Some of Mars. And other fantastic things

I am not good at art and drawing. In fact, I am exceptionally below average at it. When I went to school I was better as I used to practice but now, when I mostly focus on writing, art has slipped through my fingers. That being said, I do doodle and paint with watercolors. The drawings themselves are just okay if I am lucky but the process lets me calm down and enjoy life. Have some relaxation and at least a little bit of descending in my fantasy world.

I would like to share some drawings with you... Mostly from Mars series. Art that you have not seen as I use it for a different purpose most times. And, I even did one today! The color is still fresh and the paper damp. And, yes, I draw on a regular A4 sheet. It is not optimal for watercolors as they like to crumple up the paper and eat it if you do too much but I like how my art is not perfect. How the bumps in the paper look like sand dunes or clouds. So, I hope you enjoy! Even if it is not an art of the highest degree. :)


This is one of my more recent watercolor drawings. It is Mars. At least the Mars that rotates in my universe. In my stories. One half of it is green and lush, covered in dark leaves that are filled with water. The other half is red and dead. It is the half that we always see. From Earth.

In my stories, we only see the red part because right in the middle, between Earth and Mars, there is a cloud of red particles that shield Mars. If you fly through them with a spacecraft, you are most definitely doomed to land on the red side. Also, Martian space shuttles take five minutes to commute between planets. Their crafts are more like arrows but over the years they have built different models.

This drawing depicts the day the space council meets. The ships in the universe come in various shapes and sizes. Like the people of Aru(Egyptian gods). They fly in pyramid shaped ships that are powered by cosmic energy. You know how the shape is supposed to charge you? Well, in my world it does.

For a good measure, I threw in a ship that everyone draws. The UFO's that people have supposedly seen. It is good to connect a person with familiar things. We know those round ships, we relate to them. Of course, those are not all the ships that are divided between 160 species. There are many more. But I doodled here so don't shoot the messenger :D


And here is the Egypt that I mentioned. The drawing is reenacting the last scene of a story I wrote a long while ago. The winds of Egypt, the sand of people. It is a story I like a lot. But it is also a post that I am working on rewriting. 8 months ago I was just beginning my journey and even though I am still just a newbie, I would like to think that I have improved my writing just a tad.

This is a story of the gods that Egyptians knew. How they(gods) turned their backs on humans because of the nature we exhibited. Greed and bloodlust, to be more precise. How some leaders do not care about people, they just want lands and will send their armies to die. No casualty is big enough. That kind of thing. It is very close to my heart. To show the darkness of humanity. Because only through acknowledging it we can improve and better ourselves. Only when we see a problem we start looking for solutions. At least those are my 2 cents.

I know my camel is not very camel-like but I really liked making this one. There is something very calming when you have to draw sand. Yes, I am smiling about that sentence. There is something beautiful about the pyramids. I know that in this day and age the site of Giza is not as great. With all the litter and people and Pizza Huts in the distance. But I would still like to go. To see this grand place. To feel the rough sandstones. To step back in history. The pyramids have always called to me. I do not know why but that is the wonder that I want to see.


We are still in my stories. I have based my written things on a foundation of things we know and believe. I am not huge on the bible as it has been tampered with by the many people who have translated and ''improved'' it. I am not big on churches because most have more money than the people they are supposed to serve. That being said. I believe in a higher power. Whatever you call it. And I believe in a wonderful place called Eden. Maybe this is it but in my stories, it is not. It is similar to Earth, however. In a sense. But oh so far away.

The middle sphere symbolizes Eden. The seven other ones are the species in my universe(7 species, 160 sub-species). They all have their colors, their quirks, and their beliefs. Just like us. You can read about my concept here. Let me know if you figure out which color depicts each species!

With the universe being as wast as it is, it would be a miracle if we were alone. Then again, wouldn't it be a miracle if we weren't? What are the chances? Of an environment that can sustain us? Slim, science has told us that. But, still, here we are!

I believe in wonders. And I see us as one. The universe itself.


Here is the proof of my inability to create visual art. This is what I made today and I can tell you with certainty, I will redraw it. Just after making this post. I also inserted my original drawing of this scene. Drawn with pencils and markers. That I am quite proud of. It is my first detailed spaceship drawing. Granted, the story behind is grim but let's just say that thanks to that ship, humankind was saved from extinction! At least in my story universe.

Alice (the ship) is an ark, buried underground. On Earth. A contingency in case humans decide to nuke themselves or do something equally stupid and harming. There is not just one Alice. There are multiples, deep down, underground. In hangars that Martians have built a couple of hundred years ago.

The relationship between Mars and Earth is very tight. Martians came from Earth but advanced much faster than their sister planets inhabitants. They are one of the most respected races in the universe and that is why the space council takes place on their planet. They also care about humans as that is with whom they leave their children.

Toddlers from Mars are sent to integrate into Earths society as it is viewed as flawed in many ways. Thus, Earth provides the perfect environment for Martians(and Earthians) to learn and better themselves. It is also a test to find out if a Martian on Earth would fall into darkness. The children from Mars spend around twenty years of their young lives on Earth. Their families think they are their biological children. And, when the time comes, for a Martian to return home, the memories of the Earths parents get erased. Or not. It is all based on free will in Mars. If the children want their adoptive Earth parents to remember, they will. And the children probably will visit their human parents all throughout their lives. But, as Martians live at least three times longer than humans, sometimes it is painful. To watch their human parents age. So the children decide to leave them behind in some instances. Especially if they know they won't have time to visit Earth often.


This last drawing. I have not decided if this is going to be connected to my Mars stories. It is a quite sad story buried someplace in my feed. About the last woman on her planet. About each specie being the last. The time when the planet has decided to die.

The heroes of the story live in a valley. They have everything they need. Their lives are led in a peaceful manner. Maybe a little sad but not lonely. The animals and woman understand and help each other. They have accepted their faith. For the most part. They live as happily as they can. I do not know if it is possible without a purpose but that is what the story behind this drawing is.

I know it is not the best art piece. I tried to make it at least four times. I am not great with landscapes that are not just sand. :D But I am happy about how it came out. And I hope you like it, too!

That is mostly it. I have some regular drawings from way before but you have seen them. In my previous posts. Those are new and fresh. I hope this enlightens some of you about my Mars journey and development. Slowly, a world is forming and, I hope, it will become huge!


Have the best day! Today, tomorrow, and forever.

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