Target. And, Inari being the insane, peddle to the floor kid he is, he tried to run between a pole and a sapling. The sapling was tied to the pole with a fucking wire.


Doesn't he look beautiful? So he's going to the concert tomorrow looking like a domestic assault victim and Sparrow will be in a finger splint.

Awesome news though! While at work I received an e-mail from Sparrow's teacher. They will be giving her the school's "Respect Award" on the 4th because she is always so kind and polite and respectful. How awesome is that?!

We didn't get home until really late, because, well, buses are slow as fuck. And my poor Little Willow ended up with a terrible headache, so she went straight to bed. She pretty much fell asleep immidiately.

#Albus is laying half on my chest, half on my face, which means it's time to get off the phone and give my guy some love.

Goodnight #steemit, love to you!


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