Just let me hunt in the wild...Men, Mental health and low self esteem.

My car should be a Mercedes (any class) , my watch? a Tag Heuer , my suit? Hugo Boss. I should splash my shaven cheeks with expensive Armani aftershave. The Razors? something out of space, made from plutonium and titanium, (or Iron ?). My wage's should be able to cover all the bills, all the gadgets and gizmo's, my wife shouldn't work, she should have some small business like a make up artist or part time nurse. Making my wife go out and hunt amongst the Alpha's? Hell no, the kids need picking from school. They need a soft hearted, emotionally capable counsellor type motherly bosom from Compassionate woman heaven.


I don't have time for the little bit's, My work colleagues are plotting to take my position. I need to be on point and project my manly leadership in a calculated fashion that eliminate's all threats to my hunting mission. I am on point, I'm in control, well until my boss walk's in and reminds me who I answer to. I share some weekend anecdotes, "Great game of golf with the boy's" and "then we sat down and watched the match". If Only my boss knew I hate football. Sounds like a Gerard Butler film doesn't it? landscape-1491402299-gerard-butler-300.jpg

Sorry not that one , this one..images.jpg

What you read above is probably the perfect picture of how "success" is manifested in a male cliche' mish mash of day dreaming and 'what if I started my own business'? 'What if My wife walked in and said 'Can we buy our own house now?"

I pay the land Lord his rent. LAND LORD !!! sounds like Lord of the rings and some medieval tax collector knocks on the door once a month and say's "Hey bitch your in my house and owe me the silver bullion to roof your Kids"


I pay the Tax collector, the Land lord, The banker, the shop keeper, the men who robbed Tesla of his ideas (energy companies) The internet provider, the water provider, the clothes maker, the pension fund taker, the loan sharks, the insurance wolves, the road taxers, WOW!! How fucking UN Hunter gatherer is this? I have to lick arse to keep my job, I have to slave away extra hours just to stay afloat. I WANT TO BE BEAR GRYLLS NOW !!! I WANT TO BE THE GIRL FROM THE HUNGER GAMES. Bow and arrow in hand, taking out any opponent who dare take from my swag bag of modern materialism.

I remember my dad running a few business's and it all became too much pressure. I walked in one day and he was obviously drunk or high, very unusual for my dad. "why can't we just grown our on food on our own land?" I didn't really get what he meant. Now I do.. he just wanted out....How many men wake up and feel like feathers in an economic storm?


As the government hand out anti depressants and think that men need a couple of pill's just to keep them Monday morning blues at bay, they fail to recognise that maybe...just maybe...having no money at the end of the month and a body that feel's like it's been dragged through the gauntlet of death might....might just be a little disheartening.
Our kids should want to be like us, our wives should admire our exceptional gathering skills.download-2.jpg

Answering to another man for sustenance without being respected ignites the self esteem button. Not pride..Esteem. Pride is something a spaniard warrior has when he flexes his swash buckling skills whilst fending off soldiers. BE A MAN... is what the narrative follow's. Well if being a man is succeeding in all things manly then we have a problem. I think the problem is independence and freedom. Maybe if Society was less anal about control structure's and was less of a time stealing , never sleeping, economic beast, we would have the time to be Men....

Does school ever teach Mindfulness? NOPE..it teaches history, geography, biology....It say's be quiet and talk when told to talk. The system doesn't have feeling's .It is a bunch of rules and guides that follow a written timeline. I wish the system would take a bloody breather for a second and let those who want to get off for a little while do so...Nope.. you lose your bank? you lose your ability to pay rent, ability to get a job , and ability to get paid. Talk about feeling soulless. It's a fast moving world, maybe it needs to slow down and take note of men taking their lives and extraordinary rates. Let a man hunt and let a man fish. But please Mr System stop rocking the fucking boat and laughing when he falls....

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