My Actifit Blog: 17 July 2019 Partial Lunar Eclipse


Activity Report #351

When I went outside late yesterday evening with my camera equipment, my expectation of how the partial lunar eclipse would show up was not very great, because a "blood moon" like the one I saw in 2017 would probably not be visible.

That is how it happend! A moon bitten by a big mouth was nevertheless nice to look at. At 11:30 PM I finally made the shot above, which looked a little "bloody" in the upper part of the moon.

Anybody who wants to read my post on the total lunar eclipse of 27.07.2018 again . . . here you go!

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Als ich gestern spät abends noch mit meiner Kameraausrüstung nach draußen ging, war meine Erwartung, wie sich die partielle Mondfinsternis zeigen würde, nicht sonderlich groß, denn ein "Blutmond", wie ich ihn 2017 sah, würde wohl nicht zu sehen sein.

So kam es auch! Ein mit einem großen Maul angeknabberter Mond war trotzdem nett anzusehen. Um 23.30 Uhr gelang mir dann der obige Schuss, der dann doch im oberen Bereich des Mondes ein wenig "blutig" aussah.

Wer meinen Post zur totalen Mondfinsternis vom 27.7.2018 nochmals nachlesen möchte . . . hier geht's lang!

CameraSony SLT-A58
Lens/ObjektivTamron AF 18-200mm F/3.5-6.3
Exposure time/Verschlusszeit1.6 s
Aperture/Blende6.3 -2EV
Focal length/Brennweite200 mm
Location/OrtGermany/near Munich

Stats for Today

Walking: 2 km • Jogging: 5 km

My goal 2019 : 6 000 km
Current: 2 698 km

Activity Count: 11 780 steps
(counted by my Fitbit device synced with actifit fitness tracker)

Activity Type:
Cycling, Walking, Daily Activities

Current Actifit User Rank: 59.0
Rewarded Activity Reports: Level 6/10

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Next Badge: Level 7/10 with 360 Rewarded Activity Reports

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ProjectInitiated by
@steem-ua@scipio, @holger80
@driveforkids@backinblackdevil, @actifit-devil

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This is the actifit posting account of @peter2017, an ambitious guy with a bunch of old bones. I'm trying to enhance my health and fitness mainly by walking, cycling and sometimes jogging.

Please support and follow my progress! Thanks so much!

Life is Motion! Keep on moving to stay healthy and fit!
Next Sportscheck RUN in Munich is on 28 June 2020

5K, 10K, Half-Marathon
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Photos © by actifit-peter
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