Ultimate Wrestling: Season 3 - Ch.6: Ultimate Wrestling Showdown 003 - PART 3

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The lights in the Tokyo Dome dimmed as the crowd eagerly awaited the next match in the Tag Team Tournament. A deep, resonant gong echoed through the arena, signaling the arrival of The Terracotta Titans. The massive figures of Sun Hao and Zhou Kai appeared on the entrance ramp, flanked by their manager, the legendary Risako Tomozuna, and the larger-than-life LuLu Biggs. Tomozuna proudly held a half-Japanese, half-Chinese flag, symbolizing their unity, while LuLu, dressed in his extravagant pimp suit and feathered hat, walked alongside them, his arm in a sling, still recovering from his recent run-in with the Yakuza.

Miyu Kojima: Introducing first, accompanied by LuLu Biggs and Risako Tomozuna, weighing in at a combined 810 pounds, from Beijing and Harbin, China, The Terracotta Titans!

The entrance music, "Dragon's Roar" by Ling Wu, played as the Titans made their way to the ring. Sun Hao and Zhou Kai exuded confidence, their powerful frames casting long shadows under the arena lights. The crowd cheered, recognizing the sheer dominance these two brought to the ring.

Chris Rodgers: Look at these two, Scott! The Terracotta Titans are a force to be reckoned with. Sun Hao and Zhou Kai are not just big—they're incredibly skilled.

Scott Slade: "Absolutely, Chris. And with the legendary Tomozuna and the ever-charismatic LuLu Biggs in their corner, they have a strategic advantage as well."

Kenjiro Tanaka: The Titans' blend of sumo power and wrestling prowess is unique. Their opponents tonight will have a tough time countering their strength.

As the Titans entered the ring, their presence was imposing. Sun Hao and Zhou Kai took to the center, raising their arms as a show of dominance. Tomozuna and LuLu took their places outside the ring, ready to lend their support.

The atmosphere shifted as "Bring Back The Glory" by ZARDONIC & VOICIANS started playing. The Siberian Spirits, Snezhnayya Barsa, and Viktor Zolvred, emerged from the back. Barsa, wearing his signature snow leopard mask, led the way with agile movements, while Zolvred followed closely, his steps slower and more hesitant due to the lingering effects of his recent ordeal.

Miyu Kojima: And their opponents, weighing in at a combined 400 pounds, from Russia, The Siberian Spirits!

The Spirits made their way to the ring, the crowd giving a mixed reaction, aware of Zolvred's struggles and Barsa's enigmatic presence. They climbed into the ring, ready to face the colossal challenge ahead.

Chris Rodgers: This is going to be an interesting match. The Siberian Spirits have a significant weight and power disadvantage, but Barsa's agility and high-flying skills can be a game-changer.

Scott Slade: You're right, Chris. However, Zolvred's mental state could be a critical factor. He's been through a lot recently, and it might affect his performance.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Indeed, Scott-san. Zolvred's resilience will be tested tonight, and Barsa will need to utilize every bit of his speed and agility to even the odds.

The referee called for the bell, signaling the start of the match. Sun Hao and Snezhnayya Barsa stepped forward as the legal men to begin the bout. The size difference between them was immediately apparent, with Sun Hao towering over Barsa.

The bell rang, and Barsa wasted no time, using his speed to dart around Sun Hao, delivering quick strikes to his legs and midsection. Sun Hao, unfazed, stood his ground, absorbing the blows with his massive frame. With a sudden burst of power, he caught Barsa in mid-air as he attempted a springboard move, slamming him to the mat with a thunderous spinebuster.

Chris Rodgers: What a counter by Sun Hao! Barsa's agility is impressive, but Hao's strength is unmatched.

Scott Slade: Barsa needs to rethink his strategy. Going toe-to-toe with Sun Hao in a power contest is a losing battle.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Speed and strategy will be key for the Spirits. They need to find a way to outmaneuver these giants.

Sun Hao dragged Barsa to his corner and tagged in Zhou Kai. The Titans quickly executed a double-team maneuver, with Hao lifting Barsa into the air and Kai delivering a devastating shoulder block that sent Barsa crashing to the mat again. The crowd gasped at the sheer force of the impact.

Zhou Kai pulled Barsa to his feet and whipped him into the ropes, catching him on the rebound with a brutal belly-to-back suplex. Barsa winced in pain as he hit the mat, clearly struggling to cope with the Titans' relentless assault.

Chris Rodgers: The Titans are completely dominating this match. Barsa and Zolvred need to find a way to turn the tide.

Scott Slade: If they don't, this match could be over very quickly.

Kenjiro Tanaka: The Spirits need to regroup and use their agility and teamwork to create openings. Right now, they're being overwhelmed by the Titans' power.

As Zhou Kai continued to manhandle Barsa, the crowd began to rally behind the underdogs, chanting for Barsa to make a comeback. Barsa, summoning his remaining strength, managed to slip out of Kai's grasp and deliver a desperate dropkick to his knee, momentarily stunning the giant.

Taking advantage of the brief opening, Barsa scrambled to his corner and tagged in Zolvred. The Russian powerhouse entered the ring, his eyes filled with determination despite his evident fatigue. He charged at Kai, delivering a series of powerful forearms to his chest, driving him back.

Chris Rodgers: Here comes Zolvred! Let's see if he can turn things around for the Spirits.

