The Return

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Last week at school, we were shown the picture above and asked to write a short piece about it.

The Return

As the ancient, rusty clock strikes twelve, I curiously follow my frightened Uncle Tom. Frantically, we are running into the house where I used to live with my poor, long lost parents. ”Close the door!” orders Uncle Tom eagerly. It has been years since I have been to this ramshackle house, I can barely remember anything at all. 

Sitting down on the flat, old, oak wooden stool, my Uncle Tom is looking out of the ajar window. The gnarled and twisted ivy, slowly makes its way through the cracked window pane. Gingerly, I just about hear the horses galloping on the cobbled, uneven road. The noises gradually get louder as the seconds go by. “When I tell ya, go and straight away hide in the closet, got it?” Uncle Tom bellows. I edge towards the streaming light coming out from the window. “Get in now!” shouts Uncle Tom. I enter the wet and damp closet, and I hear the door vigorously being slammed open. Who could these scary people be and what is Uncle Tom not telling me about?

I feel my heart booming as these strange people come into the house. What would happen and would they do anything to Uncle Tom? I can’t be alone again! All of a sudden, something wet and slimy touches my foot. I tried to stay silent, but I just can’t. A loud shriek is echoing out of my mouth, beads of perspiration are running down my face. I can see a hand reaching for the handle of the closet door. Slowly, the door is opening. It lets out a loud creak. To my surprise, the door opens to reveal a young looking woman in shining armour. “Victor? Is that really you?” she says. It was exactly like she knew I was here… “Mum?” I say, bewildered. “Yes, don’t worry Victor. It’s all going to be okay!”  

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