Continuation of The Knight of the Light- Story 2- Your Choice- Duke of Grady, Malcolm Peral

This story is a continuation to The Knight of the Light. If you would like to follow along with the story from the beginning, DO NOT read this story first. Follow the link to read the original beginning, and then choose the decision at the end. You can then follow the links back to this story, or the other choice.


Satilla closed her eyes and rested back into the hot tub. Two handsome men stood guard at the door, while two more fanned the hot steam from the water on to her face. She could feel her pores opening. The lilac scent from the bath oils lingered in the air.

Mantissa passed the guards; giving them a harsh look, before walking boldly towards the garden tub. “How long is this going to go on Satilla?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about Mantissa. We haven’t had a war in over a year. The people are well fed, and the armies are trained for battle.” Satilla said lazily, without opening her eyes.

“You know what I am talking about. Everyone has become complacent. The Duke of Grady has made this land a planet of degenerates.”

Satilla opened her eyes. “Everyone? Would that include you? I don’t see a chipped nail on your hands. Can’t you just lighten up, and enjoy our good fortune? Our ancestors could only dream of the life we are living today. And this is all because of the Duke. He has settled all the disputes. We trade goods, we make goods. The people are working. The people are happy. Isn’t that enough?”

“The people are fat, they are rude, and they are out of their minds.”

“What would you have me do Mantissa? Tell everyone to go back to worrying all day, hoping they have enough food to eat, praying that they are not attacked, or that all their belongings are not destroyed or stolen during the night? This is winning. There’s no more fight to fight.”

“I hope you are not wrong about this Satilla.”

“Would it kill you to say it once?”

Mantissa sighed. More than anything she did not want to admit the truth. “You were right to choose the Duke of Grady, Malcom Peral.”

“Thank you!” Satilla said and raised her glass for a refill. “Tonight, we will have a feast, and then a ball, and then another feast!”

Mantissa laughed and left Satilla to her celebration. All the people of Granfalloon spent many years fighting to survive. It had become a lifestyle. Now there was a change of fate. A new world, and although she didn’t trust it, she would still have to live in it.

She could do nothing now, but enjoy her life, and be thankful Satilla had made the right decision with her vote.

Thank you for following along with The Knight of the Light.

If you have not done so, you may go back to the main story, and choose the other option to continue the story.

The End

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