DS-39-1 Ivory Seno, A Star Wars Story


Ivory and Javier were playing outside as they waited for dinner. Ivory was always a competitive child, she hated to lose because she felt like she would be a failure if she did. Javier threw the ball they were playing with which landed in a small alley “I’ve got it!” Ivory yelled out. Ivory ran to the alley way and she grabbed the ball, once she looked up she saw stormtroopers and a TIE fighter pilot. The TIE pilot let a small nod to Ivory, Ivory waved back shyly. Ivory soon ran back to her brother as she threw the ball at him, he of course caught it. Ivory’s father walked outside and looked at the two “Come on, get inside. Dinner is ready.” He said. Ivory cheered “Dinner!!”. She was hungry after playing for so long. The stormtroopers approached them, a sith inquisitor in the front “Take the boy. Kill the rest.” He said, signalling his hand to them. The Stormtroopers aimed at the unaware family “Get inside!” Their dad yelled. Ivory ran inside with Javier, they ran to the stairs and looked down at the few. Their mother soon went behind her husband and looked at the few.
“Your son has been figured out to be force sensitive, we will take him.” A stormtrooper spoke, he was wearing different armor however. “N-No! You can not have my son! Leave my house, take someone else's boy!” He yelled out. The stormtrooper commander shook his head lightly “Fire.” He commanded. Two troopers walked forward and aimed. Javier ran down the stairs “Dad! Mom!” He yelled out, fearing for them. They looked back at Javier before they were jerked back from the troopers and pinned on their knees. The troopers shot them in the back of their heads, a hiss came from them which was followed by a thud. Ivory started to cry, she was shaking in fear as she sobbed. She ran up the stairs to her bedroom and hid under the stairs. She could hear Javier screaming before she heard that same commander who ordered them to kill her parents. It was hard to make out what he said, but it was for them to find her and kill her. Ivory heard a stormtrooper or two go up the stairs. They started to search the rooms. Ivory held her loth cat plush as she cried into it, only muffling her sobs slightly. She soon two blaster shots which made her wince and let out a hiccup. The stormtrooper walked to the bed and grabbed her leg “Get out Girl.” He said. He pulled her from under the bed as he put his foot on her chest. It felt like she had a twenty pound weight on her chest suffocating her. He aimed the blaster down at her. The TIE pilot had been behind him “Don’t! Don’t kill her, she is just a girl.” He said, he pushed the trooper which allowed Ivory to scramble to the corner of the room. “These are orders! She WILL die.” The trooper said as he tried to push the TIE fighter out of the way. The TIE fighter stumbled back slightly before he grabbed the troopers E-11 and pushed him onto the bed before he shot him four times in the chest. The hissing from his body had burnt its sound into Ivory’s ear. The TIE pilot threw the blaster beside his corpse as he turned to Ivory and knelt down. Ivory let out hiccups “G-Get away!” She yelled in fear. The TIE pilot took his helmet off and he looked at Ivory “I’m….I’m sorry for your family. But, they resisted. We had reason to kill them. Even though it isn't us….However. You are strong. Trust in the empire, it will always be there for you when you need it.” He said. His hair was concealed from the jumpsuit he had which covered his hair. Stubble was on his face however. He held the helmet out “Just put it on when you are scared. It will protect you, it will keep the bad people away.” He said, a small smile on his cheeks. Ivory nodded, she shot up and hugged the trooper, still hiccuping while she sobbed. “Shh...It will be okay. Don’t give up. Endure and Survive.” He said calmly. He let go of her and he walked back down the stairs. Ivory quickly put the helmet on as she hugged her plush, still hearing screams and the hisses that the blaster shots made when they ripped through skin. She would sob until she eventually fell asleep, still wearing the helmet which had been from the TIE fighter.

