What I learnt about my business when packaging and pricing my services

Pricing and packages - what I learnt

This week in Brand Builder's Academy we covered pricing and packaging. This section of the program is one of the reasons why I signed up for it.

And it didn't disappoint.

One of the difficulties about bundling up copywriting services is that a 12-page website is a very different price point to a 36-page website and different again to a 112-page website.

But what I can do is bundle up the core processes I do before writing a single word. I can bundle up the strategic work.

What I realised by doing this is that I will repel businesses and organisations who are not willing to invest time and money into the research cycle. I won't attract people who don't want to do the essential work if they want informed, evidence-based copy that will sing to their target audience.

And this is a good thing. It will help position me an evidence-based copywriter.

Oh the clarity. It feels marvellous.

Next week is an implementation week with no new content. I need that week to tie up a few things and dive a little deeper into how I can best price, package and position my copywriting services.

This week's project wrap up

I had another epic week of project work. I wouldn't have done it all but one small-ish job was cancelled because the client didn't have the budget for me and another is paused while the agency attends to a family emergency. Last week, I:

  • wrote the copy for a 13-page website for a B2B client via an agency
  • wrote and published 2 blog posts for myself —the key one was That vs which
  • wrote and sent my newsletter
  • continued to manage 2 x large-ish government projects, which involved editing content, scoping the next phase, coordinating meetings, and general project management 'stuff'
  • quoted for two small projects, one of which was accepted almost straight away
  • got my books up-to-date and filed last quarter's BAS
  • made time for BBA — live calls, coursework and staying in touch with my accountability buddy.

It's kind of ironic that after publishing my post on FAQs I was asked to quote on writing answers for 13 FAQs! Do I stick to my principles and say no? Or go after it with palms open?


PS For the record, I quoted. It is COVID days, after all.

Posted from my blog.
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