Scott Slade: Zolvred has a lot to prove tonight. His resilience and strength are crucial if they hope to stand a chance against the Titans.

Zolvred, with a surge of adrenaline, managed to lift Kai off his feet and slam him to the mat with a spinebuster of his own. The crowd erupted in cheers, sensing a shift in momentum. However, the Titans' corner was quick to react, with Sun Hao shouting instructions and LuLu Biggs urging them to stay focused.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Zolvred is showing incredible heart, but he needs to maintain this momentum and not let the Titans recover.

Scott Slade: He has to keep the pressure on Kai and not give him any chance to tag out.

As Zolvred prepared to continue his assault, Kai recovered and delivered a brutal elbow to his jaw, staggering him. Taking advantage of Zolvred's dazed state, Kai tagged in Sun Hao, who entered the ring with a menacing glare.

The Red Wall wasted no time, charging at Zolvred and delivering a devastating running shoulder block that sent him crashing to the mat. Sun Hao lifted Zolvred with ease, slamming him down with a powerful sit-out powerbomb, showcasing his incredible strength.

Chris Rodgers: What a display of power by Sun Hao! The Titans are back in control.

Scott Slade: Zolvred is in trouble. He needs to find a way to tag Barsa back in.

Sun Hao continued to punish Zolvred, targeting his weakened state with methodical strikes and slams. The crowd's cheers for Zolvred grew louder, urging him to fight back. With a burst of energy, Zolvred managed to escape Sun Hao's grasp and crawl towards his corner, tagging in Barsa once again.

Barsa, rejuvenated, entered the ring with a flurry of high-flying moves, targeting Sun Hao with precision and speed. He executed a series of rapid kicks and a springboard moonsault, momentarily stunning the giant.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Barsa's agility is his greatest weapon. He needs to keep using it to wear down Sun Hao.

Scott Slade: This match is far from over. The Spirits are showing incredible resilience.

As the match continued, the intensity grew, with both teams vying for dominance. The Terracotta Titans' power clashed with the Siberian Spirits' speed and agility, creating an electrifying spectacle for the Tokyo Dome crowd.

Chris Rodgers: This is what Ultimate Wrestling is all about! Incredible athletes giving it their all in the ring.

Scott Slade: Absolutely, Chris. This match is living up to the hype, and it's anyone's game at this point.

The battle raged on, with both teams pulling out all the stops in their quest for victory. The crowd's energy was palpable as the wrestlers continued to push their limits, determined to advance in the Tag Team Tournament.

As Barsa bounced off the ropes for another high-flying move, Sun Hao intercepted him with a devastating lariat clothesline, flipping him in mid-air before he crashed to the mat. The impact was thunderous, and the crowd winced as Barsa lay sprawled on the canvas, trying to regain his breath. Sun Hao wasted no time, dragging Barsa to his feet and hurling him into the Titans' corner with a thunderous Irish whip.

Zhou Kai tagged in, and the two Titans executed a brutal double-team maneuver. Sun Hao lifted Barsa high into the air with a military press, holding him aloft as Zhou Kai climbed to the second rope. With a synchronized motion, Sun Hao dropped Barsa, and Kai drove his elbow into Barsa's chest as he fell, causing the ring to shake.

Zhou Kai pulled Barsa to his feet again, showing no mercy. He hoisted him onto his shoulder and slammed him down with a spinning side slam, the "Harbin Hurricane." Barsa writhed in pain, his body battered by the unrelenting assault. Zhou Kai then applied a Boston Crab, leaning back to exert maximum pressure on Barsa's lower back.

Barsa clawed at the mat, his face contorted in agony. He reached for the ropes, desperate for a break, but Zhou Kai pulled him back to the center of the ring, increasing the pressure. The crowd rallied behind Barsa, their cheers growing louder as he inched closer to the ropes with sheer determination.

With one final burst of energy, Barsa managed to grab the bottom rope, forcing the referee to break the hold. Zhou Kai released the hold reluctantly, glaring at the referee before tagging Sun Hao back in. Hao stepped into the ring with a sinister smile, clearly enjoying the dominance they were displaying.

Sun Hao lifted Barsa effortlessly, positioning him for a sit-out powerbomb, the "Imperial Impact." As he hoisted Barsa up, Barsa fought back, delivering rapid punches to Sun Hao's head. The strikes momentarily stunned Hao, allowing Barsa to slip out of his grasp and deliver a desperate dropkick to Hao's knee, causing the giant to stumble.

Barsa, seizing the opportunity, hit the ropes and launched himself at Hao with a springboard crossbody. The move connected, but Hao's sheer mass absorbed much of the impact, and he quickly regained his footing. Barsa scrambled to his corner, tagging in Zolvred, who entered the ring with a fierce determination.

Zolvred charged at Sun Hao, delivering a series of powerful strikes to his midsection and head. Hao staggered back, momentarily overwhelmed by the onslaught. Zolvred capitalized, hitting a snap suplex that took Hao to the mat. Without pausing, Zolvred transitioned to a knee drop, targeting Hao's sternum.

The crowd erupted as Zolvred showed signs of turning the tide. He pulled Hao to his feet and whipped him into the ropes, delivering a spinebuster on the rebound. Hao hit the mat hard, but his resilience was evident as he began to stir almost immediately.