First ship

Ivory had been having a hard life. She was twelve and didn't have any peers or family. However, she would be able to join Cadet academy next year which made her excited for her later life. The scrawny little girl had been adventuring one day and she had found a shipyard. Almost every nerve she was itching for her to go in and explore the amazing area she had seen. But, she was hungry and needed food just in case she needed to be nourished so she could run and adventure all day. She then went back to the hidden hangar after she hiked far ways through the Naboo forests. Her Aching feet were no longer aching, her tiredness faded and switched to unbridled excitement when she saw the hangar! She quickly started to run towards it, however, when the door was in sight, she saw a glowing panel. Ivory inched towards it before she picked up a stick off the ground. She looked at the pad which showed a picture of a hand, Ivory raised a brow before she gently placed her hand on the panel. It scanned her hand which sent shivers down Ivory’s spine before the panel went red. Ivory sighed, she moved the stick to her other hand and she placed her hand over the handprint, but to her own despise. It went red. In frustration Ivory squeezed the stick in her hand before she started to beat the panel, cracks going into it as Ivory kept hitting it “Just die!” She yelled out. Eventually, she grabbed the bottom of the stick and slammed it into the glass, “Killing” the machine. The doors flew open with a hisd as Ivory’s eyes widened, she saw TIE fighters and starships that she had never seen in her life. She started to walk inside, baffled at the giant ships. She looked through the TIE pilot helmet she wore, she saw the amazing ships despite the sweat and hair in her face and the cracks in the visor. Ivory ran to the first TIE fighter she saw, she ran her fingers against the wing as she marveled at its design. “Wow….” she mumbled, never having seen anything so amazing. She heard some talking followed by the patter of footsteps as she felt fear rise up her body. She hid behind the wing of the TIE fighter as she looked, seeing a man in a suit and a different man in TIE fighter armor. Small chattering came from them as Ivory watched, wide eyed. They soon walked out of the hangar through a seperate door. Ivory let out a long sigh of relief before she climbed up the TIE fighter, going to the hatch and looking at it for a bit before she found out how to open it. With the press of a button the ship opened before she went inside. It was hot in the TIE fighter, but that didn't stop her. She put her hands on the direction controls as she then pretended to fly. “Pew pew!” She yelled out, making explosion and gun sound effects as she pretended to fly. Her imagination went crazy, she imagined she was in space, flying the TIE pilot and shooting other ships. She smiled and giggled under her helmet as she pretended to fly, having one of the greatest times in her life. She heard some slightly yelling in the background, but she ignored it as she kept playing. As she blew up the final ship, she felt an arm grab onto her shirt as it pulled her out of the ship. In fear, Ivory screamed and yelled “Let me go!” She repeated. The man dropped her on the ground, Ivory fell with a loud thud which seemed to echo through the loud ringing she heard. Her eyes opened despite how tired they had grown, she saw the same general she had seen before. He held a blaster to her, also holding a very intimidating face, he narrowed his vision to her helmet. “What were you doing here, Kid?” He spat out. Ivory, scared and hurt, tried to say something. However, only mumbles and hiccups came from her. “What were you doing in that ship?!” The man asked, his voice booming in an intimidated way. Ivory scrambled back “N-Nothing!” She yelled, scared in voice. The man looked at Ivory, seeing how she only wore rags despite the helmet. He shot beside her head, Ivory screamed and she scrambled aside “Leave!” The man yelled as he kicked her side, Ivory coughed with a bit of pain as she stood up, the kick had a sharp pain in Ivory’s side. She fell as she tried to run, hitting the ground with a thud, she stood up and then ran away. Running for her life, however, the passion for the ship she had stayed with her.

Cadet Academy

Ivory had finally gotten to the age of thirteen, she had been practicing constantly so she may have a chance to be ahead of the other students. She had gone to the local sign up building. She had stolen new clothes. She went to the building, looking at it from the outside. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she stared at the marvelous building. She patted down her outfit, a small fog of dust coming from her. She put on a smile before she walked in, brushing people aside as she felt herself so eager to enter. She saw many people, it was practically packed. There were people of many races and genders, colora and sizes. She saw how derermined everyone seemed, her smile went to a slight frown, they were just competition….

Ivory walked to the counter, a man stood there. “I would like to sign up to Cadet Academy.” Ivory said, making her voice seemingly emotionless. The recruiter looked down at Ivory “Well, just answer these questions. Thats IF you are smart enough.” He mumbled. He slid down a datapad, Ivory grabbed the datapad and scoffed before she went to sit down. She started to fill out the resume, seeing the many questions intimidated her. She took a quick glance around her, most of them were people of rich families. She scoffed, probably being the only orphan there. She soon saw another girl walk to Ivory, she was a bit taller than Ivory, however, she was a red head and was dressed in a hoody. She sat down beside Ivory and began to fill out her resume. Ivory continued to answer the many questions. She soon saw the other girl look towards ivory “These questions are hard, huh?” She asked. Ivory nodded, she brushed some hair out of her face “Uhh...Y-Yeah.” Ivory mumbled. She had a hard time talking to people, she never really was the person to talk. The girl nodded, she looked down at her legs and then looked back up at Ivory “I’m Hazi,” Hazi spoke. Ivory sighed slightly, she set the datapad on her lap “I-I’m Ivory.” She mumbled. Hazi smiled before she playfully pushed on Ivory’s shoulder “Don’t be such a bummer.” She said with a small laugh. Ivory’s cheeks went a slight pink “S-Sorry.” She mumbled before she got back to filling out her resume, the questions were hard, but this is what she had been practicing for. Hazi looked at Ivory a bit, she sighed before she went back to filling out her own resume. A few words from Hazi broke the silence, also startling Ivory “What position do you want to get?” Hazi asked. Those words echoed in Ivory’s ear for a short time. “Uhh….” Ivory cleared her throat “TIE pilot.” Ivory mumbled. Hazi nodded “ah….I see, well, i want to be a stormtrooper commando. I always liked to boss people around.” Hazi joked as she gently pushed on Ivory’s shoulder, she looked at Ivory who seemed a bit down, so Hazi wanted to cheer her up. Ivory let out a small laugh, the laugh was foreign to her. She had never really laughed, but, she never had time to joke around. “Well, I just want to fly, i've always wanted to explore what's up there. You know?” Ivory explained, slightly breaking out of her introverted shell. Hazi nodded and smiled “Well, if either of us get our jobs. We know we did well.” Hazi said with a smile. “Thats for sure.” Ivory mumbled. Ivory finished her resume and she smiled “Hey, i’m going to turn my resume in. See you later Hazi. Good luck.” Ivory said, a smile going on her lips. Hazi nodded, a small frown on hers. Hazi didn’t want to leave this new freiend.

