The Myth Episode 3.

"I don't think he should offer archeology" Mrs. Pram said to her husband.
"Well, I don't know what course he wants to offer, but if you do, do not try to change it. Maybe that will be his inspiration after all" Mr. Pram replied his wife.
"But let's not forget the rice and other items we need to buy from the supermarket".
"Oh, I haven't."
Lost in thinking, Mr. Pram drove in his new Toyota V8 to Sahada supermarket where he purchased three sacks of rice, some baking flour and other groceries they needed to stock their supplies at home.
"How much for all?" He enquired of the cashier.
"Gh¢ 4000.00, together with the wine you asked for. However I'd give you 3 bottles of champagne if you pay Gh¢ 4,500.00". She replied.
Mr. Pram cast a hard glance at this young lady trying to beat his mind. A short, dark lady with a wig on and painted fingernails with too much make-up on her face.
"What kind of supermarket allows their cashiers to dress like they were sex workers?" He thought.
"Just give me my items and take your money. Do you people accept bitcoin payment?" He asked her.
"Yes sir. There is our QR wallet code" she said pointing to a Bitcoin accepted here sticker on the table. After paying, some musclar boys came and carried his items to his vehicle for him. He rewarded them with Gh¢ 10.00 each which they gleefully took and whirled around to attend to other business.
"What took you so long?" His wife asked.
"Oh, you know. So many difrent brands, you can't even distinguish fake from real." He said to her.
"See? I told you I should do the shopping, but you said no. I just hope you didn't get us expired goods."
"Come on. I'm not that dumb. I know my left from my right. Besides the cashier tried beating my intelligence. Let's get home now. Its getting late."
"I couldn't agree more. I can't wait to rest my body from typing and staring at a monitor for hours."
As twilight descended, the couple made their way home in the busy traffic. They were Patrick's parents and Mr. Pram was a successful businessman as well as a member of the Ghana Geographic Society (GGS). At 37 years, he juggled the strenuous business, child raising and other responsibilities flawlessly. Everyone wondered how he did it. His wife was 35 and was a computer programmer. Very industrious, she had a very high IQ and her knowledge about computer systems was unmatched. Ghana was fast changing, and so she had to adapt. After graduating from Cambridge University, she acquired some flats and started Pramco Incorporated. Now on the ranking of the top 5 Technology firms on the African continent, Pramco Inc. placed 3rd. How she handled the demanding profession as well as making time for her husband and kids? No one knows.

"This physics question is doing a really good job keeping me at the sea" Mary lamented
"You worry too much. Let me have a look. If I can't, we'd get Ama. Besides she's supposed to be here with us." Nihad replied.
"Okay, here's the question" Mary said pointing to a question on Simple Harmonic Motion.
Nihad took it, analyzed it with surgeon-like seriousness, spent 5 minutes in her network of calculations and neurons in her brain fired up to solve that question. At last, she announced an answer which was wrong. With unrelenting enthusiasm, she started again and a wrong answer followed after another.
"I give up. Let's get Ama. She'll solve it." She gave in.
Together the two friends searched for their companion.
Ama Acquah was sitting in the discussion room with her group members discussing the Zontelisk and its mysterious artefact. According to their research, the artefact turned out to be the Krystone and it was hidden by King Topeil himself since he didn't want anyone to find it. Also according to their research, the Krystone was created by the founders of The Zekious. The Zekious identified as the name of that ancient civilization and it was said that after the Krystone's creation, the founders just disappeared without a trace. Now the probable location for the Krystone was in the heart of the Zontelisk itself. A death trap for any daring adventurer. As they continued their discussion, they were interrupted by Nihad and Mary.
"Ama, got a minute to spare? Sorry guys" Mary said while pulling Ama aside.
"Okay, what's the end-of-the-world emergency that couldn't wait?" Ama asked.
"Check this question out." Nihad said slamming the book into her face.
"Hey hey, not too close. Get me a sheet of paper and a pencil." Ama requested.
In no less than a minute, she announced the correct answer. Her girlfriends were astounded as to how she answered it with such accuracy.
"Stop looking like a petrified log and Nihad, close that mouth." Ama said to her friends.
"How did you do it?" Mary asked
"Oh, just a little transfer of knowledge and application of the brain. Sorry I couldn't make it to our group studies. Our geography madam gave us some mind boggling group assignments and we're gonna present tomorrow." Ama said
"Wow that's some serious geography." Nihad replied
"Well its actually about ancient civilization"
"And it contains all these stuff?"
"Uh huh, maybe true or probably just a myth."
"Hey, hold it. Ama how did you solve the question so easily?" Mary cut in.
"Constant rehearsals."
"You really think so? Because it doesn't work for me."
"Then it's your learning technique. Let me walk you guys through how its done." Ama replied her.
With that, she solved the question again in a more systematic order and the two friends kept on nodding like again lizards.


Tomorrow the various groups begin their presentation and I can't wait to see what's in there. See you all with the episode 4 of The Myth tomorrow. Share with your friends and have them join you on this journey. Thanks for reading my work. I'd see you all real soon.


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