When I saw the phoenix lights U.F.O. in West Virginia.

When I saw the phoenix lights U.F.O. in West Virginia.

On the evening of Oct-28-2008 at approximately 8:10 PM, I was traveling back to St. Albans WV, from Beckly WV, after looking for locations for new cell sites in the area, I was employed as an Engineer for Ntelos at that time. I took Route 61 to get to Charleston, since it avoided a toll gate, and let me drive the route I did when growing up. I had passed thru several small towns that were separated by long stretches of road literally on a mountain side, with no houses or people at all. I was almost to the very small community named Crown Hill in WV, at roughly GPS coordinates 3812'08.00" N - 8124'14.83"W for map reference. I was traveling West toward Charleston. I remember my phone buzzing and beeping and letting me know it was fully charged, and I remember unplugging it, and leaving it in the passengers seat. I was keeping an eye out at the sky, for any strange activity, since it was clear, and just after dusk, and the sky was full of stars. I was sky watching as I drove, because traffic was practically none existent, and the lack of bright city lightning made conditions great for sky watching. What happened that night was the largest thing I've ever seen the sky, and can only be talked about by referring to the Phoenix lights incident, in Arizona.

I remember looking at a very precise point in the sky, and then feeling a bit of panic, and shock, when I mentally realized that I had been fixed on one point, and I had stared at that point for way too long, I had no reason to look there, but I was overcome with the need to keep looking at that same spot in the sky. Suddenly an orb of light appeared, exactly at the spot I had been fixed on, and it grew larger, until it stopped. I thought I was gonna see a very large orb do acrobatics and stunts, and then another one appeared, and grew in size, just to the right of where the last orb had appeared. There were now two intense white orb's of light, side by side. Another orb appeared to the left of the first orb, and grew to match the same size. Lights continued in a pattern of left right appearances, until I counted about 12, in a line across the sky, about 350 feet above the mountain, and about 1 1/2 miles away from me when I saw all of the orbs that appeared.

I thought at first, that I was going to see a dozen individual U.F.O's, that would probably do unbelievable acrobatics, and other amazing feats, based on my previous encounters. I was surprised when I began to realize, that the dozen orb's were moving as if one object. As I continued to observe the orbs' I slowed down to about 12 miles per hour. I rolled down the window, and stuck my head outside, and listened, but heard nothing, other than what I expected to hear. I thought at first that I was looking at about 12 separate UFO's, but then they all moved in sync, and I realized I was looking at orbs of light that were outlining a black triangular craft, that was as large as small town in the sky. The best way I can describe what I saw, is to say, there were about 16 orbs of light that were huge themselves, surrounding a triangular object that was unnaturally black.

Because of my work, being a wireless Engineer, and doing site surveys for years, I had become a Master at judging distance and height at a distance, and I estimated the craft to be about 1.2 miles away from me and 350 feet above the mountain, when I first seen in, and it took up 99% of my windshield at the time, it was huge. My brain was in overload, I was looking at something I had never seen and took time to get adjusted to, and that was this... the black triangle craft was so black, it absorbed light, like a black hole, it was the absence of light. There was no reflection on the black triangular craft, from the 16 orbs of light that were surrounding it. One other car drove past me, and I'm sure the passengers saw the craft too. I could tell because they were drifting over into my lane, and we got pretty close to each other, I had to steer away, as they passed. They kept going, and didn't stop.

I kept watching this huge triangular black craft, surrounded by orbs of white light, and got so close to it that I thought I was going to drive under it, but then it made a sharp left, and went a crossed the sky, parallel to my direction of travel. I kept watching it, and I ran my eye's from the tip of the craft to the back, and back to the front, and when I got back to the front of the object, instantly, a smaller triangle appeared, in front of the huge one, exactly where I was looking. It startled me so bad, I jumped in my seat, and actually screamed. It takes a lot to startle me. I spent decades meditating, and remaining calm in life and death situations. This shocked me. I could see details on the smaller triangle craft. There were blue lights in the corners, and the lights were in housings that had incredibly beautiful geometric patterns in them. At this point I watched the crafts cross the sky above me, and to my right in the sky. The small craft in front, and the huge triangle, and all the orbs of light all moved in perfect sync, as if they were all one object.

The small triangle craft looked just like the black triangles found online, with lights in the corners. The huge craft looked like the Phoenix lights UFO. My phone was on charge before this happened, and alerted me it was fully charged, and was laying in the passenger seat. When I first started seeing the orbs appearing, I grabbed the phone, and tried to take pictures, but the phone turned itself off in my hand, and wouldn't come back on, and was saying the battery was dead. After the crafts were out of my sight, the phone came back on, showing a full charge. I witnessed, invisibility, cloaking, light absorption, silent flight, synchronized flight, and more that night. The size of the huge triangular craft was frighteningly large, and ominous. This was the first time I've ever felt scared during a sighting.

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