(Small outline, i had trouble finding the training and how the graduations worked so i did what i could.)
Ivory soon got news of her being accepted. She was put into training academy with Hazi, and two others. For the next three years of her life she trained and trained, many times she nearly died from her peirs. She eventually had to kill one of them, he has posed to be a big threat to her since he nearly killed her twice. Eventually, she graduated right beside Hazi at sixteen. Hazi was taken into the imperial academy for Stormtrooper training, however, Ivory was brought into the Imperial navy where she trained for three more years. She proved her ability to fly, her ability to be a Imperial Citizen. She proved her way, and that she deserved it. She fought many battles, rising her way in the ranks.


After Ivory had graduated she had gone to make her room which inevitably ended with her asleep after she had finished unpacking what she had. She felt something slightly push down on her bed as something bit her neck, not hard but in a rather playful way. Ivory’s eyes widened as she pushed this thing off of her and onto the ground as she grabbed her blaster and aimed it at this “Thing”. “Owwww…” A female sounding voice came from the thing that had bit Ivory’s neck, however it was with a giggle. Ivory rubbed her eyes, confused. Once her vision went normal, she saw Hazi on the ground, laughing and attempting to get up. Ivory put the blaster back onto her belt. She looked at Hazi, infuriated. “Where the hell have you been? Its been four months since i’ve last seen you!” Ivory asked, a slight rasp to her angry voice. Hazi got up from the ground, still laughing “Oh man.” She said, taking a deep breath in “Are you not happy to see me?” She asked, her laughs fading. Ivory shook her head slightly “Its been four months and i havent seen you, i thought you were dead.” Ivory said, mixed in emotions of sadness and anger. “Well, im obviously not dead.” She said with a small nervous laugh. Ivory looked at Hazi, first seeing her short red hair, her pale face and blue eyes. Ivory sighed, she had always had a crush on Hazi, however, this had made her mad. “Well, i dont appreciate you having had left so lo-“ Ivory had started to complain, until she felt Hazi wrap her arms around Ivory. She nearly instantly got red in the cheeks, and she mumbled, trying to finish what she was saying. Hazi smiled, tightening her grip on Ivory “Oh just shut up with that already.” She said, she looked up at The flustered Ivory and smiled “Well, never thought anyone could make the oh so powerful and great Ivory blush.” She teased. Ivory huffed and brushed some of the hair out of her face then only to put it behind her ear “Oh shut up.” She mumbled. Hazi sighed before she giggled slightly “So i dont even get a hug back?” She asked teasingly, still hugging Ivory tightly. Ivory scoffed, still red in face “I shouldnt hug back…” she mumbled, but couldnt find herself to resist. She wrapped her arms around Ivory. “Hey, remember how I kissed your cheek in Imperial academy?” Hazi asked. Ivory went a crimson to the cheek, remembering the event. She sighed ever so slightly, flustered “Yeah.” She mumbled. “Well, i was thinking. We have known each other for a long time… Maybe we should, hook up?” Hazi asked nervously. Ivory went wide eye’d at this question, flustered even more so. Hazi sighed, it was taking too long. She put one hand on Ivory’s cheek, rubbing it with her thumb before she leaned in, closing her eyes as she kissed Ivory. Ivory was shell shocked, unable to do much. But, Hazi’s touch of lips were nearly unable to resist. Ivory kissed back, putting her arms around Hazi’s waist as they did so. It were as if everything had faded away, their world of passion being the only thing Ivory could think of. The kiss was….Magical in a way Ivory had never experienced before. She pulled Hazi closer, before breaking the kiss. They were both red at face, however, Ivory taking the lead had thrown Hazi off guard. Hazi giggled “I guess that settles it then?” Hazi asked. Ivory nodded, she didnt feel as if she could speak now. She was equally just as flustered. Hazi then leaned in for another kiss, which Ivory returned….