Zolvred knew he had to keep the pressure on, lifting Hao for another slam. But Hao countered, shifting his weight and landing behind Zolvred. In one fluid motion, Hao wrapped his arms around Zolvred's waist and executed a belly-to-back suplex, sending Zolvred crashing to the mat.

Hao tagged in Zhou Kai, who entered the ring like a freight train. He grabbed Zolvred and executed a devastating spinebuster, driving him into the canvas with incredible force. Kai followed up with a series of brutal stomps, targeting Zolvred's already weakened back.

The crowd's cheers turned to gasps as they witnessed the relentless assault. Kai pulled Zolvred to his feet, only to lift him and drop him with a powerslam. Zolvred lay motionless on the mat, clearly struggling with the pain. Zhou Kai then signaled to Sun Hao, and the two Titans set up for another double-team maneuver.

Sun Hao re-entered the ring, and the Titans hoisted Zolvred high into the air, executing a devastating double flapjack. Zolvred crashed face-first into the mat, his body going limp from the impact. The referee moved in to check on him, but Zolvred waved him off, showing incredible resilience.

Chris Rodgers: The Siberian Spirits are taking an absolute beating, but Zolvred refuses to stay down!

Scott Slade: It's amazing to see such heart from Zolvred, but how much more can he take?

Kenjiro Tanaka: The Titans are relentless. They need to finish this before Zolvred sustains serious injury.

Sun Hao pulled Zolvred up once more, looking to end the match. He lifted him for another sit-out powerbomb, but as he hoisted Zolvred into the air, Barsa sprang into action, hitting Sun Hao with a springboard dropkick that sent the giant stumbling.

Zolvred used the momentum to counter, delivering a desperate DDT that drove Sun Hao's head into the mat. Both men lay on the canvas, exhausted and battered. The crowd was on their feet, sensing the critical moment in the match.

With every ounce of strength he had left, Zolvred crawled to his corner, extending his hand to Barsa. Sun Hao began to stir, but Zolvred made the tag, and Barsa leapt over the ropes with renewed energy.

Barsa targeted Sun Hao's legs, delivering a series of low kicks that brought the giant to one knee. He then hit the ropes and executed a beautiful springboard moonsault, the "Leopard Leap," landing squarely on Sun Hao's back.

Hao roared in pain but managed to get to his feet, only to be met by a tornado DDT from Barsa. The move spiked Hao's head into the mat, and Barsa quickly followed up with a standing shooting star press, showcasing his incredible agility.

Zhou Kai, seeing his partner in trouble, rushed into the ring. The referee tried to intervene, but Kai shoved him aside, intent on breaking up Barsa's momentum. Barsa, however, was ready. He ducked Kai's attempted clothesline and hit the ropes, coming back with a flying forearm that staggered the big man.

Chris Rodgers: Barsa is on fire! He's taking the fight to both Titans!

Scott Slade: This is the resilience and determination we've been waiting to see from the Siberian Spirits!

Kenjiro Tanaka: But can Barsa maintain this momentum? The Titans are not easy to keep down.

Barsa climbed to the top rope, signaling for his finishing move, the "Arctic Assault." The crowd erupted in anticipation as Barsa launched himself into the air, executing a perfect spinning frog splash. He crashed down onto Sun Hao, hooking the leg for the pin.

Referee: ONE! TWO!

Before the referee could count to three, Zhou Kai yanked Barsa off Sun Hao, saving his partner from defeat. The referee admonished Kai, forcing him back to his corner. Barsa, undeterred, got to his feet and prepared for another attack.

However, Sun Hao had recovered enough to counter. As Barsa approached, Hao caught him with a sudden and powerful spinebuster, driving him into the mat with authority. Hao then dragged Barsa to his corner and tagged in Zhou Kai.

Kai entered the ring, his eyes filled with determination. He lifted Barsa and executed a brutal powerbomb, shaking the ring. He didn't stop there, pulling Barsa up once more and delivering a second powerbomb, ensuring the high-flyer wouldn't get up easily.

With Barsa laid out in the center of the ring, Zhou Kai signaled for the end. He climbed to the top rope, an unusual move for a man of his size, and launched himself with a massive frog splash, the "Super Sumo Splash." The impact was devastating, and the crowd gasped in shock at the sight.

Kai covered Barsa, hooking the leg tightly. The referee slid into position for the count.

Referee: ONE! TWO!

Zolvred, displaying incredible courage, dove into the ring to break up the pin. However, Sun Hao intercepted him with a thunderous lariat, sending Zolvred crashing to the mat. The referee continued the count.

Referee: THREE!

The bell rang, and the crowd erupted in mixed reactions. The Titans had dominated the match, showcasing their power and teamwork, but the Siberian Spirits had shown incredible heart and resilience.


Chris Rodgers: What an incredible match! The Titans proved their dominance, but the Spirits showed true bravery and determination.

Scott Slade: The Siberian Spirits have nothing to be ashamed of. They gave it their all against a formidable team.

Kenjiro Tanaka: The Terracotta Titans advance in the tournament, but both teams have earned the respect of the fans here tonight.

Sun Hao and Zhou Kai stood tall in the ring, celebrating their hard-fought victory. LuLu Biggs and Risako Tomozuna joined them, raising their arms in triumph as the crowd cheered and booed in equal measure. The Siberian Spirits were helped to their feet, their bodies battered but their spirits unbroken.

The Tokyo Dome had witnessed an epic battle, and the Tag Team Tournament continued to deliver thrilling and unforgettable matches.

