Eun-Young Han Ch.4: "Crossroads of Conflict: Choosing Sides"


On an unusually sweltering October day in Tokyo, the rooftop of a dilapidated apartment complex had become an impromptu gym for Eun-Young Han, Hyun-Sik Hwang, and Dong-Hyun Moon. The heat was oppressive, the air heavy and still, making each breath feel like inhaling through a wet cloth. Yet, the three wrestlers preferred the open air to their small flat's stifling, unventilated confines. The makeshift gym was a testament to their resourcefulness, with rusted weights and worn-out benches set up under the sun's relentless glare.


Eun-Young Han, the reigning Young Blood Champion, lay on the bench press, lifting 320 pounds while a Marlboro Red dangled from her lips. Hyun-Sik Hwang stood behind her, spotting with one hand while taking a drag from his cigarette with the other. Dong-Hyun Moon was doing squats nearby, his cigarette trailing smoke as he moved.

Eun-Young Han: (exhales a cloud of smoke, her voice steady despite the exertion) This Western tobacco... it's worlds apart from what we had back home, right?

Hyun-Sik Hwang: (nodding, his eyes on the barbell) Definitely. It’s not just the cigarettes, Eun-Young. Everything here reminds us how far we’ve come—and how much we still have to fight for.

Dong-Hyun Moon: (pausing mid-squat, grinning) And fight, we will, but we must focus right now. Lim’s been more of a ghost than a leader since you took charge, Eun-Young. What’s your take?

Eun-Young racked the weights and sat up, taking a deep drag from her cigarette before answering. Her eyes narrowed in thought, reflecting the complexity of their situation.

Eun-Young Han: Lim’s been avoiding us, which isn’t surprising given how things went down. He’s probably brooding and planning his next move, but we can’t afford to let his mood swings derail us. We have matches to prepare for and lives to sustain. His whole life revolves around getting vengeance for his father and crippling Sato and Valora. I'm all for avenging the deaths of countrymen, but we have to support ourselves and focus on winning in the ring.

She flicked the ash off her cigarette, her mind preoccupied with more than Lim’s behavior.

Eun-Young Han: I’m more concerned about my match with Nygma. There’s something off about him, something... unnerving. When we tagged together, it felt like he was battling himself as much as our opponents. Like there were two minds trapped in one body.

Hyun-Sik set the barbell down and leaned against the bench, his expression serious.

Hyun-Sik Hwang: Split personality? That’s a tough challenge. If he’s unpredictable, that makes him dangerous. What’s your plan?

Eun-Young sighed, taking a moment to gather her thoughts.

Eun-Young Han: Nygma is strong and tenacious, no doubt about it. His strength is almost supernatural at times. I need to outsmart him and use his instability against him. If I can get into his head, maybe I can turn his strength into a weakness.

Moon finished his set and walked over, nodding in agreement.

Dong-Hyun Moon: You’ve outsmarted tougher opponents before. Remember the match with 'The Russian Giant'? You turned his own strength against him.

Eun-Young Han: (smiling slightly) That’s true. I’ll need to rely on that same cunning to get past Nygma. His strength is formidable, but if his mind is divided, that’s where I can strike.

The conversation shifted to Hyun-Sik and Dong-Hyun’s upcoming match against "The Iron Bond," a formidable Chinese tag team composed of Deng Qiao and Tang Jie. The two had crossed paths before, having been smuggled into Japan with their help at the pandemic's onset. Their past alliance added a layer of complexity to the upcoming match.

Hyun-Sik Hwang: Our match against 'The Iron Bond' will be about speed and disruption. Deng Qiao and Tang Jie are well-coordinated, but if we can disrupt their rhythm, we can isolate them and take control.

Dong-Hyun Moon: And don’t forget, Tang Jie is a powerhouse. His strikes are lethal. If we let him build momentum, we’re in trouble.

Eun-Young watched her comrades, appreciating their focus and dedication. They were more than just a team; they were a family, bound by their shared past and driven by a common goal. She took another drag from her cigarette, her mind racing with strategies and contingency plans.

Eun-Young Han: Deng Qiao’s strength lies in her technical skills and partnership with Tang Jie. We stand a better chance if we break their coordination and force them to fight individually.