One year Anniversary

It had been nearly one year since Hazi and Ivory got together. She awoke in her bed, her head had hurt from the hangover she had. Hazi was asleep beside her, her arms around Ivory. Ivory glanced down at Hazi’s hands and gently got herself free of Hazi’s arms. Her mouth still tasted of Alcohol, however, she was glad it was one of her days off. She walked into her bathroom, she started to get herself ready for the day. Once she was finished, she walkes back and grabbed a small data pad. She started to surf the holo net as she waited for her Coffee to brew. She soon felt arms gently wrap around her waist. Ivory looked back, she saw Hazi before Hazi planted a gentle kiss on Ivory’s cheek which made cheeks go a gentle pink. Hazi, however, still had the smell of alcohol plastered on her. “Hazi, you need a shower. You smell like alcohol.” Ivory said, it was a little obvious. She tried to stop herself from smiling. Hazi scoffed before she rubbed Ivory’s cheek with her own “oh you know you love it.” Hazi said with a small laugh. Ivory giggled despite her resistance she tried to hold. “Yeah, i may like it. But, you still smell like garbage.” Ivory teased, a smile going to her face. Hazi smiled, she planted another long kiss on Ivory’s cheek “Well, do you remember what today is?” Hazi asked. Ivory scoffed slightly “Its time for you to shower.” She mumbled as she turned her gaze back to Hazi. Hazi shook her head “Mm...Nope. Thats not the answer.” She giggled. Ivory sighed “Its our one year anneversery,” she said, happy, but fed up with how stubborn Hazi was being. “Ding ding ding!” Hazi said happily, she held even tighter on Ivory. Ivory smiled, she turned around and wrapped her arms around Hazi “Well, look, i will make you a deal. If i kiss you, will you go shower?” Ivory asked, raising a brow with a slight smirk on her lips. Hazi smiled bright, gazing into Ivory’s eyes “Hmm…..Maybe, it may take more than one kiss.” Hazi winked with a small laugh. Ivory smiled back, she ran her hand up the side of Hazi’s face gently before rubbing the back of her head. She pulled her into a kiss, hell of a kiss at that. Hazi kissed back, she enjoyed the risk of dating another in the galactic empire, it may have been against the rules but she enjoyed the risk of it all. Ivory soon pulled back, taking a deep breath in to recollect herself. Alcohol had tainted Hazi’s lips, though, Ivory didnt mind. “Well, how about now?” Ivory asked, rocking Hazi in her arms gently. Hazi smiled and laughed “You got me,” she laughed. Ivory smiled and planted a soft kiss on Hazi “Now go get bathed.” She said with a small giggle, letting go of Hazi. Hazi smiled and nodded, getting some new clothes before going into the shower.

The Duel

Javier and Ivory were talking while walking across the halls. Javier’s sith armor had made him a bit loud, his footsteps overcoming the small patters of footsteps coming from Ivory. “Why did you call me here?” Ivory asked, she was in her jumpsuit as she had just gotten back from a mission. The helmet that TIE fighter gave her magnetically attached onto her belt, it was her own helmet now afterall. “Ivory, i have something that will….Test you. But you have to take my side in it. We will talk once we get in my room.” Javier explained. Ivory shrugged “Please don’t waist my time Javier, i have many duties to finish and i need to fix my TIE fighter.” Ivory huffed. Her hands were behind her back, she stood straight as they walked. “I know Ivory…” Javier mumbled. They made it to Javier’s room as they walked inside. It was much more luxurious than Ivory’s room. The bed looked of a silk covering and better qualities than most others that were given, it was a bigger room with more storage. Ivory scoffed slightly, no one needed this much. All they need is a bed and a cabinet or two. “So, what did you need me for?” Ivory asked in a hastily voice. “I need you to help me kill Vader, then the empe-“ Javier started to speak before Ivory cut him off “Kill Vader?! And the emperor?! They have given you everything! And they are OUR leaders! And you just want to up and kill them?!” She yelled out, infuriated with the idiocy of her brother. “Iv, let me expla-“ Javier once again started to speak before getting cut off from Ivory who walked up and pushed him. “No! I am not considering any of your idiotic plans!” Ivory yelled “He gave me my life! All of it! I worked so so hard for all of this and you just want to throw it away!” Ivory yelled. Javier force pushed her back, she landed against the wall with a loud thud. “No, you have simply fallen to their brainwashing. You don't realise they aren't fit to lead, we can rule them! We can make the empire better, WE can make the empire to where it doesn't kill some kid’s parents!” He yelled back at her. Ivory shook her head slightly “All of that happened because of you! You were the reason they died! It took me so much not to cut your damn throat open when i saw you my first day of being here!” Ivory yelled. Javier shook his head, how disappointed he was that his sister was “Falling” to them…..He saw her as more. Ivory marched out the door, this idea of betrayel was baffling. Vader needed to know immediately. She marched to the room he was in, it was a clear and open room where he was giving orders. His respirators echoing through the halls. Ivory walked to him before she cleared her throat “Lord Vader, Inquisiter Javier was thought of plans to kill you. He proposed those plans to me. He needs to be eliminated soon.” Ivory explained. Lord Vader looked down at Ivory, his haunting respirators still echoeing the same way they did. “Then he is too foolish to realize he wont win. Bring him here imme-“ Lord Vader had started to explain before Javier, who was hiding his force aura, ignited his saber and swung at vader. Vader ignited his saber and turned back quickly, blocking the saber strike then only to pary him with a force choke, lifting Javier in the air. Javier clawed at his throat “Y-You can still join me Ivory” he coughed out despite his pain. Vader tossed him to the back of the room, he looked at Ivory “Prove your worth to Vaders fist, kill Him.” Vader said. Ivory’s eyes widened for a bit, javier was still recovering from the choke. It was either be with her brother….Or be with Lord Vader. “I-It will be done….Lord Vader.” Ivory answered, pleging her loyalty to vader. She grabbed her helmet from her waist and fixated it over her head, showing her loyalty. Showing that it wasnt her, yet it was. she looked at Javier before She pulled out her E-11 “Javier, you could have been smarter. You could have stayed.” She said, she shot at him twice, one shot hit his left arm which made him yell in pain as he blocked the other shot. The Emperor had heard the commotion and he went towards the room and watched the commotion, cackling to himself. Javier looked at Ivory, tears trickling down his cheeks. He force started to force choke Ivory while bringing her towards him. “You could have fought with me, we could have ruled.” He mumbled. Ivory started to claw at her throat, the grip nearly crushing her throat. Javier looked into her visor “I never wanted this….Mom, Dad….They never wanted this. This was their fault.” He said. Ivory put one hand away from her throat despite the trouble. She grabbed her combat knife before she swung it at Javier’s throat. She had closed her eyes, though she could feel the sharp blade tug through his throat. His blood spraying over her helmet. She felt herself be released to the ground as she fell, taking a deep breath in before coughing like crazy. She took off her helmet before she looked up at Javier’s body, the blood falling from his throat as he choked on it. Ivory stood up and picked her E-11 back up before she went beside Javier, Javier looked up at her. He was obviously clinging on for life. “Kill him!” The emperor yelled with a cackle. Ivory put the blaster at his head “I never loved you, brother.” She said before she pulled the trigger, killing him. Ivory took off her helmet due to most of her view being taken from her brothers blood. She looked back at Vader who was standing there. Ivory’s hearing had seemed to fade and it went into a ringing. It felt like weights were dropped on her chest. Ivory bowed, putting one arm over her knee “It has been done, My Lord.” She said. The emperor cackled before vader spoke “Good, you have proven yourself to the empire. Your brother was weak and pathetic.” He said simply before he started to walk away, the emperor walked beside him as he kept cackling. Ivory looked back down at Javier’s body before she spat at him. She then walked out of the room and went to her own room. She ordered her armor to be cleaned and she walked into her bathroom. Then starting to bathe. She found herself starting to breakdown leading her to cry. She cried for what felt like ages. The guilt she held for killing her brother was tremendous. After she ended up crying long enough, she got into the bath. Then only to relax and fall asleep, not taking the rest of her duties in her own hands for today.

