War of the Roses - Chapter 1 - (A Novel I am writing)

Some time ago, I started writing my own series called 'War of the Roses' - It has nothing to do with the real life WOTR so may need a name change once its finished, but as a working project, that is the 'code name' as it were.

The story is set in Ancient Ireland, a 'version' that is rife in myths and legends, demons and lore. I've taken things from stories I am either familiar with from my grandparents, or just stories I've read about online during my research and incorporated.

I've used ancient Irish tribes where I can, and want to try and make a realistic world which can incorporate demons and so forth without taking the biscuit.

I'd love to hear what you think of the first part here. I have written a few chapters, but have much work to do so I wont be blitzing this out at you daily, it'll probably be weekly until I run out, and then ad-hoc from there.

    Chapter One

The rain was beating down on Fin as he followed the path higher and higher heading towards what looked like an opening near the summit.

The booming thunder was getting louder and louder each time it struck, as though the sky was telling him to stay away.

He pushed on, trying to pick up his pace before the storm really set in.

He’d been travelling for days, in search of Princess Hanora Rose, the woman he’d been engaged to since his seventh birthday.

She was snatched in an attack on her father’s castle. The King was brutally killed, the queen and their two daughters were missing and presumed dead. Fin’s father, King Lonergan wouldn’t rest until he was certain they’d left no stone unturned, pledging the full forces of his kingdom to find his future daughter in law.

Each time the lightening crashed above him, he pulled tightly on the reigns of his horse to try and calm her down.

Every flash and boom made her worse, Fin knew eventually he would have to tie her down somewhere and climb alone.

They’d come a long way together since the attack on the kingdom of Cauci a week before but a horse like this wasn’t built for scaling a mountain. If he’d had more time he would’ve prepared himself better and built an army to come with him.

His older brother, Derry, was quicker to react, he had an army raised and on the march from their castle in Manapii within hours of hearing about the kidnapping.

There were rumours that he’d found Hanora’s sister Molly almost immediately. Fin was relying on something he’d bled out of a bragging bandit in a nearby pub; he had no idea what he might find at the top of the mountain, or if the bandit had told him the truth. Two kingdoms were relying on him to bring them good news, so every lead was being followed meticulously.

Another crash of lightening hit the wall of stone above him, he raised his shield as small pieces of rock scattered down on him yet again. He began to count, to see how long he had until the next rumble of thunder burst forth, as he reached three there was another bang his horse leapt back onto her hind legs, throwing him to the floor.

“Woah there… wait… calm down girl,” he called as calmly as he could. She was swinging her head back and forth in fright, ignoring his efforts to grab her reigns.

He climbed to his feet and tried to grab her again, another crash of lightening flashed around them and before he knew it she was running ahead of him. “Come back, I need you girl!” he called.

All of his supplies were on her back. She was too far-gone; her panic sent her over the edge of the mountain.
There was a sharp squeal in the air as she fell down, thudding as she bounced from rock to rock.

“Why?!” Fin shouted at the storm above before looking around to see if any of his kit had survived the ordeal.

With his shield on his arm and his sword on his back he felt ready to fight, but beyond that, all of his food and supplies for getting Hanora back home were gone. He’d have to guide her down the mountain and through the storm on foot and work out a plan from there.

He stepped on up towards the top of the mountain, feeling grateful that his horse had dropped him so close to the top, and not given up at the bottom before it all began. He could see a darker patch above him near the top of the mountain; it looked like a cavern had been weathered into the stone.

Could that be where she is?

As he approached the entrance he prepared himself, straightening his shield and unsheathing his sword. He stepped in carefully, waiting for his eyes to adjust. As he felt his way along the wall he soon realised he was being guided down a staircase. There were a number of twists and turns before he began to see a glowing orange light up ahead.

He could feel the heat getting stronger but it was still bearable and quite refreshing after the terrible storm.
As he got closer to the next bend, there was light leaking into the hallway, bright flame torches lined the wall heading towards a closed door.

This is it; at last I’ll see her again.

He stood at the entrance, gathering his thoughts for a moment. There were no sounds coming from the room itself, if anyone was in there they might have heard him coming. He decided one way or another he had to go inside if he was going to find answers.

