Temitope walked past his mom after mumbling something he knew didn’t sound like a greeting to her and his nineteen year old sister, he knew she was already wondering what happened to her usually cheery boy.
“Tope! Tope! Temitope!” She called after him but got no reply as he went straight to his room.
The thought of locking the door crossed his mind because he knew his mom was bound to follow, but decided against it.
As he crossed the room to his bed, he kept thinking about how human beings were so wicked and thoughtless! This was it, he had read plenty articles online about how the words from people’s mouth, their judgements and conclusions made others think of suicide as the best option, they do not know what lies beneath the exterior neither do they know the reason behind some things but they choose to jab their needles into any wound they find!
The tears he had been trying hard to hold back from the venue of the interview finally broke through their restraint, oh, who said boys couldn’t cry?
The conversation he overheard kept ringing over and over in his head.
“Look at this one with one eye, people with their two eyes complete haven’t even gotten the job, it’s now a one eyed Sunday.” A female worker at the place of his interview said to her partner in a scornful voice.
“He better go home and stop wasting his time here.” The other one replied and then hissed.
He knew better than to cry over mere words spoken by irrelevant stuck up people, but he couldn’t help himself. He lost his eyes when he was just ten years of age, he wasn’t born like that, that was what outsiders didn’t understand. The reason for it he didn’t and will never regret, and if he was to do it again he would in an heart beat for his mom or sister! It was his first brave and heroic act and his bad left eye was a daily reminder of it. He shut his eyes as he went down the cold memory lane.
It was on a night twelve years ago around 11pm when they heard the noise downstairs, the bangs on the door and gun shots. Everywhere became suddenly still as it dawned on them that armed robbers were operating right under them. Himself, his mom and little sister were the only family occupying the upstairs. Tope was 10, his little sister, Mololuwa, was 8. Their dad was was out of town.
The little money they had on them was what they were going to survive on till their dad came back which was after a week. Their Mom was already trembling and not quite long they heard heavy footsteps climbing the stairs.
Tope turned to his mom and asked the obvious question. "Mum, what's happening?"
"Nothing, just keep quiet and hide under bed.” She said as she tried to push them into one of their rooms. His sister went in but he refused.
Immediately, they heard a heavy bang on the door..."Open this door, or we will break it down!” A loud voice warned.
His mom went to the door, trembling, and opened the door slightly. She was pushed back forcefully and she landed on the cemented floor bruising her left arm and knees.
Five fierce looking men with guns trooped in. His mom screamed, and they threatened to shoot if she screamed again that was after a slap landed on her cheek.
"Where is your husband?" One of them asked.
“He is not around sir, He traveled outside the town.”She explained between sobs. Hope busted into tears too.
Another one of them with a dark shade slapped him and he fell to the ground. Mololuwa screamed and she was held and her mouth was covered by another one of the men. Tope didn’t even know she came back out from the room their mom had pushed them into.
"Madam, go inside and bring money.” The first man commanded.
“Please sir, My husband has traveled and he won't be coming back until next week, the little money he left is what we are to manage till he comes back.” She pleaded desperately.
"Madam, don't tell us stories, go inside and bring out money for us.” He repeated.
She stood up from the ground pleading, and rushed inside with one of the gang following her.
They came back and she gave the money to the man who seemed to be the gang leader. He checked the money handed to him and his already angry countenance deepened into a furious one.
“Madam, what is this? 8,000 naira?!! Do you think we are hungry? He roared at her. “Are you telling me this is the only money you have in this house? You better go inside and bring all the money before we search this apartment ourselves.”
“Sir, I'm not lying. I swear to God. That is all the money we have.” She began to cry again, praying in her heart to God to deliver them unscathed.
The man shook his head slowly. “It seems you want to lose these kids?” he threatened. A gun was Immediately pointed at Mololuwa’s forehead eliciting a scream from their mother who was again silenced with another slap.
“Madam! Don't waste our time, go inside and bring out the remaining money, we will kill these kids if you stress us.” Another man chipped in.
After much arguments. The gang leader said, “Do you want me to spoil you for your husband? Boys! Pin her down for me.” He ordered his cohorts.
The three remaining men rushed to their mother and held her down for their boss.
The man moved closer to their mom, already trying to pull his trousers. His mom was about to be raped!
As a 10 year old boy, Tope stood up from where he was lying down after the slap and moved towards their direction. Over his dead body will this happen to his mother!
Their shock was apparent as he grabbed the butt of the gun one of the men was holding.
But because he was a little boy with a little strength, the man overpowered him and hit him on the face with the butt of the gun. Pain seared through him as he fell to the ground with blood gushing out of his eye.
He screamed but yet didn’t back down. He didn’t want them to damage his mom emotionally and psychologically. He couldn't see clearly, but he moved towards them again defiantly, his cloth was already soaked with blood. They threatened to shoot him if he came closer again, but he didn't listen and he didn’t care.
Yes! He would die! He’ll rather die than allow them defile his mother.
Luckily, the police were already around, and the robbers fled the scene immediately they heard the siren. The police rushed him to the hospital in their van, he was treated, but it was too late, he had a very deep cut in his left eye, and that was how he lost his eye.
The door to his room opened, and his mom came in. She went to sit beside him. “Temitope, what is wrong? You didn’t get the job?” she asked, concerned.
Thank God she already gave him an answer because he didn’t know what he could tell her, and his mom wouldn’t take ‘nothing’ for an answer.
“Yes ma.”
“Is that why you are crying? Don’t you know there is a reason for everything that happens? Remember every disappointment is a blessing. Cheer up my darling.”
“Thank you mommy.”
His mom stood up dragging him with her. “Come and have lunch.”
As they exited his room a thought dropped in his mind. His mom was undefiled and alive and so was his sister, they didn’t have everything but they were happy. What more could he ask for? image

Thanks for reading I hope you like it!

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