The three of them continued to discuss tactics, their voices a steady murmur against the backdrop of the bustling city below. The sun began to dip toward the horizon, casting long shadows across the rooftop and bathing them in a warm, golden light.

Their conversation was interrupted by the buzzing of Eun-Young’s phone. She glanced at the screen, her expression serious as she read the message.

Eun-Young Han: It’s from Lim. He’s called a meeting tonight. Looks like he’s finally ready to come out of the shadows.

Hyun-Sik Hwang: (raising an eyebrow) That’s either very good or bad. Either way, we need to be prepared for anything.

As the sun set, the trio’s focus shifted from their workout to the impending meeting. The tension was palpable, the air thick with anticipation. They knew that whatever Lim had planned would impact their future and the stability of their group.

Hours later, in the dim confines of their rundown apartment, Lim stood at the head of the room, his posture tense and his eyes filled with anger and determination. Eun-Young, Hyun-Sik, and Dong-Hyun watched him warily, aware that the stability of their group hung in the balance.


Lim: This is more serious than fines or penalties. Ultimate Wrestling is under attack. The Yakuza have moved against them due to their financial ties with All Asia Pro Wrestling.

Eun-Young's eyes narrowed, her concern deepening as she exchanged glances with Hyun-Sik and Dong-Hyun.

Eun-Young Han: What happened, Lim?

Lim slammed a newspaper onto the table, the headlines screaming about the recent violence.

Lim: Lulu Biggs was shot three times in his own club and is now in the hospital. Thanh Son Tran is in a coma, and Duyen Mai Luu has multiple fractures after a back-alley beating they received. She won't be able to wrestle for months, and doctors don't know if Tran will ever wake up.

Hyun-Sik picked up the newspaper, scanning the article quickly, his expression darkening.

Hyun-Sik Hwang: (grimly) This isn't just an attack; it's a declaration of war. They’re trying to scare Mudcock out of Japan.

Dong-Hyun Moon: (nodding) We need to be careful. They won’t stop at just a few attacks if they're willing to go this far.

Lim took a deep breath, his anger simmering beneath the surface as he continued.

Lim: (firmly) Rumor has it that the Yakuza owns 40% of All Asia Pro Wrestling. They've been losing money and ratings because of Ultimate Wrestling's presence in Japan. This is a warning to back off, but Rupert Mudcock won’t cancel the upcoming shows. He’s too greedy, and Ultimate Wrestling is stuck here because of the travel ban.

Eun-Young folded her arms, her mind racing with the implications of their situation.

Eun-Young Han: A war is coming, and we're trapped in the middle. We’ll have to watch our backs even more from now on.

Hyun-Sik nodded, his expression resolute.

Hyun-Sik Hwang: (determined) We need to be vigilant, not just in the ring but outside of it as well. We can’t afford to let our guard down for a moment. The Yakuza are not to be taken lightly...

Dong-Hyun Moon: (agreeing) We must stay together and protect each other. We’ve faced tough challenges before, but this is different.

Lim looked around at his stable mates, his anger giving way to a fierce determination.

Lim: (resolved) I think we should face this threat head-on. Perhaps we can try to find a communication avenue with the leader of this Yakuza and explain that our objectives somewhat align. Rupert Mudcock is just as much an enemy as Takuma Sato and Valora Salinas.

Eun-Young stepped forward, placing a hand on Lim’s shoulder.

Eun-Young Han: Was one night in jail insufficient for you, Lim? Associating with Yakuza in a country we shouldn't have even been allowed into will draw more scrutiny around us.

Lim shrugged off her hand, and his frustration was evident.

Lim: (insistent) We can't just sit back and wait to be attacked. We need to take control of the situation. The Yakuza are powerful, and if we can find a way to align with them, it could be our best chance at taking down Mudcock and securing our place here.

Hyun-Sik frowned, shaking his head.

Hyun-Sik Hwang: (disagreeing) It's too risky, Lim. The Yakuza might see us as expendable or, worse, a threat. We could end up making more enemies than allies.

Dong-Hyun nodded in agreement, his concern evident.

