I’ve been gone a while...


Where I’ve been.

It’s been months and I’m not trying to make excuses for myself. If anyone on here still follows me or is interested, I’ve been gone a while.

If you’ve read my last posts you know I have a lot of health issues. Well the last 4-5 months has been one shitty ride in the back pain express and let me tell you. I still hate the medicine they make me take. I still am inching closer to my next surgery. And I still am trying, and sometimes failing, to function as a normal adult with all this crap.

However! I am stepping off the meds. I’m no longer sleeping all day. I’m in physical therapy again and this doctor really seems to understand and care. So that’s good.

I hope to get back to writing once a day. But until then I must say, I’ve missed you all. I’ve missed the community, and I’ve missed having a place to go. I’ve essentially been out of it for the last few months and I’m starting to get my bearings back.

I’ll try and post a short story soon. Hope you are all doing great and that the new year is starting off magical for each and every one of you.

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