“If you love something….You have to be willing to let it go…”
Ivory and Hazi had been called on mission, a minor battle had occurred on Mustafar. The small squadron Hazi lead was sent to go. Of course, they were still making sure if their decision on having Ivory in vaders fist was a good idea. As they launched in the ship, Ivory was piloting and Hazi was in the co-Pilot seat. The rest in the back of the ship. Ivory gently put her hand on Hazi’s thigh “We get in, we get out?” She asked, Hazi nodded in agreement “As always.” Hazi answered. Ivory smiled, she felt Hazi’s hand go over her own. Ivory smiled gently, the feeling of having a companion with her was a great one at that. They approached the outer atmosphere of Mustafar, the planet seemed to glow a intimidating red. “We get off in six.” Ivory said through the comms which was followed by “Yes’m” from the wrest of the crew. The ship landed in exactly six, Ivory stood up and grabbed an E-11 and threw it towards Hazi who caught the gun. They all went, Ivory grabbed herself an E-11 as she went out of the ship. The scorching heat instantly got to her, it was nearly unbelievable to an extent. “We go in, kill us some rebels, get out.” Hazi said over the comms. All of the squad knew what to do. Ivory walked the hellish lands beside Hazi. After what had felt like months of walking, they went to a stop. They heard talking, only small communications. They saw slight movement near a seemingly abandoned building. Hazi looked back at the two which were behind Ivory “One of you hit left flank and the other hit right, Iv and I will hit front.” Hazi commanded, her voice stern and showing she meant business. The two stormtroopers nodded, both of them taking their part. Ivory gave a small nod to Hazi showing she was ready. They then began approaching the rebels, they saw two at the front gate. “Go!” Hazi yelled, the two stormtroopers jumped up and strangled the two rebels at the front, dragging them away. Hazi pulled out a thermal grenade as she threw it at the door before shooting her blaster to the side, rebels sounded the alarms before they ran out to ignite the small mine, blowing them all up. Ivory ran inside, activating her stealth shield and drawing a small knife, two rebels ran to the door as they looked for someone, ivory plunged the knife into a rebel, slashing sideways to open his whole chest. The other rebel watched in horror before he started to fire, however, Ivory pressed the dead rebel’s body against hers to take the blaster shots before Ivory threw the knife, it landing in the rebels throat. As the rebel seemingly choked on his own blood, a few more came running in. Ivory grabbed her E-11 from her back before she shot two of the rebels in the chest, the other three being shot from a distance. Ivory pushed the dead body off of her, guts covering her suit. Hazi came into the building, her blaster smoking slightly. She looked down to Ivory and put her hand out “Come on, get up.” She said with a small laugh. Ivory grabbed Hazi’s hand and pulled herself up. They walked through the seemingly now empty building, they saw a metal door, locked. Ivory took a shot at unlocking it….Nothing. Then Hazi, then the other two stormtroopers. Nothing...Ivory sighed “I hate doing this, but, i guess it has to be done.” She mumbled under her breath, she put two grenades at the door before she walked back. She aimed her E-11 at the explosives “Everyone, get back!” She yelled out. The troopers and Hazi ran, once they were far enough away Ivory shot the grenades, exploding the door away. Turning it to practically nothing. Once Ivory was able to see, she saw the Intel they needed, and two scorched but alive rebels. Hazi walked forward and took the intel “Hey, you two, get the guards. They may need to be questioned!” Hazi yelled to the stormtroopers, though, it was hard to hear over their loud screams of agony. They continued to scream as the other two stormtroopers took them away. Either to be killed or questioned. Ivory hugged Hazi tight, giving her a tight squeeze before letting go “I always knew you were great, i enjoyed today.” Ivory said with a smile. “Me too.” Hazi said with a smile. “Come on, we can cuddle in the room. I don’t honestly want to be here much longer.” Hazi explained. Ivory smiled under her helmet before nodding. They began to walk out before a slight beeping could be heard. However, they ignored it. The mission was already done. As they walked back, they were about halfway to their ship. They heard something coming from the right, something fast. Ivory quickly looked to the right, dust was fogging up. “R-Run!” Ivory yelled, Hazi began to run with Ivory by her side. Hazi fell to the ground shaking, electricity surging through her body. She rolled from the momentum. Ivory looked down as she ran after Hazi, grabbing her hand before she fell off the cliff and into the scorching, bubbling Lava. Ivory was then hit in the back by a rebel. Ivory grabbed her grapple hook, launching it to the edge of the cliff. It connected to the side of the cliff which sent Ivory into the cliff. Ivory looked down, her grip was loosening from Hazi’s hand. “W-Wake up!” Ivory yelled, tears streaming down her pale face. Ivory heard mumbles from Hazi. Hazi reached up to her helmet before she took it off, blood streaming down her delicate face. Her hair which was once a bronze orange was now a crimson red. Ivory sobbed at the sight “C-Come on Hazi! J-Just tighten your grip i will get you up!” Ivory begged, however, it was hard to understand through her crying and hiccups. Hazi shook her head no slightly, blood still streaming down her face. “N-No….It's the end of my road, Save yourself…” Hazi mumbled, her voice shaky and weak. Ivory looked at Hazi “I can't let you go! I love you, only you, you are part of me. I can't let that go!” Ivory yelled, she groaned as she tried to pull up Hazi, however, her grip only loosened. Hazi looked up at Ivory “If you love someone….You have to be willing to let it go, you have to be able to let them go….” Hazi said. The words began to ring in Ivory’s ears, she was shocked by Hazi. “Just….Let me go, please.” Hazi begged. Ivory had to listen to Hazi, as Hazi was her commander and Lover…. “I-I love you Hazi….” Ivory mumbled. Hazi smiled “Thank you….” she thanked. Ivory then let her grasp go. Hazi fell to the lava, screams of agony came from her as she burned, her plastoid armor melting to her skin...The smell was horrendus. Ivory hugged herself as she cried, guilt smothering her. It felt as if someone dropped one thousand pounds on her back. She climbed back up the side of the cliff before she got to solid ground. She hugged her legs to her chest as she sobbed….She would have a burning fire inside her…..A fire for revenge…


