Friend From Other Galaxy#part 1..

I've never seen my father and my grandpa since I was born. Professor Bori Valmore is my father's name and Professor Valmore is my grandfather's name. I heard from people that they disappeared after testing their homemade plane.

My name is Borischa Valmore and my mama Rischa Balder. mama always be quiet and do not want to discuss Everytime I ask about dad, , so if I want to know about grandfather and dad I will ask Hock's grandfather. Grandpa Hock is a great friend of grandfather since I was little, I've considered Hock's grandfather like my own grandfather. Since left by his grandfather wife, Hock's decided to stay at the Hocval Laboratory. Laboratotium Hocval belonged to Hock's grandfather and my grandfather.

I haven't seen Hock's grandfather since the middle of last term. For this holiday I plan to visit and maybe take a vacation there. When I get home from school, I told my vacation plan to mama in the car but it turned out that mama already has other plans for this holiday. "I just want to go to the place where my grandfather Hock .." I said, "but mama already booked tickets for us to go to Thailand tomorrow" my mama replied, "we are going to holiday what mama wanted to finish mama's job?" I say a little hard, mama just silent and did not answer me at all.
It was late at night we finally got home, Mom did not say a word.

The next morning at breakfast, "you have prepared your things right then I'll go to the Lab. Hansyn used to pick you up again, okay "said mama, "We go to where grandfather Hock ya mama, cool ..." I said happily. "We do not go to Thailand, last night you already know" mama said. "I do not want to Thailand I want the place of grandfather Hock ma ..." I replied. "Yesterday's vacation you've been there .." she replied "Yes but I want to go there" I said "You Can't, mama had booked tickets we just have to go to Thailand" "We go to thailand want a holiday what mama want to finish mama's job? if it's mama to get there Just to finish mama's job, better mama escort me to place of grandfather Hock and let me go alone there.

Mama has no time to take you there, mama left me alone at dinner table. I felt Upset and went to my room and took all my stuff and decided to go alone to where Hock's grandfather was going to the Lab. Hansyn.
3 hour journey by using the inter-city bus, I finally arrived I also stopped at the station and continued the journey to the north, then through a small forest with a 20 minute walk I reached the Hocval lab. On the way, mama called me continuously but I did not lift because I'm still annoyed with her.

Grandpaaaa ... "I said
"My grandson ..., Are you alright? So dare to go alone, your mama worried about you and why do not you pick up phone? "Said granpa Hock.
"This grandfather I have not sat down already given so many questions," I protested
"It's because you've worried about your grandfather and your mama." Hock said Clearly
"Mama must be calling grandpa, I've told you I want to vacation here but mama force me to join mama to Thailand, I didn't want. I'm leaving alone here because mama does not want to take me. "I explained
"But at least you picked up the phone from your mama." Grandpa said

I went to the room that I used to live in, grandfather said that was my father's room when he was doing research and there are many dad stuff remain, notebooks and many more even in a closet there are various fluids, and materials for whatever reason.

After cleaning up the stuff and took shower, I headed to the dining room. Grandpa Hock had cooked my favorite meal, we ate together. After eating, grandfather showed his findings so far after his last discovery of Blackholl, there was a foreign planet now near the earth, the planet has not been named. The planet was very dark not also reflect sunlight, it's size bigger than the earth, the planet also does not have the path or the planet that travels freely. Grandpa Hock asked me to name the planet before reporting it to NASA. I gave the name SILA FARIUS. grandfather went on to address all his findings about the planet and did not feel already late. After dinner my grandfather took me to a place. We got out of the lab and walked towards the north there was a like a small laboratory. We went inside, there was a lot of computer but not like the usual computer.

this was your father's space research "he explained
"The study of extraterrestrials?" I asked in surprise
"Yes, your father used to believe in the existence of extraterrestrials and there is life other than on earth, so your father made this laboratory to make contact with extraterrestrials." Grandpa said
"Then, did my father able to contact the creature?" I asked

might be? "I asked
"It happened exactly 2 days before you were born, your father has been trying to reach out to extraterrestrials and finally get his reward, at that time your father was very excited and wanted to instantly preach it to the public, no one believes in your father. Because on this computer has been given a detection tool where your father also knows where the reply came from because you want to prove that your father and I wanted to travel to the planet using the shuttle who has never been tested at all.

then what ? "I asked very curious about the truth
"At that time your mother was in a state giving birth to you, the hospital back and forth trying to contact your father but because your father's cell phone left in this room so he did not know about it."
"Mom's was always silent if I ask about Dad. Then where's grandpa? "I said
"I was in the hospital because his grandma was having heart surgery. Grandma did not know if your grandfather and father want to travel to outer space. When the next morning the international news reported that NASA's satellite recorded a piece of airplane that exploded in space allegedly belonging to your father. Grandpa was very shocked.

I also pulled out my tears for knowing the truth. Was there really an alien? Questions arise in my mind. Grandpa Hock left me in this room alone. I'm curious about all these computers. I turned on all the computers, when it's on the main computer asking for a password. I tried with the father's name but to no avail, I remember when I read father diary books all about mama, what might be her password about mama ?. I tried it with the name of mama did not work too, I try again with the birthday date mama did not work too, with the date of marriage also did not work nor what it is not about mama, but I thought what might be my father's favorite call to mama

MANOLONDA (angel in the byelorrian) "and finally succeeded. When the screen was open I had to answer a few questions by choosing the answer, the exact same question in the father's workbook I finally can answer all these questions, when answering questions from the answers like making a key tone. I tried those keys on the other computer, when I pressed the button to make a sound, I tried all the keys and it sounded like a message, was this the message my dad gave to contact the aliens ?. I was waiting for the answers that came but no answer. 2 hours I'm waiting but nothing too, maybe not this. I was disappointed and I decided to go back to the Hocval laboratory.


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