He held his breath for a second, the warm air filling his chest. He pictured Hanora’s beautiful face, the last time he’d seen her. A pang of guilt struck him whenever he thought of her, his future wife. He’d failed to protect her.

He raised his sword and took a slow step forward pushing the handle as he went, allowing himself a moment to scan the room before any one inside could react to his appearance.

As he entered he saw a bed on the far side of the room. Someone was lying in it, he could see that much, but they were under the sheets with their back to him.

He crept towards them, looking left and right around the room for anyone waiting to ambush. As he made it to the bed side he reached out to the figure laying there before him, the lump under the sheets looked too small to be male, he caught a glimpse of dark blonde hair.

It must be her

A hiss from above interrupted his thoughts. He turned just in time to raise his shield as a blaze of fire smacked against the metal, the force throwing him to the ground. His arm was stinging from the heat, but he had enough padding to protect him from the red hot metal he was now holding up to protect him.

“I knew you’d come for her… but you’re too late!” the demon hissed at him, falling to the floor and standing over him.

She was tall and slim, with bright red skin glowing through the openings of her black robes. Her eyes pierced like two angry fire balls, glaring at him, ready to fight.

“What business does a common demon have with kidnapping princesses?” he bellowed, trying to show he was not afraid of the beautiful monster in front of him.

She let out a cackled laugh.

“Common? There’s only one Caorthannach, and I have my reasons. Let’s just say princesses make for a delightful supper,” her snake-like voice sounded calm and sly.

Fin climbed to his feet, backing away from the deadly beast. He’d heard myths of her existence in his father’s old stories but he never dreamed she was real. She was beautiful yet horrifying her bright red skin was covered in flames.

“I won’t let you take her, she belongs with me… Prince Lonergan!”

He leapt forward; sword held high trying to catch the Caorthannach off balance. She was quick, leaping to one side releasing another flame at him as she went. He ducked and moved towards the bed.

“Hanora, my love… I have come for you.”

“I told you, you’re too late.”

Another whoosh of fire went past him as he bent down to the bed for a closer look.
Fin pulled the sheet away and could hear the creature laughing as he set eyes on the charred remains beneath him.

“This can’t be-“
As he fought against the impending tears, Fin raised his shield to hold off another fiery attack but none came.
She was enjoying his grief too much to attack.
“It can, and it is… I took her and cooked her, she was… delicious.”

Fin could feel the anger building up inside him. He let out a roar. The evil demon’s laughter made him ache with rage.

He leapt onto the bed and charged towards the Caorthannach. She barely twitched, stepping out of his way. He swung his sword furiously and relentlessly, not letting up for a moment so she wouldn’t have time to aim. She began firing shots wildly around the room in an attempt to catch him. He was too furious to care if any made contact, but his meek armour took the brunt of the flames that did.

With a roar he caught her on the hip, cutting into her molten flesh. Flames burst forth from the wound and she let out an unbearable screech that made Fin clutch his ears in pain.

Before he knew it she was running for the door. He followed quickly, but when he reached the hallway it was completely dark and silent she was nowhere to be seen.
She has escaped my wrath; I cannot avenge Hanora’s death tonight.

He made his way back to the bedside, looking down at the charred remains of the woman he loved.

Please, it can’t be her. It wasn’t supposed to be this way!

As if the Caorthannach was taunting him even in her absence, he noticed a small silver ring on the charred remains of a finger. An engagement ring, the one he’d given her on the day their marriage was agreed. He took it off and put it in his pocket.
No longer holding back his tears, he lifted up the remains in his arms and walked towards the door. As he made his way back up the stairs he began to weep and before he knew it he’d lost control of himself, pain pouring out of him.

He reached the entrance, and he slowly made his way through, careful not to break any of the remains in his arms.

He turned to follow the remaining path up to the summit of the mountain. As he reached the highest peak he could see castles and towns in the distance. He knew somewhere beneath them, there were hundreds of men searching for the Queen while the storm raged on. He’d hoped to return to them with great news, request their marriage be brought forward. Have her become his wife, begin a family together.

It’s all gone….

He searched the horizon for any hint of light, a break in the storm, a glimpse of hope or a sign that things might get better.

All he saw was darkness.

He took one final step forward.

As he fell he pulled the remains closer to him and whispered her name one last time before everything went black.

Click here for Chapter 2

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