(Sorry, wasn't really feeling this part after i was half way done. But, i thought i needed something like this. So, sorry for the bad quality of it.)
Ivory had began to fly back to the star destroyer she had been assigned to. Rage and the thirst for revenge echoed in her ears, it flowed through her shaky, mourning body. Ivory saw the star destroyer, however, she also saw another ship, a rebel bombardment had been going on. Rage filled Ivory, she flew higher above them. Seeing how she was late, she had an advantage. She flew above the biggest of the rebel ships and she dropped bombs on it, making loud and giant explosions. The ship started to fall, but, reinforcements were on their way. The star destroyer launched a bomb at tw rebel ship, splitting it in half. More reinforcements started to come to them, another big rebel ship. Ivory got an idea. She flew towards the ship at intense speed. She saw X-wings flying out of the ship, she flew the ship faster before she opened the top hatch. Right before she hit the ship she jumped out of the TIE fighter. The TIE fighter crashed into the huge ship. Ivory, now floating in space, was pushed by the explosion. She directed herself to go near an X-Wing. Once she was close, she used her grapple hook to bring herself closer to the X-wing. She then pulled herself closer, she landed on the front window. The Rebel on the inside went Wide-Eyed. Ivory got her blaster and shot the front glass, soon breaking it. Since the airlock was broken, the Pilot started to suffocate. Ivory grabbed him by the chest and threw him out before she jumped into the pilot seat. She began to fly the ship which was seemingly better in technology than the TIE fighter she normally flew. She then, now having an advantage over the rebels, began to shoot and explode other X-Wings. As the battle went on, the rebels started to lose. Two star destroyers came in from hyperspace, letting TIE fighters out. Ivory soon landed back into the Star Destroyer she was Assigned to and she ran to the canons, seeing how the space fighting was lessening. She got into one of the Canons and aimed at the Rebel ship which was going down. She began to shoot it, until, eventually, it went down.


