13 July 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2432: take a sniff

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay


Five-year-old Lil' Robert Ludlow, on a summer afternoon, loved running and playing like any other little boy, but he did have some quiet pursuits indicating the huge intellect he also possessed that was precociously developing just as it was in his siblings and their friends.

One of Lil' Robert's new pursuits was standing in a particular spot between the Ludlow and Trent backyards and turning a complete circle in exactly five steps, just before lunch and dinner.

“He just looks so blissful doing that, and he can't just be dizzy because he's not going fast enough,” Mrs. Maggie Lee said.

“Time to go do some reconnaissance with my little cousin,” Col. H.F. Lee said with a smile.

“Heeeeeeeeey, Cousin Harry!” Lil' Robert cried, his little face radiant with happiness under his sun hat. “You gotta come down here and take a sniff!”

The colonel sat down by the little boy, who eagerly embraced him before explaining.

“So, when you turn this way, you can smell all the fruits and flowers in Grandma's garden, and when you turn this way, you can smell the wind coming through all the trees up in the mountains, and if you turn this way, you can smell all the fruits and flowers in Velma's garden, and then if you turn this way, you can smell everything Big Mama Velma is cooking, and then if you turn this way, you can smell what Cousin Maggie is cooking – and see, because, it's all so good, I just come here to get it all!”

“Well, I'll be,” Col. Lee said. “There is a cross-breeze here, so … .”

There was not a wind blowing in five directions, and Lil' Robert's imagination was running away with him just a little … but he could smell the woods and at least one garden and kitchen, and he did have the right idea.

“Yes, indeed, Robert, it is all so good,” the colonel said as he handed Lil' Robert a little bottle of water.. “Enjoy it, cousin, and when it is time for lunch, I'll call you to come get what you are smelling.”

“Even the water tastes better – thank you, Cousin Harry!” Lil' Robert said as he happily stayed hydrated.

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