Sun Hao and Zhou Kai stood tall in the ring, celebrating their hard-fought victory. The crowd’s mixed reactions filled the Tokyo Dome as the referee raised their arms triumphantly. LuLu Biggs, with his arm in a sling and his trademark pimp suit and feathered hat, made his way into the ring, accompanied by Risako Tomozuna, who proudly held the half-Japanese, half-Chinese flag high.

Biggs grinned, his gold teeth glinting under the arena lights, as he joined his stablemates in their celebration. He gestured to the crowd, soaking in the moment and reveling in their dominance. Tomozuna, with a stern yet proud expression, patted both Sun Hao and Zhou Kai on the back, acknowledging their victory and the unity between their cultures.

The crowd’s reaction was a mixture of boos and cheers, reflecting the intense and brutal match they had just witnessed. The Titans had proven their strength and cohesion, while the Siberian Spirits had shown incredible heart and resilience.

Scott Slade: What a match! The Titans have showcased their power and teamwork, and it’s clear they are a force to be reckoned with in this tournament.

Chris Rodgers: Absolutely, Scott. They dominated the Spirits, but you have to give credit to Zolvred and Barsa for their incredible resilience. They never gave up.

Kenjiro Tanaka: The Titans have earned their victory, and with Biggs and Tomozuna by their side, they are a formidable team. The crowd's reaction shows the respect they have gained tonight.

As Sun Hao and Zhou Kai continued to celebrate, Biggs took the microphone, his voice booming through the arena.

LuLu Biggs: Yo, Tokyo! Y'all just witnessed the power of the Titans! Sun Hao, Zhou Kai, and your boy LuLu Biggs, we ain’t just wrestlers, we’re unstoppable forces! This is just the beginning, baby! We takin’ over!

The crowd's reaction was a mix of cheers and jeers, but the energy in the arena was undeniable. The Titans had made a statement, and their future in the Tag Team Tournament looked promising.

Sun Hao and Zhou Kai climbed the turnbuckles, raising their arms to the crowd, while Biggs and Tomozuna stood proudly in the center of the ring. The half-Japanese, half-Chinese flag waved above them, symbolizing their unity and strength.

Chris Rodgers: The Titans have sent a clear message tonight. They are here to dominate, and with Biggs and Tomozuna backing them, they are a force to be reckoned with.

Scott Slade: The Siberian Spirits may have lost, but they showed incredible heart. This is what Ultimate Wrestling is all about – competition, resilience, and the will to fight on.

Kenjiro Tanaka: The Tag Team Tournament continues to deliver thrilling matches, and the Titans have set the bar high. The next teams had better be ready because these guys are on a path to victory.

As the Titans’ music played and the celebration continued, the camera captured the proud faces of Biggs, Tomozuna, and the victorious Sun Hao and Zhou Kai as the live feed cut to a commercial break. The Titans had made their mark, and the Tokyo Dome buzzed with anticipation for what would come next in the Tag Team Tournament.


The crowd in the Tokyo Dome buzzed with excitement as the next match in the Tag Team Tournament was set to begin. The energy in the arena was electric, with fans eagerly anticipating the clash between The Valor Vanguard and The Femme Fatale.

Miyu Kojima: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a Tag Team Tournament match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, at a combined weight of 545 pounds, the team of Ricky King and Maki Nishimura, The Valor Vanguard!

"Hideaway" by Whiskey Hollow blared through the speakers as Ricky King, known as Wolfie, and Maki Nishimura, The Juggernaut Jewel of Japan, made their way to the ring. Ricky, with his confident stride, and Maki, exuding an aura of power and determination, were greeted with cheers from the fans. Maki's imposing presence and Ricky's charisma created a formidable duo as they stepped into the ring, ready for battle.

Scott Slade: The Valor Vanguard looks ready for action, Chris. Wolfie and Maki have both shown incredible skill since debuting in Ultimate Wrestling, and together, I believe they are a force to be reckoned with.

Chris Rodgers: Oh Absolutely, Scott. Wolfie's strength and Maki's sumo-inspired power make them a unique and dangerous team.Hopefully they crush that terrorist bitch Salinas and her so-called “protégé” to smithereens.

Kenjiro Tanaka: This is going to be an intense match. The Femme Fatale will have their hands full with The Valor Vanguard. However Salinas-san cannot be underestimated. Her sheer will to win is unmatched by anyone else on the roster.

Miyu Kojima: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 320 pounds, the team of Valora Salinas and Abbigail Dresden, The Femme Fatale!

"Bring It" by Trapt echoed through the arena as Valora Salinas and Abbigail Dresden, the Femme Fatale, made their entrance. Valora, the Angel of Death, with her intense demeanor, led the way, followed closely by her protégé, Abbigail Dresden. The crowd's reaction was mostly negative and full of nasty jeers, reflecting the complex relationship between these fierce competitors and the audience.

Scott Slade: The Femme Fatale have a reputation for being ruthless and relentless. Valora and Abbigail have been through a lot together, and their bond makes them a formidable team.

Kenjiro Tanaka: No doubt about it, Slade-san. Valora's experience and Abbigail's agility and determination make them a dangerous pair.

The referee signaled for the bell, and the match was underway. Ricky King and Valora Salinas started things off, circling each other in the center of the ring. Valora, with her eyes locked on Ricky, moved in with quick strikes, testing his defenses. Ricky responded with a powerful clothesline, taking Valora down to the mat. He quickly followed up with a vertical suplex, showcasing his strength and technical prowess.

