Sri Sri Yoga completely changed my life

"Like a flower bud, human life has the potential to blossom fully. Blossoming of human potential to fullness is yoga."
Sri Sri


When I was about 10 years old I started to lose the sense of happiness and easiness of living. I was asking for the purpose of life but all the adults were just giving me answers which I was not satisfied with. Wanted to know more and more, couldn't find the answer again and again asking I started to push myself down thinking there is no meaning in life. All the childhood magic of life became grayed out for me and I started to grow up looking more and more like a boring sleepy adult.


At the age of 12 trying to run away from this question I've got addicted to the cigarettes and alcohol. Smoking for two packs per day, got a smokers’ cough barking like a dog. I got polluted my body and mind so much that I started to blame all the people around me. Even when I was walking on the streets seeing strangers immediately I was thinking bad of each and every one. This one is fat, that is stupid, those are too happy...

During six years of studying graphic design and arts at university I've started to experiment with some stuff. I was searching for myself and was still looking for the answer thinking that seeing those pink elephants is the real inner growth. At the end I found myself in a company of people who doesn't want to achieve anything in life and only fixed on their illusions.


That period I could not walk for 2 hours without a break! I would say my body was acting like I am very old. So the mind. I was complaining the life all the time thinking that people should give me everything need without any effort from my side.

I nearly died from overdose in a junky flat of my friend. I've realized that this is not a game and I have to do something to stop it and search for the answer somewhere else.


Actually as all we do I just wanted a big hug. Of course I was seeking only for love. Though I had everything outside still I was not satisfied fully. But once I've asked the space or something bigger inside "Please show me the way, I need good company". It started to change. Somehow I found Art of Living and started yoga there. From the first class I felt getting all the best I wanted which I've been searching for all these years.


After a year of more or less regular practice all the bad habits vanished. There even was no forceful break neither I forbid anything for myself. I just wanted to be clean and there was no need in drinking or eating any substances to be intoxicated in love again because I've got simple techniques to relax and get energy from within.

I've done my first Happiness Program and it was a big start. Magic kick from divine. Slowly even my relationships with others started to improve.

Teaching is Learning

After two years of practice somehow I've done my first two weeks Sri Sri Yoga Teachers Training Program in 2010. I had no intention to become a teacher actually and done that course only to get high dose of experience. I never thought I will get any pleasure doing something good to other people. This concept was absolutely new for me. I never understood why people giving gifts to each other. But slowly I started to give free yoga classes and realized why people are sharing!


When you are doing something helpful for others to make them grow, feel relief and take away their stress you can feel real purpose of life. Start to see the meaning behind everything. From that time, I know I am here to help people to become stronger.


Though at first it may look confusing since in yoga you can become stronger by relaxing and letting go. It doesn't mean you do nothing. It's even opposite. You can learn how to do anything without getting involved in it or you can say how to do anything with a hundred percent diving in this process. Both are same but sounds opposite. When you are doing your best without worrying or focusing too much on result then you can merge in the present moment. The process itself becomes a meditation. And anything you do in such a state become successful and totally beautiful.


Everyday growth

This path is really exciting. You are opening up yourself like a box of presents every day and every time you get some new valuables inside. You are like a flower spreading nice aroma taste for yourself and everyone else. Never ever can imagine how strong you are and what are the other qualities you actually have. All the possibilities are opening when you just starting to pay little more attention to yourself.

Sri Sri Yoga completely changed my life. I've started to gain enthusiasm in life, willing to know more. Get interest and gratitude for life which I don't have before. It is such a shame not to be grateful actually. My perception changed a lot. I started to enjoy with simple thing surrounding myself. Like in childhood you love everything and it is interesting to live now. I really want to share at least some small piece of what I feel with you.

Big Family

Vision of my Teacher Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is the world without conflicts united as one family. Slowly as a volunteer in Art of Living I started to get that sense of one big family too meeting lots of people gathering for good reasons to spread happiness. You might not have real brother or living grandmother but here you can meet them all.


Sometimes I do illustrations for my family. Such a luck to be a part of big and beautiful project for the humanity! There was a Family Festival in Saint Petersburg with millions of people meditating together online with Sri Sri.


Done some arts for that case. Flags, flyers, souvenirs. I will tell more about such illustrations in one of the next posts. Don't change the channel!

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