Hatha Sunsal video

Hi Everyone,
Hope all is well on this wonderful Wednesday morning.
So finally I've uploaded my first video, after trying to use Dtube but realising I don't have enough Steem power to make this possible! Not to worry I'm going to use YouTube for the time being.
Bare with me, while I get a better set up, and get better at doing my videos! I could talk to you for hours about a sun sal...honestly! The more you do them the more you learn the deeper you get into each pose, they are wonderful.

Notes to go with video:

Hatha Sun Salutation, One round.
Basically, sun salutations are a great place to start with yoga. I practice these very regularly, to help warm up the body, create balance and are a great way to start a little morning routine! The fluidity of them is great and can become more like a meditation practice when they become very familiar. This is one round I like to do anywhere between 5-15 rounds to warm up thoroughly, before moving on variations.

Sun sals help to build up strength in the body, release tension before practice, create length in muscles, get the mind and body ready for a deeper practice. You will also find that as you improve the sun sals it will help to rest of your practice. As these postures help to prep for other variations of poses.


that I may not have mentioned

TIMING: They can be done to a pace that suits you when you become more used to the postures, you may like to take them faster to build heat. But try to make sure the postures aren't 'lost' due to speeding up.

FULL-FOLD: If the hamstrings are tight or if you 'lock out' the knees or hyper extendable, please have a micro-bend in the knees when coming to full fold over the legs.

PLANK POSE: can be modified to keep the knees and shines down focus on lengthening the spine, pressing up between the shoulder blades and lower back supported by lifting hips.

DOWN DOG: can be modified to have a bend in the knee to start with or take a tabletop position. (hands under shoulders knees under hips, spine long, shines and tops of feet down)

LOW-LUNGE: (stepping back or forward) try to stack the knee and heel, multiple steps can be taken if needed. Sensitive or knee problems? when you come to low lunge, use a blanket or item of clothing to pad under the knee.

Disclaimer: further modifications are needed if pregnant (not recommended in 3rd trimester). Not recommended for severe illness health problems and injuries. Personal health and responsibility lie with the participant, (practice at your own risk!). Make sure that you are fit and well to practice on the day. With all yoga poses if something doesn't feel right for your body back off or find a variation to suit your body or injury.

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