Scott Slade: Ricky King starting strong, using his power to gain the upper hand.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Valora needs to use her speed and experience to counter Ricky's strength.

Valora quickly recovered, dodging Ricky's next attack and delivering a series of rapid kicks to his midsection. She then executed a flawless swinging neckbreaker, bringing Ricky down to the mat. Valora tagged in Abbigail, who climbed to the top rope and launched herself with a high-flying missile dropkick, hitting Ricky square in the chest.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Abbigail with an impressive dropkick! The Femme Fatale are showing their teamwork early on.

Ricky rolled to his corner and tagged in Maki, who entered the ring with a determined look. Maki wasted no time, charging at Abbigail with a barrage of sumo-style palm strikes, pushing her back into the ropes. Maki followed up with a powerful Aikido Toss, flipping Abbigail hard onto the mat. The crowd erupted in cheers as Maki's strength and skill were on full display.

Scott Slade: Maki is dominating Dresden! Her sumo background is really paying off here and just listen to these fans go wild! They love this hometown hero!

Chris Rodgers: She's not giving Abbigail any room to breathe. This is impressive, and I don’t think Abbigail is used to being attacked and booed by the crowd in attendance. Back home in America, north of the Mississippi, this girl is loved by liberal wrestling fans. I don’t think she’s had to deal with a hostile crowd cursing at her like this.

Kenjiro Tanaka: You’re right Rodgers-san it could be affecting her psychologically. However I think Maki’s style, size, and strength is a huge mismatch for Dresden. She needs to reassess the situation here and choose a different path forward because attacking her head on is not wise. They don’t call Maki the Juggernaut for no reason, she can be an unstoppable force once she starts charging toward you. .

Maki continued her assault, lifting Abbigail for a devastating Olympic Slam. She went for the cover, but Abbigail kicked out at two. Undeterred, Maki pulled Abbigail to her feet and delivered a series of knife-edge chops, each one echoing through the arena.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Maki is relentless! The Femme Fatale are in trouble if they can't turn this around.

Abbigail managed to slip out of Maki's grasp and tagged in Valora, who rushed into the ring with a flying forearm, knocking Maki off balance. Valora and Abbigail quickly double-teamed Maki, delivering a combination of strikes before using all of their combined strength to lift the large sumo wrestler up off her feet and suplex her to the mat, showcasing their synergy and determination. The mat shook with a fierce thud as the Japanese fans gasped at the incredible show of strength from Femme Fatale.

Scott Slade: The Femme Fatale are fighting back! This match is far from over.

Chris Rodgers: Both teams are giving it their all. This is what the Tag Team Tournament is all about people!

Valora capitalized on the momentum shift, driving Maki back into the corner with a series of rapid forearms. She followed up with a high knee strike to Maki's midsection, winding her. Valora tagged in Abbigail, who immediately climbed the turnbuckle, launching herself with a high-flying crossbody that took Maki down to the mat. The crowd was on their feet, the atmosphere electric with excitement and tension and angrily booed Dresden.

Abbigail wasted no time, delivering a flurry of kicks to Maki's torso, each strike reverberating through the arena. Maki struggled to her feet, but Abbigail was relentless, hitting her with a running bulldog that planted Maki's face into the mat. She quickly went for the cover, but Maki powered out at two, showing her resilience.

Scott Slade: Abbigail is showcasing her agility and determination! She’s not backing down despite the odds. Looks like she heard your advice Tanaka, she stopped going in for a direct approach and is really showcasing her speed and elusiveness in the ring.

Kenjiro Tanaka: The Femme Fatale are proving to be a formidable team, but Maki's resilience is something to behold. Dresden may have the advantage now, but Make is the type of challenger who can turn the tide in a match in a fraction of instance. Dresden and Salinas need to keep their guard up.

Chris Rodgers: You can see the frustration on Abbigail’s face. She’s throwing everything she has at Maki, but I’m with Tanaka it won’t be enough!

Maki, fueled by the cheers of her hometown crowd, fought back to her feet, catching Abbigail with a surprise lariat that nearly took her head off. She then delivered a series of thunderous sumo palm strikes, driving Abbigail into the corner. Maki tagged in Ricky King, who entered the ring with a renewed sense of purpose. Ricky hoisted Abbigail up for a vertical suplex, holding her in the air for a few moments before slamming her to the mat with authority.

Scott Slade: What a display of power by Ricky King! He’s taking control of this match. The combined power of the Valor Vanguard is something to behold!

Kenjiro Tanaka: He’s a monster in that ring. What he lacks in experience he more than makes up in brute strength. I will say this though, he seems more focused and in control tonight then we’ve seen him the past two times he wrestled. Perhaps Maki's influence has rubbed off on him in a positive way.

Chris Rodgers: That’s how you know you got something special Tanaka! When your partner makes you a better wrestler. A true teammate in tag team wrestling doesn’t just make up for your weaknesses, but amplifies your strengths.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Wise words Gaijin… wise words indeed.

Ricky didn’t give Abbigail a moment to recover, lifting her for a belly-to-belly suplex that sent her crashing across the ring. He quickly followed up with a gorilla press slam, showing off his impressive strength. Abbigail was in trouble, and the crowd could sense it.

