What floats your boat: Handwriting or Typing

“A torpid heart in agony needs a pen to bleed”

― Munia Khan

I do not know why but ever since I was a child, whenever I though of a writer I always imagined him/her sitting in a sun-lit room with white curtains with a paper and a pen. As I grew older it changed to this same person sitting by a fireplace, the sound of fire crackling in a mysterious aria just enough to quell the silence. Dark mahogany floors covered in books and journals just laying about. This person sits on a rustic old chair, taking occasional sips from his/her bourbon.

I will admit that more often not, this person is me. One of the most recent writing environment fantasies have been about me sitting in a nice little outdoor bar, order a mojito or two, and pour my heart out in my diary while looking at he sea and bathing in the glorious sunshine. One such day, I was thinking of all this and then I realized the common denominator in all these scenarios was a paper and a pen. I am that kind of a writer.

I find it extremely hard to jot my feelings down, or write any sort of a piece on a computer. I do not know if its is my horrible typing skills or what, but it simply kills the whole vibe for me. Maybe because the time when I first started writing, a notebook and a pen were all I had. Writing back then saved me. Perhaps this connection or those memories make me a paper and pen person. My creative juices refuse to flow on a computer.

Then again, there is this another thing that I noticed is that I am great at writing immensely emotional stuff, related to say my love life, romantic feelings etc when I type it out on my phone. I feel like it has something to do with the fact that realization of these feelings first happened during texting, and these were expressed as well while texting (I mean it is lame I know, but very true as well). Gradually whenever I was upset I'd just write it down in my notes in the phone. This habit also gives me an unfair advantage in event of a fight happening over text.

Perhaps, our brain just associates a certain feeling to a a certain medium and it is only that medium then that we can express that feeling through.

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