For The Different Monster - Chapter Seven

Before you go any further, please start from the beginning
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six


Is This Really Happening?

The looked on Adrian’s face was that of surprise as he was not expecting such a positive answer from Brooke. Without saying a word he leaned in and kissed her with a passion so fierce it made her toes curl and if she had been standing it wouldn't have been for long.

He pulled back, “Mmm. Yummy.”

Her face flushed red as she covered her mouth, smiled and turned her face away from him. She quickly looked back and said, “So, tell me more about yourself. You said you were here on business … and what kinda business is that?”

“I will tell you everything you want to know, Brooke, would you like another drink?”

Something in Brooke clicked and she immediately started to question the decision she made. It wasn’t a rare occurrence for Brooke to get lost in the barrage of thoughts that clouded her mind and she quickly started to have a mental debate with herself. She realized that she didn’t know this man and she knew that most times people are not who they appear to be but, she had never wanted another human being the way she wanted him. His attention was quickly becoming like a drug to her and she didn't want it to end. She didn’t want to live in fear any longer, she was tired of that. She was tired of mundane and routine and boring. She felt that it was time to throw caution to the wind and she convinced herself to live in the moment.

After a few seconds of her mental debate, “I would love another drink.”

Adrian ordered their drinks and answered Brooke’s question. The conversation started to flow. Brooke found out that he was twenty-four and a self-employed web designer who was doing pretty well for himself. He was in town for a tech conference and decided to make it a three week long holiday.

She thought it to be an act of fate that she ran into him on the same day he arrived. She shared with him as much as she could without giving anything away. She sipped her drink slowly as they talked and when there was a pause in the conversation he placed his hand softly on the back of her neck and pulled her closer to him. “You intrigue me Miss Brooke, I’m seriously thinking about blowing off this conference and spending three weeks just getting to know you … Are we succeeding in helping you unwind?”

Not giving her a chance to answer he laid another kiss on her. She pulled back, she didn’t want to drag this out any longer and wanted some alone time with this perfect man who, for some reason, was captivated by her. She wanted him and she knew he wanted her. She hopped off her stool, grabbed his hand and said, “C’mon, let's get out of he…” the effects of the alcohol took hold and she stumbled.

Adrian catches her, “Woah, maybe you should sit”

She let out a long, drawn-out childlike “No … I want to walk!” She grabbed on to him to regain her composure, she looked like she was trying to balance herself on a tightrope.



He laughed and said, “Okay, let’s go. Just hold on to me and take your time.”

She wrapped her arm around his, “I don’t care what they say, chivalry in NOT dead!” Adrian giggled and out into the crowd they went. She walked alongside him, holding on tight, taking in all of the sights and sounds.

After a nice walk up Bourbon, and some casual conversation they reached Canal St. Standing on the corner waiting for the signal light to change he leaned down a bit and asked “How are you feeling? Are you hungry?”

She looks at him with lustful eyes, “The only thing I’m hungry for is you.”

“Mmm,” he replied, “Well, Miss Brooke, tonight is your lucky night.”

The light changed, they crossed with the crowd and went down Canal St. They reached a little quaint bed and breakfast behind the Saenger Theater. Adrian stopped, turned to face her, “Here we are beautiful. Now, are you positive that…”

Before he could finish Brooke lunged forward to kiss him, but all she managed was tripping over her own two feet and falling into him. He caught her and laughed. “I’ll take that as a yes!”

He helped her inside and lead her to his room. He opened the door and she walked in as he closely followed. In one fluid motion he shut the door, grabbed her arm, pinned her against the wall, and kissed her grinding his body into hers. He moved from her lips to her neck and ear and down to her chest. His hands were all over her, caressing her and pulling her into him. Brooke watched him. She loved watching his lips slide across her body. There was a sense of urgency in his movements. He let out this low growl and the sound drove her wild. She wrapped her arms around him as he lead her toward the bed.

When they reached the bed Brooke fell into it, putting her in the perfect position for him to take advantage. He took his time crawling on top of her and she loved the look on his face. He looked like a tiger stalking its prey and she was a gazelle ready to be eaten. He straddled her and began to unbutton her shirt, kissing every new bit of skin that got exposed. The electricity she felt made her squirm underneath him and she found herself aching for his next touch. He unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans; she lifted her hips as he pulled them down, continuing to kiss down her body.

With her pants no longer being an obstacle, Adrian started at her toes … kissing, licking and nibbling his way up. Brooke closed her eyes.

Brooke was suddenly overcome with fear. She opened her eyes, covered her face with her hands and started crying uncontrollably. Adrian looked at her with shock on his face. He lifted himself off of her and laid by her side caressing her arm trying to comfort her. “Brooke, are you okay? What’s wrong?”

Brooke couldn’t speak. She tried to calm herself but found it impossible as the thought of what just happened played over in her head. She was ashamed and embarrassed. Adrian gently kissed the hand that covered her face and went into to bathroom to fetch her a warm towel. She wanted to get up and run.

She took a few deep breaths, sat up and tried to wipe the tears from her eyes. He walked back toward the bed, washcloth in hand with a very concerned look on his face. Brooke looked at him, he deserved an explanation.

How does she tell him that when she closed her eyes she saw a monster? How does she tell him that monster was her father? How does she tell him why he’s a monster? How can she tell him what just happened when she doesn't even know?



Dear Loyal Readers,
I hope you have enjoyed reading Chapter 7. Please stay tuned for Chapter 8. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments as I love hearing what you all have to say. If you would like to be added, just let me know and I will be honored to tag you for the release of each new chapter. Thank you for all the love and support you've shown since starting this journey with me.
Thanks for stopping by y'all!
Love, Monch




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