Ivory was greeted with a hologram of Vader as she cooked some breakfast. She had always hated the cafeteria, she felt like making her own food was better. She soon went into a straight stand, her hands behind her back “Lord Vader, Do you need anything of me?” Ivory asked. The dark lord nodded slightly “Ivory, i need you to disguise yourself as a jedi and find the remnant of the jedi, take their plans before you crush them. After you finish this mission, report back to me. Your robes will be in your new ship, it's in the hangar, a droid will escort you.” The dark lord explained. Ivory bowed slightly “It will be done My Lord.” She said. “Good, Don’t disappoint me.” Vader spoke before the hologram ended. Ivory smiled, this new mission would be fun. She finished her food, a salad with some exotic fish from one of the native shops. She ate before she went into the hangar, she found a proxy droid “Oh! Your here Ivory! Let me escort you to your ship!” The proxy droid said hastily. Ivory rolled her eyes “Just get me there and send me the details.” She scoffed slightly, feeling as if she didn’t have the time for this. “Oh yes yes! Of course master!” The proxy droid said hastily before it started to walk forward. Ivory lost herself in long thought before she looked up at the proxy droid “Don’t call me master.” Ivory demanded softly. The proxy droid nodded slightly “Oh! Of course maste- I mean Ivory!” It said. Ivory laughed slightly as she rubbed her face. They soon made it to a ship, it was a fairly nice X-Wing. Ivory let out a confused frown, not as if she were sad. More or less just confused “This….This is what they pilot?” Ivory asked herself with a sigh. She walked forward and climbed up it before she opened the hatch and jumped in. The thought of having shields on a ship were….Alarming to her. She prefered not having shields or even an airlock. She looked down at the robes she had to wear, they were revealing compared to what she normally wore. A breast and shoulder cloth with some pants. Her stomach however was “Hanging” out of the suit. She scoffed “Peacekeepers”. Ivory turned on the X-Wing and soon took off, going to Mirial. Despite how Mirialans were, only training within their race, a small Jedi Temple was being built there. Ivory took the ship into hyperdrive, not liking how quick it was. She would have rathered taken the long way and observed the sights. She soon found herself out of hyperspace and at this planet, it looked as if it were rocky and cold. She soon landed the X-Wing near the coordinates she was sent. However, she didn’t feel right. Having these “Robes” on and a saber….It was wrong. Once she landed she was greeted by two Mirialans, one man and a woman. Ivory pushed up the opening hatch as she climbed out. “Oh! Are you another Jedi?” The male asked, excited of this jedi’s arrival. Ivory nodded slightly, she jumped off the ship, the saber dangling off her belt “Yes…” she said, her imperial accent sticking out. She cleared her throat, changing how she spoke. “I am one of the remnants, i haven't been able to connect with the force in what feels like an eternity. Though, However, I am ready to start training again.” Ivory said, her voice soft and delicate. She had a crystal that affected her, it gave her a force like aura. The Mirialans smiled “Great! Great! Come come!” They said with a smile. They started to go to the temple hastily, Ivory followed them. The jedi temple was underground, so it wasn't as beautiful as the remnants she had seen. They soon made it to a vault type base, heavily secured. The Mirialans waved their hand in the air as the vault opened with a small hiss of air. Ivory held her arms crossed, the air on Mirial was cold and with her outfit….It was practically freezing. They both walked inside as the Mirialan closed the door then looked at Ivory, he was oddly young and stupid. “Well, Here, we can go test your saber fighting to see your place in rank. And then your force powers, Alright?” The Mirialan spoke. Ivory nodded “It sounds fine.” She mumbled. “Ga’Vak!” The Mirialan called out. A Zabrak man ran to them, he was tall and strong looking. “Yes?” He asked, he looked over at Ivory and smiled. “Bring this one to the training ranks and see her placements.” He said. Ga’vak nodded as he looked to Ivory, he soon bowed “I am Gu’vak, you?” He asked. Ivory let out a small bow back, “Seno.” She said, just using her last name. “It's nice to meet you Seno, Come, Follow me.” He greeted. Ivory nodded as they walked into a small arena type thing. Ga’vak walked into the middle of the Arena and drew a lightsaber before igniting it, It was a bright yellow saber. Ivory glanced at him and then the saber, she had gotten a plan for manipulation. She walked forward and drew her saber as she ignited it. “Now.” Ga’vak said as he ran towards Ivory. Ivory vaulted under the strike and swung at his knees. Of course, the saber wasn't set to kill. Just maybe slightly burn. Ga’vak dodged out of the attack before he swung horizontally down at Ivory who was knelt down. Ivory blocked the strike, putting them into a saber lock. Ga’vak pushed down making Ivory’s saber lower. Ivory pushed up before she sweeped Ga’vak causing him to fall to the ground. He tried to get up before ivory kicked the saber out of his hand then stepped on his chest, holding the saber to his neck “Good run?” Ivory asked breathing heavily. “Yeah.” He said with a small chuckle. Ivory put her foot back on the ground, the clone training had worked great for her. “Well, you are better than most Padawans. We could use you.” He said with a small smile. Ivory nodded “I have had my fair share of training and fights but i don't see how you are anything more than a padawan” she joked punching his shoulder playfully. Ga’vak chuckled. “Well, Here, let me show you to your room. It's getting late, we can test your force powers tomorrow.” He said. Ivory nodded “That's fair.” She smiled. Ga’vak brought Ivory to her room. The room was small, it had a bed, closet, and bathroom. “Thank you. I reckon i will be ready at sunrise.” Ivory said with a small smile. Ga’vak Nodded “Rest well.” He said with a small smile. He walked out and Ivory closed the door behind him. She quickly ran to her thing and grabbed Pheromones which were attractive to men, pheromones which made it easier to convince them on things. It was a tool she used commonly so she could persuade men into things just from pure lust. Ivory planted them in the room and she smiled, she needed rest so she would be on point for this. She also had to gain a connection with him, this mission wasn't a one day thing. She would rest and wait for a good day.