Chris Rodgers: Ricky King is manhandling Abbigail! This is not looking good for The Femme Fatale.

Valora, sensing her protégé needed help, reached out for the tag. Abbigail, despite the pain, used her agility to roll out of Ricky's grasp and dove towards her corner, tagging in Valora. The Angel of Death stormed into the ring, delivering a barrage of strikes to Ricky, backing him into the ropes. Valora then executed a flawless DDT, driving Ricky's head into the mat.

Scott Slade: Valora is on fire! She’s not giving Ricky any room to breathe.

Kenjiro Tanaka: This is the experience and intensity of Valora Salinas. She knows how to turn the tide in a match.

Chris Rodgers: Damn that woman!

Valora pulled Ricky up and hit him with a swinging neckbreaker, then quickly climbed to the top rope. She measured Ricky, waiting for him to get to his feet before launching herself with a high-flying dropkick that sent him sprawling. The crowd was on their feet, cheering for the intense back-and-forth action.

Scott Slade: The Femme Fatale are not out of this yet! Valora is proving why she’s one of the greatest to ever lace them up!

Valora tagged Abbigail back in, and the two executed a double suplex on Ricky, showcasing their teamwork. Abbigail went for the cover, but Ricky kicked out at two, the match continuing to hang in the balance.

Maki's fans began chanting her name, willing her to get back into the match. She leaned over the ropes, reaching for the tag, the crowd rallying behind her. Abbigail dragged Ricky to their corner, but he fought back, delivering a sudden clothesline that floored Abbigail. He lunged towards Maki, tagging her in to a massive pop from the Japanese audience.

Scott Slade: Maki is back in, and listen to this crowd! They are firmly behind her.

Maki stormed the ring, taking down Abbigail with a powerful sumo-style palm strike. Valora rushed in to intervene, but Maki caught her with an Aikido toss, sending her flying across the ring. The crowd was ecstatic, their hometown hero dominating the Femme Fatale.

Chris Rodgers: Maki is cleaning house! The Femme Fatale are in serious trouble now.

Maki pulled Abbigail up and delivered a thunderous Olympic Slam, the ring shaking from the impact. She went for the cover, but Valora broke it up at the last second. The referee pushed Valora back to her corner, warning her to stay out of the ring.

Scott Slade: The Femme Fatale are fighting with everything they’ve got, but Maki is proving to be an unstoppable force.

Abbigail, dazed but determined, managed to roll away from Maki and tag in Valora. The crowd booed as Valora entered the ring, but she ignored them, focusing on the task at hand. Valora charged at Maki, delivering a series of quick strikes to her midsection. Maki retaliated with a massive palm strike that sent Valora reeling into the ropes.

Kenjiro Tanaka: This match is a testament to the resilience and determination of both teams. The fans are on the edge of their seats, and the outcome is still anyone's guess.

The crowd's cheers grew louder as The Valor Vanguard began to assert their dominance. Maki, fueled by the support of her hometown fans, moved with renewed intensity. She cornered Abbigail Dresden and unleashed a series of powerful sumo palm strikes, each one landing with a resounding thud. Abbigail tried to fight back, but Maki's relentless assault left her struggling to stay on her feet.

Ricky King, watching from the apron, shouted encouragement to his partner. Maki, sensing the momentum shift, whipped Abbigail into the ropes and caught her on the rebound with a spine-jarring belly-to-belly suplex. Abbigail crashed to the mat, the impact reverberating through the arena.

Scott Slade: Maki is unstoppable! Abbigail is taking a severe beating here.

Kenjiro Tanaka: The Valor Vanguard are in full control. Maki's power and precision are proving too much for The Femme Fatale.

Maki didn't let up, pulling Abbigail to her feet and lifting her high into the air with a gorilla press slam. The crowd gasped as Maki held her aloft for a moment before slamming her down with incredible force. Abbigail writhed in pain, clutching her midsection.

Chris Rodgers: Abbigail is in real trouble now. Maki is dismantling her piece by piece.

Valora, desperate to help her protégé, reached out for the tag, but Maki wasn't done yet. She dragged Abbigail to their corner and tagged in Ricky King. Together, they executed a devastating double suplex, Abbigail's body arching in pain as she hit the mat. Ricky quickly covered her, but Valora rushed in to break up the pin, keeping the match alive.

Scott Slade: The Femme Fatale are hanging by a thread. Abbigail is in excruciating pain, and Valora is doing everything she can to keep them in this match.

Ricky pulled Abbigail to her feet and delivered a thunderous DDT, driving her head into the mat. He followed up with a powerful vertical suplex, showcasing his strength and technical skill. Abbigail's body seemed to crumple with each move, her resilience being tested to the limit.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Abbigail's endurance is remarkable, but she can't take much more of this. The Valor Vanguard are relentless.

Ricky tagged Maki back in, and the crowd erupted as she climbed to the top turnbuckle. She took a moment to measure her target before launching herself off the ropes with a massive splash, her full weight crashing down on Abbigail's ribs. The impact was devastating, and the crowd collectively held its breath as Maki went for the cover.

Referee: One! Two! Thr—No!

Abbigail kicked out at the last possible moment, the pain etched on her face as she clutched her ribs.

Scott Slade: I don't believe it! Abbigail kicked out, but at what cost? She may have broken her ribs from that splash.