Dong-Hyun Moon: (supporting) Hyun-Sik is right. We need to think about the long-term consequences. Aligning ourselves with criminals could backfire in ways we can't predict.

Lim clenched his fists, his frustration growing.

Lim: (frustrated) So what do you suggest? We just sit here and wait to be picked off one by one?

Eun-Young took a deep breath, her expression thoughtful as she considered their options.

Eun-Young Han: (firmly) We must build alliances within Ultimate Wrestling. Strength in numbers. We should meet with Mordokrov, the leader of the Russian stable, and the Chinese wrestlers Tang Jie, Deng Qiao, and Liu Yan. They were smuggled into Japan with us, and they understand the stakes.

Lim looked skeptical, but he listened as Eun-Young continued.

Eun-Young Han: (reasoning) They’re in the same position as us and facing the same threats. They may have their own reasons for being here, but if we can form a coalition with them, we’ll have a better chance of protecting ourselves and taking on any threats that come our way. Running to the Yakuza should be a last resort. They're unpredictable and dangerous. There is no reason why they wouldn't treat us any differently than the common Japanese; they might kill us on sight just for being North Korean.

Hyun-Sik and Dong-Hyun nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting their shared resolve.

Hyun-Sik Hwang: It makes sense, Lim. We need allies we can trust, not ones who might turn on us at the first opportunity.

Dong-Hyun Moon: We can’t afford to take unnecessary risks. Building a coalition within Ultimate Wrestling is the smartest move.

Lim sighed, his frustration giving way to reluctant acceptance.

Lim: (reluctantly) Fine. We’ll do it your way for now. But if things start to go south, we must be ready to take more drastic measures.

Eun-Young nodded, relieved Lim was willing to consider a more cautious approach.

Eun-Young Han: (nodding) Agreed. We’ll start by reaching out to Mordokrov and the Chinese wrestlers. We must build a network of allies and ensure we’re all on the same page.

They spent the next few hours discussing their plans, mapping out potential allies within Ultimate Wrestling, and devising strategies to ensure their safety. The tension in the room eased slightly as they focused on the task, their shared determination binding them together.

As the night wore on, they finally took a break, the weight of their situation pressing heavily on them. Eun-Young lit a cigarette, the smoke curling into the dimly lit room, a temporary respite from the stress and uncertainty.

Eun-Young Han: (thoughtfully) We’ve faced many challenges, but this one feels different.

Hyun-Sik and Dong-Hyun nodded, their expressions reflecting the gravity of the situation.

Hyun-Sik Hwang: (determined) We’ll get through this. We’ve come too far to let anything stop us now. We just need to stay focused and be smart about our next moves.

Dong-Hyun Moon: (agreeing) We’re doing this together. We'll find a way through this if we stick together and watch each other’s backs.

Lim, still restless, paced the room, his mind racing with thoughts of their next steps.

Lim: (resolved) We’ll find a way to protect ourselves and show the Yakuza that we won’t be intimidated. We’re stronger than they think.

The conversation shifted back to their upcoming matches, the need to stay vigilant and focused on their immediate goals clear in their minds.

Eun-Young Han: (thoughtfully) We can’t let our guard down, not even for a moment. We must be at the top of our game, both in and out of the ring.

Hyun-Sik Hwang: (nodding) We must keep training and getting stronger. We can’t afford to let anything distract us from what we must do.

As they continued to discuss their plans and strategies, the sense of unity and determination in the room grew stronger. They knew the road ahead would be tough but were ready to face it together.

Late into the night, as they finally settled down to rest, the weight of their challenges felt slightly lighter, buoyed by their shared resolve and commitment to each other.

In the dim light of their apartment, the North Korean stable prepared for the battles ahead, ready to face their opponents and the looming threats with unyielding resolve. They knew the path would be fraught with challenges and dangers, but they were prepared to fight for their place and each other, no matter the cost.

Eun-Young Han: (determined) We’ll face whatever comes our way and do it together. We’ll show the world that we’re not just survivors but fighters.

The night stretched on, filled with the hum of strategy and the silent promise of resilience. As they faced the uncertainty of their future, their bond grew stronger, forged in the crucible of their shared struggles and the adversity they faced.

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