A journey through fear

Headstand is a challenging pose, for the body and for the mind. In my personal experience, it is a symbol of a journey through fear. Fear is a strong emotion that I am trying to work on within my life. Because time and time again I feel that the fear is holding me back from doing the things I want to do. Like starting a homestead or opening a yoga group. The fear is there. But I am determined to push through my fears, time and time again. To believe that I can, try, try again, try again, let go of any construct of success.
Practicing headstands is a way for me to work with the fear in a contained way. Here are some tips for those of you ready to take the leap and try it out. If you have never tried doing a headstand, I would recommend finding more info, tutorials, or better yet, work with a teacher.

  1. Start with developing your upper body and core strength, in different poses. (for example 'dolphin', 'plank', 'downward facing dog') These areas will hold the weight of the body, and take the pressure off the neck.
  2. Work against the wall. This way you get the confidence that you won't roll forward.
  3. Foundation- find the right placement for your hands by measuring the distance between your elbows, (see pic 2) and keeping your elbows within this width.
  4. Lift your legs halfway up, knees bent to feel the weight find your balance. You can stay here for as long as you need before taking the next step.
  5. Extend one leg at a time towards the sky.
  6. There it is- upside down. a new perspective on the world. Breath. Quiet the mind, smile
  7. Exit the pose slowly and stay a moment on the floor (child's pose or lying down) to feel the changes in your body.

This is a pose that takes time and effort to get to. My orientation in my yoga practice and in life, in general, is to challenge myself constantly. Not just doing the same poses over and over. Not letting comfort be my guide, but rather fear and discomfort, as they have the gift of showing the way.

Have you ever tried to do a headstand? And if not, why not?

We are all here doing very special and very brave things, the practice of yoga is here to support and teach us.


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