Chris Rodgers: This is hard to watch. Abbigail is in agony, and Valora must be beside herself, seeing her protégé in this condition. HEY SALINAS! MAYBE YOU SHOULD HANG IT UP AND RETIRE!

Valora leaned over the ropes, shouting encouragement and strategy to Abbigail. Maki, unfazed, pulled Abbigail to her feet, delivering another series of punishing palm strikes to her midsection. Abbigail's face contorted in pain, each strike driving the air from her lungs and further aggravating her injured ribs.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Abbigail is a liability at this point. Her ribs are clearly damaged, and every move Maki makes is exacerbating the injury.

Ricky King, watching the destruction from the apron, cheered on his partner. Maki, sensing the end was near, set Abbigail up for a powerful Aikido Toss, sending her crashing to the mat once more. Abbigail tried to crawl towards her corner, but Maki caught her by the ankle, dragging her back to the center of the ring.

Scott Slade: The Valor Vanguard are systematically taking apart The Femme Fatale. Valora needs to find a way to turn this around, or it's over for them.

Valora, her eyes blazing with determination, shouted at Abbigail to hold on. Maki, however, showed no signs of letting up. She lifted Abbigail for another suplex, but this time Abbigail managed to wriggle free, landing behind Maki and delivering a desperate kick to her back.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Abbigail showing incredible heart, but she needs to make the tag to Valora now.

Abbigail, fueled by sheer willpower, staggered towards her corner, her every movement a testament to her resilience. Maki, momentarily stunned, turned to pursue her, but Abbigail made the tag to Valora. The crowd erupted as Valora charged into the ring, ready to turn the tide for her team.

Valora stormed into the ring with a fierce determination, her eyes locked on Maki. She immediately went on the offensive, delivering a series of rapid-fire punches to Maki's midsection. Maki staggered back, surprised by the sudden onslaught. Valora followed up with a spinning heel kick that connected squarely with Maki's jaw, sending her stumbling into the ropes.

Scott Slade: Valora is on fire! She's not letting Maki's size and strength intimidate her, but why would it? Valora has faced bigger opponents and come out on top before!

Kenjiro Tanaka: Valora knows she has to act quickly. Abbigail's condition is critical, and she needs to buy her some time to recover if it is at all possible. In my opinion, and based on my own experience, Valora is most likely viewing this as a handicap match the rest of the way. It’s too much of a liability to tag Dresden back into this match.

Valora pressed her advantage, grabbing Maki and whipping her into the opposite corner. She charged after her and delivered a high-impact running dropkick that sent Maki crashing into the turnbuckles. The crowd let out a groan of disappointment as Valora climbed to the second rope, raining down punches on Maki's head.

Chris Rodgers: Valora is relentless! She's trying to take Maki out of the equation. Absolutely ruthless!

Maki, showing her resilience, shoved Valora off, but Valora landed on her feet and immediately sprang back with a powerful clothesline that took Maki down. Valora quickly covered her, hooking the leg.

Referee: One! Two!

Maki powered out, throwing Valora off with authority. Valora didn't waste a moment, knowing she had to keep the pressure on. She pulled Maki to her feet and executed a perfectly timed swinging neckbreaker, sending Maki back to the mat. The fans were on their feet, booing Valora's comeback, cursing at her as they bore witness to her incredible iron will.

Scott Slade: Valora is giving everything she has! She's keeping Maki off balance and on the defensive.

Kenjiro Tanaka: This is a crucial moment in the match. Valora needs to maintain this momentum.

Valora climbed to the top rope, her eyes focused on Maki. She leaped off with a high-flying elbow drop, but Maki rolled out of the way at the last second, causing Valora to crash hard onto the mat. The impact left Valora writhing in pain, clutching her elbow.

Chris Rodgers: HAH! A high-risk move that didn't pay off for Valora! Now she's in trouble.

Maki, seizing the opportunity, struggled to her feet and tagged in Ricky King. Ricky entered the ring like a force of nature, his powerful frame casting a long shadow over Valora. He wasted no time, pulling Valora up and delivering a thunderous belly-to-belly suplex that sent her sprawling across the ring.

Scott Slade: Ricky King is back in the match, and he's looking to make an impact!

Ricky lifted Valora again, this time executing a gutwrench power bomb with precision, holding her aloft for a moment before bringing her crashing down. Valora arched in pain, her body showing the wear and tear of the brutal match.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Valora is in a precarious position. She needs to find a way to turn this around.

Ricky went for the cover, but Valora kicked out at two, showing her resilience. Ricky, unfazed, pulled Valora to her feet and whipped her into the ropes. He caught her on the rebound with a savage spear, the impact leaving Valora motionless on the mat.

Chris Rodgers: Valora is taking a pounding from Ricky King. The Valor Vanguard is dominating right now.

As Ricky went for another cover, Valora instinctively reached out and grabbed the bottom rope, breaking the pin. The referee signaled for Ricky to release her, and he did, but not without a look of frustration. Valora, using the ropes for support, slowly pulled herself up, her body trembling with the effort.

Scott Slade: Valora's willpower is incredible, but how much more can she endure?

Kenjiro Tanaka: Especially in this hostile environment!

