Sport As A Means Of Youth Development In Africa


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It has been studied over time that sport is a good means of physical and mental development. As we all know the impact of youths matters and determines the positive or negative growth of the society.

In an Africa setting, especially in the lower rural communities, where the people are poor and very few parents can afford to send their children to higher institutions such children/youths are forced to fend for themselves through one way or the other and may encounter social vices along the way, some may not be able to get good-paying jobs and some may not be able to get a job at all.

It's a popular saying that an idle mind is the devil's workshop the same way it reflects an idle youth too. But this idleness can be stopped if sporting activities is being brought in play by the government and other bodies

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Growing up I lived in a rural community whose youths always have a clash with the neighboring community close by due to one or two unforeseen reasons. But when the government built a stadium and employ coaches and other sporting officials, the clashes between youths of my community and the nearby community reduce to the barest minimum because these youths start using their time to involve in sports like football, racing, and boxing. And the once two communities that were always having a clash became peaceful with each other and also organize healthy sporting competitions among themselves.

Apart from the fact that sports encouraged these youths to see the light in peaceful living and healthy competition. There were also taught real-life mechanisms like patience and teamwork. Their idle time was channeled into something productive. And some were able to make it to the national level thereby earning a good and decent income for themselves.

Through this my experience of how sports helped the youths in my community. I have come to the realization that sports aren't something just for fun but a way by which youths can develop their selves and choose the right path. I do encourage African youths that have a keen interest in sports never to relent from it because I have seen the good works of sports and I must say it glorious.


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