Crazy Sports!


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We saw together 10 curious, absurd and spectacular sports, 7 curious, absurd and spectacular sports & More 7 curious, absurd and spectacular sports. By clicking on their name you will see a video!

If you think that bizarre sports around the world are finished you are wrong! Here another six that I hope you enjoy as the others!


Let's start form New Zealand, 4 million inhabitants and 40 million sheep. What better idea for a sport than to enclose those who are ten times more than humans as a population?

The National Farmers Federation has requested that this be recognized internationally as an official sport and that it be included in the Olympics. In 1994 it was recognized as a national discipline, which "world shearing championships" are organized in Masterton. Competitors came from all around the world, including England, Ireland, Australia and South Africa. The world record currently belongs to Ivan Scott, an Irishman, who managed to shear 749 sheep in 8 hours. New Zealand said it took the organizers' suggestion to propose the discipline at the Olympic Games seriously, given that Pelota Basca was accepted in 1992 in Barcelona (was present in 1900 also) they will can easily do the same thing.


The name is quite clear, the two basic things are the cars and a ball, a very huge one, they fight 6 va 6, a total of twelve cars that, like in classic football, must male goal. Fouls are totally different, a red card means that in place of stretcher there will be the wrecker, for the happiness of coachbuilder and insurance companies. The goalkeeper can be a Caterpillar sometimes. A sport that has also appeared in the famous Top Gear television program, from which was taken the following video, this match took place in Melbourne, Australia.


Ballon au poing or fist ball. Practiced in France, his playing field is called "ballodrome", and is at most 65 meters long and 12 wide, is played 6 vs 6.

The ball weighs between 450 and 480 grams and has a circumference of 60 centimeters. Born in the Picardie region, north of Paris, the "Fédération Française de Ballon au Poing" was born in 1972, she counts 40 affiliated companies with over 2000 members in total. The championship starts in May and the final is played on August 15, at the "Parc de la Hotoie" in Amiens, which is also the site of the federation's headquarters. The French Cup final takes place in September instead.


Where could this idea come from of not from Finland, one of the most famous mobile phone brands home in the world. The goal is that of all the other "throwing", being able to send it as far as possible!

Four categories:

  • Original, a launch with a dish over the shoulder. The winner is the one who sends the phone further away

  • Freestyle, where extra points are awarded for the type of launch;

  • In teams, with the sum of the score of three launches;

  • Junior, for children up to 12 years old.

You can use any phone with a minimum weight of 220 grams, they can be provided by the organizers but if the participants prefer they can use theirs.

The first edition dates back to 2000 and was held in Savonlinna, Finland, while the first ti National level was held in Trondheim, Norway, in 2004, the winter championships were held in Stoos, Switzerland. The prize for the winner is of course a new mobile.

Over the years, the event has also become an opportunity to raise awareness about the recycling of old mobile phones.


The dirty version of the soap soccer, the same methodology but with the mud instead of the soap. The first World Championship took place in Edinburgh in 2011, with the participation of 50 teams from the most different world countries. Born in 1988 in Finland where skiers invented the first championship of this sport to keep their leg muscles and improve their resistance during summer. The rules are the same of football, the difference lies in playing on a pitch that has a layer of mud equal to or greater than 30 centimeters. Two teams of five players face each other and a goalkeeper, with two15 minutes times.

The uniform does not exist, a very hard and naturally dirty sport, which was also attended by the former professional soccer player John Aloisi.


An exclusively female sport born in Canada,Toronto, whose first championship started in 2004. Everything takes place in a ring, similar to those of boxing or wrestling.

The fundamental object of this sport is the pillow, which cannot manipulated in any way, apparently a sport that may seem harmless but in reality injuries are very many and of various kinds, each time lasts five minutes, you can win by abandonment , KO and intervention of the referee. At the end of the five minutes, if none of the two contenders has surrendered, the referee will declare the winner.

You can also find this post on Scorum

Thanks for reading, a big hug and see you soon!


Sketch by @ran.koree

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