New Story - again written exclusively on Steemit - WiP - Bouncer Part 28

This story is evolving with a pace all its own. I'm listening to the feedback and if something resonates, I've decided that I'll go with it (thanks @kiwideb). Feel free to give feedback on characters, storylines etc - even if you think it's harsh.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25

Pictures from Google free to use search

Please note: This is the FIRST DRAFT, no editing, written straight onto paper. I don't know how to highlight that any more than it is. I'll NOT be making any alterations to what's already been written. As a good friend and excellent author has said, First draft is a race to get the story down before it decides to stop telling itself to you. Thanks Glenn. @alienbutt

64 pages, 25,332 words so far.

Zack arrived not long after Joe had left and the three went out to survey the damage done.

“There’s nothing to speak of,” Liz said as they stood back and looked one last time at the minor dents in the security door. “It certainly could have been worse. It makes no difference, anyway. We’re having new doors and shutters fitted tomorrow so they’ll not have time to damage them before the pre-opening party.”

Zack nodded his agreement.

“But I’ll ring Viktor and make sure he wants them changing before and not after the party, just in case,” she said.

“I’ll get off home now you’re here,” Taylor said.

“All right,” Zack said.

Taylor waited for his brother to leave and because he hung around, Zack realised he was waiting for him to go inside so he could say a more personal goodbye to Liz.

Zack waited long enough to make it clear that he knew what was going on and Taylor told him to, “Piss off inside, this has nothing to do with you.” He waved his arm to shoo Zack away and Zack left them to it, laughing as he went up the stairs to make a coffee for him and Liz.

Zack conducted more interviews throughout the day and he invited the more likely contenders to take a look at the club’s main room. He asked them their opinions on the security of the room and how they would combat any areas of vulnerability.

The club had been purpose-built, but times had changed and improvements could be made. For example, bags were not allowed in the club and all coats were expected to be put in the cloakroom for the security of all guests.

Zack didn’t tell the interviewees the facts of the security and he tested them to see if they were on the ball where security was concerned, and also to see if they were really interested in moving their career as Door Supervisor forward.

Suggestions of how many men would be required for the volume of punters, frequency of checking the toilet areas and hidden spaces were made. Only one asked about the bag and coat situation.

Zack gave no information back, he didn’t want to be inadvertently advising someone of the security arrangements, that was plain foolish.

One guy did ask a number of odd questions, one being, ‘What is the turn-over likely to be?’ and Zack mentally removed that guy’s name from any lists of workers that he would ever employ. Some questions should not be asked.

“Will I be working for the Russians?” the last applicant asked.

“That’s an odd question,” Zack said. He was getting tired and his head ached from concentrating. “Have I done anything to suggest I’m Russian?”

“No, not you,” the guy said. “The owners. They’re Russian, aren’t they?”

“You’ll not be working for the Russians. If you’re successful in your application,” Zack said and at the same time, thought, ‘And you won’t be successful in your application.’ “You’d be working for me. This is not the only club I provide security for. Would you be ok with travelling to other towns?”

The guy looked at Zack, studying him for a moment. “I don’t drive, sorry,” he said.

“Not a problem, someone will drive and you’d be expected to chip in with petrol money if you needed a lift there,” Zack said.

He was already wondering why the guy was wasting his time.

“I’ll let you know,” the guy said.

Zack nodded, taking the ‘out’ the guy was offering. “Sure, you let me know,” Zack said and escorted the guy to the back door.

Joe stood on the other side of the door as Zack opened it and the guy Zack had just interviewed looked at Joe in surprise. He ducked low, as though he expected to receive a punch from Joe and he dodged to Joe’s right and away.

“He seems to know you,” Zack said as Joe passed him at the door.

“Yeah, he does,” Joe said. “And more to the point, I know him.”

“He asked about working for the Russians,” Zack said. “What’s all that about?”

“He’s a sneaky, sly little bastard,” Joe said. “Always got his greasy fingers in some pie or another and he’s been caught with his thieving hands in too many of those pies for his own good. He seems to think there’s some kind of contract out on him and he doesn’t know exactly which Russian he’s pissed-off enough to put that contract on him. Personally, I think he spreads those rumours himself to ‘big-up’ his reputation.”

Zack nodded. “One more reason not to hire him,” he said.

“Yeah? You’re looking for reasons not to hire him?” Joe said. “Here’s another half-dozen reasons. Crackers won’t work with him, Pete won’t either. ‘Sideways’ would rather just put a knife in him and you know how calm ‘Sideways’ is. ‘Orible Baz won’t work with him now and to top that list off, I won’t work with him.”

“That’s only five reasons,” Zack said, grinning in spite of his headache. It wasn’t often that Joe gave such a negative opinion on someone, so he decided it just had to be valid.

“Only five? Well count me twice then,” Joe said.

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