Fictional Short - Possible book idea #1

I was running as quietly as I could. The leaves of unseen trees and bushes swatted at my body. I needed to escape, but how. Those devil machines were faster, smarter, and could see much better in the dark than I could, but they didn't have survival instinct. That is how I have kept alive for the past 4 months.

It was the worst day of my life when the machines showed up. They came in and killed everything that was dear to me. I escaped because I saw some warning signs and I was ready. The machines weren't ready to "live" in the wild yet. Everyone that survived did so by running to the wilderness.

Many of us made it, but more didn't. Those of us who made it out of the cities are still running. We have bases of operation, but we have yet to make any progress in turning the tides of war in our favor. Mostly we just hide and run away.

So I kept on running. I could feel the heat seeking eye of that machine behind me. The clerchbom clerchbom clerchbom of it's feet as it sped toward me. The future was 40 feet in front of me. I just had to make it 40 feet. Czzeech. Pain shot through my shoulder and I nearly fell to the ground as a bullet tore through my right shoulder. In this war, I had been shot many times, at least it didn't hit my legs. Czzeech, I hit the ground, this was it I thought as the machine loomed over me. Everything went black.

I opened my eyes and rolled over. The machine was dead. The trap worked.

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