My Actifit Report Card: December 5 2018

Over 10,700 steps today.

Today was a different sort of active, and a day mostly pain free. Which confirms the whole "needing a do nothing day" theory.

First thing this morning I took @inaristorm to the dentist. He had some swelling in his gums. He's been on antibiotics since Friday night and none of the swelling had gone down. As soon as they opened Monday morning I called and took their first available appointment.

We took my normal bus to work to get us to the mall where we were supposed to get hooked up with the dial-a-ride. Buuuuut, the dial-a-ride had no availability and was going to make us 20 minutes late for the apppintment.

So instead we took the bus all the way to Wal-Mart and walked the remaining 1.3 miles. On busy roads. In 17°F and snowing weather.

1.3 miles in one go is tiring, takes about 20 minutes and about 4,000ish steps for my short legs, incidentally. However, after that jaunt, I sat at the Dentist with my boy for an hour. Long walk, long rest.


They took pictures of his teeth, which is really neat. The way the adult teeth are kind of wrapped in the root of the baby teeth.

I expected them to drain the infection and fill a cavity. They pulled two baby teeth. One was the cause of the infection and the other was about to fall out anyway. Holy shit, talk about a rough day out of nowhere!!!

My poor boy took it so well and so bravely, but my gods he was shaken. And because of the infection it was hard for them to get him numb. I have personal issues with dentists and it is always so hard to see my kids go through anything scary. So when he was tensing up and moaning in pain at the needles, yeah, I cried my silent mama tears.


He looks goofy and happy in the picture, but that was before the novacaine (sp).

This kid has a pain tolerance like no other. When he cries I know it's serious and usually warrants a trip to get some stitches.

So for him to make a fuss told me it hurt. And I hate that he was hurt.

He's better now, of course. I keep asking him if he's okay, if he needs any ibuprofen and he keeps telling me "It's not that bad."

Oh buddy, you're so young to be so strong. 💜💜💜

After that we got the dial-a-ride to take us to Wal-Mart so we could get some puddings and potatoes and popsicles and other soft foods for him for the next few days.

Walked around there a bit and came home. Then of course I realized the tooth fairy will be making a stop tonight and had to run down to the gas station to get some cash.

Please wish me luck. Little Willow lost another tooth recently and I freaking fell asleep before slipping her a fiver two nights in a row. Worst. Tooth fairy. Ever.

Yup. But, even with all that walking, the long breaks in between and not standing on a concrete floor all day really freaking helped to bring the pain level back to bearable today. Yay for that!

I hope all of you have had a great day. Love to you!

5.3 ft
210 lb
Body Fat

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