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A farmer’s mule fell into a dip well. All attempts to pull it out of the well were in vain. To prevent more animals from falling into the same ordeal, the farmer decided to close the well with sand. The farmer’s plan was to bury the mule in the well. But, the mule had a different idea.

When shovelfuls of sand were landing on the back of the mule it was nervous and afraid at first. Soon the thought of shaking off the sand sprang up in the animal. According to Bob Gass (2001) in ‘Discovering Your Destiny’ the mule began shaking off the dirt and sand as they land and was stepping on them. It continued to shake off the landing sand and dirt, stepping on them until it found itself triumphantly out of the dangerous pit.

The mule refused to be buried in the well by taking a positive action in the face of gloom and hopelessness. “Life will either bury you or bless you depending on your attitude to it.”


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