Valora, summoning every ounce of strength, lunged at Ricky with a desperation move, catching him off guard with a jaw-rattling forearm smash. Ricky staggered back, and Valora capitalized with her third swinging neckbreaker of the night that left both competitors down on the mat, the crowd roaring in anticipation of what was to come next. Ricky was the first to get up and he dove to Maki to make the tag. Maki Nishimura, sensing the critical moment, began to systematically dismantle Valora's defenses. She hoisted Valora up for an Olympic Slam, and the impact sent shockwaves through the ring. Valora tried to muster a comeback, delivering a few desperate punches to Maki's midsection, but Maki's strength and determination were overwhelming.

Scott Slade: Valora is giving it everything she's got, but Maki is just relentless!

Kenjiro Tanaka: The Juggernaut Jewel’s power is on full display. Valora is in serious trouble.

Valora attempted to regain her footing, using the ropes to pull herself up. Maki, however, was already charging at her, delivering a series of sumo-style palm strikes that pushed Valora back into the corner. With a powerful grip, Maki lifted Valora for her finishing move, the "Juggernaut Jawbreaker." The sitout jawbreaker snapped Valora's head back violently, and she collapsed onto the mat, motionless.

Scott Slade: Oh my God! The Juggernaut Jawbreaker! Valora is down!

Chris Rodgers: YES! YES! PIN HER! PIN HER!

Maki wasted no time, sprinting to the ropes and delivering a brutal shoulder block that knocked the injured Abbigail Dresden off the ring apron. Abbigail tumbled to the floor, clutching her ribs in agony, her face contorted in pain. Ricky King, seeing the opportunity, dragged Valora over to the corner turnbuckle. He waved Maki over, and the crowd held its breath in anticipation.

Scott Slade: What's this? Ricky King is setting something up!

Kenjiro Tanaka: Maki's climbing the turnbuckle. This could be devastating!

Maki climbed to the second rope, positioning herself for a Yokozuna-style Banzai Drop. She looked out at the crowd, their cheers and chants filling the Tokyo Dome. With a determined expression, Maki leaped off the ropes, her 275 pounds crashing down onto Valora with a move she called the "Juggernaut Crush." The impact was immense, leaving Valora flattened beneath her.

Chris Rodgers: The Juggernaut Crush! Maki just crushed Valora with all her weight! I don’t usually like a curvy woman, but God bless the big gorgeous fat ass of hers!

Scott Slade: Chris! What the hell man! You can’t say that!

The crowd erupted, the energy in the arena reaching a fever pitch. Maki quickly covered Valora, hooking the leg for the pin. The referee, Bob Sigro, dropped to the mat to count.

Referee: One! Two! Three!

The bell rang, signaling the end of the match. Bob Sigro raised Maki and Ricky King's hands in the air, declaring them the winners. The crowd erupted in cheers, celebrating the impressive victory.


Scott Slade: What an incredible win for The Valor Vanguard! Maki and Ricky King have done it!

Kenjiro Tanaka: That was an amazing display of teamwork and power. Valora and Abbigail put up a good fight, but the Valor Vanguard was too strong tonight.

Maki and Ricky went wild with their celebration. Ricky lifted Maki into his arms, and she responded by planting a kiss on his lips, shocking Ricky and everyone watching. The crowd cheered louder, witnessing a potential romance blossoming before their eyes.

Chris Rodgers: Well, I didn't see that coming! Could this be the start of something new for Maki and Ricky?

Scott Slade: Only time will tell, Chris. But tonight, they are victorious, and they deserve this moment. What an incredible match!

The Valora Vanguard continued to celebrate their hard-fought victory, leaving the ring with their heads held high, ready for the next challenge in the Tag Team Tournament. The fans in the Tokyo Dome were on their feet, applauding the effort and sportsmanship displayed in the ring. The energy was palpable as Maki and Ricky made their way up the ramp, soaking in the adulation of the crowd.

Kenjiro Tanaka: This is what wrestling is all about. The thrill of competition, the display of skill, and the unexpected moments that keep us all on the edge of our seats.

Scott Slade: Absolutely, Kenjiro. The Valora Vanguard showed incredible heart and determination tonight. They overcame the odds and emerged victorious.

As they reached the top of the ramp, Maki and Ricky turned back to face the crowd one last time, raising their arms in triumph. The cameras captured the moment, broadcasting their victory to wrestling fans around the world. The bond between Maki and Ricky was evident, their chemistry both in and out of the ring a testament to their growing partnership.

Chris Rodgers: You have to wonder what's next for The Valor Vanguard. This win is just the beginning for them in this tournament.

Scott Slade: I can't wait to see what they do next, Chris. This team has the potential to go all the way.

The scene shifted back to the ring, where Valora Salinas and Abbigail Dresden were being helped to their feet by medical personnel. Despite the loss, there was a sense of respect and determination in their eyes. They had given their all, and the fans recognized their effort.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Valora and Abbigail will bounce back from this. They are both incredible competitors, and I have no doubt they will come back stronger.

Scott Slade: Indeed, Kenjiro. This is just a setback for them. The Femme Fatale will be back, and they'll be ready for their next challenge.

As the medical team escorted Valora and Abbigail to the back, the focus returned to The Valora Vanguard, who were still celebrating their victory. The crowd's cheers continued, a fitting end to an unforgettable match.

Chris Rodgers: What a night, what a match, and what a victory for The Valora Vanguard. This tournament is heating up, and I can't wait to see what happens next.

Scott Slade: Stay tuned, folks. There's plenty more action to come in the Tag Team Tournament. This is Ultimate Wrestling at its finest!

To Be Continued In Part - 4

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