She woke up right before she would be taken for training. She went into her bathroom and sat in front of the toilet, she touched the back of her throat which caused her to throw up. Eventually, he walked inside to see Ivory throwing up. He ran beside her and planted a hand on her back “Iv are you okay?” He asked. Ivory spit into the toilet “Y-Yeah..” she mumbled. Ga’vak rubbed her back and sighed gently. “was it something you ate?” Ga’vak asked. Ivory shook her head no “It's my fear of meeting the masters.” She mumbled as she gagged again, she forced her body to shake. Ga’vak hugged her “There's nothing to be afraid of, you are a jedi, you will be fine. Can i do anything to help?” He asked. Ivory nodded, she wiped her mouth as she stood up, still in his arms “Can you help relieve my stress? I don’t want any strings attached….I just need help with it, i'm scared and anxious. But...You make me feel safe.” She said, activating the pheremones in the room. She planted her hand on his chest. Ga’vak struggled, he looked down at Ivory “No strings?” He asked. Ivory shook her head no “Nope. No strings.” She said. He sighed “Okay….Okay...No talk about this, please.” He said. Ivory stood up on her tippy toes as she kissed him for three seconds, moving her hand to his cheek “I won't…” she said before she kissed him once more. He smiled and picked her up.

They soon shared their actions in intimacy. During the intimacy Ivory realised she was gaining feeling for Ga’vak….This tore her inside, someone she was passionate for she would have to kill….Ivory ended up loving this man. The man back to her. Ivory knew what was right….She wouldn't disband her loyalty to the empire. She would kill Ga’vak.

After their actions of Intimacy Ivory bathed. Ivory and Ga’vak went to the masters. They bowed before them. “Ahh Ga’vak. How is our new student doing?” He asked. Ga’vak smiled “She is doing….Great.” He said with a smile. “And Seno, how is Ga’vak training you?” The master asked. Ivory made herself start to cry “H-He….He made me make love to him….” She lied. Ga’vak looked towards her, a face of betrayal on him. “He said he would hurt me if i didn't and i….I got scared so i did it…” she lied once more. “N-No grandmaster it isn't true!” Ga’vak pleaded. The grandmaster shook his head “Seno, do you have any evidence?” He asked. Ivory stood up. She walked to the grandmaster and pulled up a device, however, she ran it into the Grandmaster’s chest, it started to shock and burn him as he screamed out in pain. Ivory then plunged her saber into him. Ga’vak looked up at Ivory, fear and betrayal in his eyes. Ivory held her saber in her hands. She span it slightly “Well...Ga’Vak. You helped me get to him, you helped me break more jedi. I thank you for that.” Ivory smiled and laughed. Ga’vak looked up at Ivory, tears were streaming down his face. He looked up at the dead grandmaster, his once green skin was more of a pale. He ignited his yellow saber “I...I loved you!” He yelled. Ivory smiled and shrugged, she started to circle Ga’Vak “All of my love is for the empire. Hell, you don’t know me. Just the mask. You are in all honesty a stupid child, blind in the jedi ways.” She said, she slashed down horizontally as she grabbed her blaster’s handle. She got into a saber lock with Ga’vak. “Iv, please! You can still get into the jedi ways! Just you and me! Please, We can start a family and everything! I love you!” He said, trying to change Ivory’s mind. Though, Ivory had him exactly where she wanted him. Passionate and scared. Ivory pushed down in the saber lock, staring him directly in the eyes “Foolish, I would never start a family with you, or anyone. You were just the subject who fell in my trap.” Ivory said, she grabbed her blaster from her belt and shot Ga’vak in the stomach once. He screamed out in pain, ivory quickly put her hand over his mouth as he dropped his saber. Ivory kissed Ga’Vak’s forehead “Shh….Don’t scream. Just whisper.” She said as she backed away with two steps. Ivory grabbed Ga’Vak’s saber as she turned it off, putting it back onto her belt. She looked down “See you in the next life, Idiot.” She said before she swung her saber to his neck, decapitating him. His head rolled on the ground as Ivory turned her saber off. She grabbed the intel from the grandmaster’s body and she ran. All the other jedi questioned why she was running as they were uninformed. She ran back to the X-Wing as she jumped in it. She put it into hyperspace as she contacted vader “It is done My lord. I am returning now with the intel.” She said. Vader nodded “Good. You are impressive as you don't have the force. I will be putting you in Vaders Fist. You will fight with me.” He said. Ivory’s eyes widened. Vaders fist? Why was she given such a privilege? She smiled “T-Thank you my Lord….Its a privilege.” She said. Vader soon ended the Communication..

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