The Magic Potion

I keep the magic potion in a jar.

But here’s my little secret. The magic potion isn’t really what’s in the jar.

The jar, filled with an intriguing green liquid, is just a diversion. It’s a play to the ego.

This is why “they” label me crazy. They’ve stolen the jar dozens of times. Yet they can’t find its secret properties. And also, they can’t pinpoint why I’m “different” than everyone else.

You see, they have kept the population in mental slavery. When faced with cradle-to-grave programming and a toxic diet, you end up with masses of semi-functioning drones. They keep people just functional enough to contribute to the system, but not functional enough to ask questions or (gasp) think for themselves.

Even “they” aren’t too functional. And they keep everyone else less functional than them. That’s how control is maintained.

But I’ve found a way out.

All it took was a week of “sick time” from work. All 5 years of allotted sick time in one week. Crazy? Yes. But it was something I had to do.

Even crazier still, I turned off my telescreen during this week. And beyond that, I felt the urge to refrain from eating.

It was a reset. That’s all. As simple as it gets.

Yet no one sees the solution when it’s hidden in plain sight.

By the time the Underguard came to escort me from my room back to the work facility, everything was different. It all seemed so fake.

I began to ask myself questions… Why am I doing this? Why does this system exist? What’s the meaning of it all? What’s beyond those gates? What if there is the possibility to do something else?

No one had ever imagined these things before, so we’ve been told. Our imagination was constrained by those walls just as much as our bodies were.

But something changed during my week of, well, nothing. The great reset.

The Underguards and Lookout Cameras watched us closely. Before I allowed myself to think about any more questions, I knew I had to do 2 things…

  1. Act as if I was “normal” no matter what questions were circling in my head
  2. Have a scapegoat for my “status” in case anyone found out

I was in unfamiliar mind-territory and needed an escape plan. Just in case.

After being escorted back to my room one night, the idea came to me. Note that even the concept of ideas were new to me at this point. That’s the level of control we’re dealing with.

Anyway, my idea was to keep a jar of “potion” as a scapegoat, in case they caught on to my “mind-roaming.”

As I taught people the great reset, I gave them the potion. I even told them that the potion was the cure, not the great reset itself.

Actually, I’m the only one who knows this. Well, me and you now…

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