[EN]TALES OF MINE #02 | "The brave one"

Hi everyone!

Thanks for your comments and opinions. I hope that this section is growing little by little and we can share many more chapters.

Now I bring you chapter two.

CHAPTER 02-02.jpg

Chapter Two - The brave one

She, the brave one, opened her eyes and then saw. The ceiling was moving and she soon knew that it was really her that was moving inside. On the outside, the gloom and the stillness. Then he felt that his skin was an uncomfortable frontier. A frontier that, like all frontiers, marginalized. His more rebellious side (the left one) wanted to escape, break that frontier and she broke it. She only had time to bow and with a spasm that started in her chest and ran through his body, opened his mouth and without customs or route tolls, she expelled it.


Lying on her side on that bed, she observed all her spilled rebellion on the floor. He knew that was the content of his stomach, but it looked more like the contents of his head. A confused mass, juicy and dark. Her body ached but she was able to rejoin and it was when she found out that she was completely naked. Terror paralyzed her, she closed her eyes and did not move again for a few seconds. On their side of the frontier, its were years.


She, the brave one, opened her eyes and then saw. The dawn filtered through the horizontal blinds. She had never felt so vulnerable. She had to move and she had already imagined it, but couldn't. She reviewed the sequence in his head more than a hundred times, but she could not carry it out. Then she breathes deeply and could. In a fraction of a second, she was already sitting, her arms hugging her legs and pressing them to her chest. She touched herself and she recognized herself, it was her. She was still naked but whole, and every part of her body belonged to him, that was something.


Nausea returned but this time it could not with the frontier. Now she knew a lot and the frontier grew. She tried to organize her ideas and deduce what had happened, her body hurt and the border grew. It was a difficult limit to cross, even for her, the brave. She needed to escape once more, then she closed his eyes and escaped.


She, the brave one, opened her eyes and then saw. In her absence, the sun had dyed the room an unbearable orange. The numb legs demanded an urgent change of position. It was too much, but she had to start somehow, and she started. She started with the fingers of his hands, she could feel the blood running through every inch as the tension eased. She lowered her arms, stretched her legs and stood there, naked and still quiescent. She still could not remember who it was, but she knew who she is now, she is the brave one.


She decided to remain naked. It was, in her view, an act of clear rebellion. The frontier of his skin, no longer infringed her, was no longer a frontier. She knew then that it should always have been like that. Now she chose, She was the owner of his body, the leader of her forces, the cacique of her sex. She was the owner of herself. Her body ached, she closed her eyes and counted. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


She, the brave one, opened her eyes and then saw. She was still, lying down and naked, but now a fire possessed her. She knew that nothing would be the same after that day, after that night. she did not know why, but she was determined. The only way to survive was to escape, she always knew. But she had already escaped, she had found her own way of escape and it was hers.


The whole room was quiet. The bed was still and she was still, as still as the body that lay beside her. The man was cold, next to her that only now dared to look at him. She wanted to remember, and remembered, this was her escape. No one had heard her, but this was her escape at last. In that stillness on that bed, it was difficult to differentiate life from death. The brave woman moved her tongue inside her mouth, felt the acid and that was enough to make a difference. She was alive and then she smiled.

the end

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I hope you have enjoyed my words. I apologize if there are confusing ideas or grammatical errors. My native language is Spanish and I'm trying to improve every day in my English. If you have any correction or criticism I will receive it with much love.

Here I let you, the first chapter of this series:

TALES OF MINE #01 | "In space, there's no weigh"

See you soon!


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