Afterlife ...Part 24 ...School for Scandal

Tongues will buzz with gossip, but it's better
to go through that than destroy yourself for your whole life.
― Anton Chekhov

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Out in the Open

I didn't realize how desolate my life had become or how much I isolated until I awoke with Moll the following morning and felt her familiar warmth pressing against me. A tear rolled down my face as I lay there listening to bird song outside and hearing her measured breath punctuating my life again.

Sarah Morris and her partner Ross Preston were scheduled to drop by at ten. I checked the clock―just after seven. There was no hurry to get ready and I lay there reflecting on how fortunate I felt to have Moll back again and have our life resume.

But then it hit me. How would our friends and neighbours respond to Moll's sudden re-appearance? Would the controversy over her prolonged absence just spawn more rumours and turn our lives into a circus?

That would be a question I would pose to the detectives, Surely they'd have some insight into how to handle such a sensitive situation.

Worrying about others' reactions was something I hadn't considered but now that I did, it spelled the end to a leisurely morning in bed. I had to get up and move around and do anything to preoccupy myself until Sarah and Ross arrived.

I decided to make breakfast for both of us and maybe bring it to Moll in bed. Unfortunately though, I'm not the quietest person and while I was making coffee Moll was up and coming downstairs.

"So much for my plans to surprise you with breakfast in bed," I moaned.

She just laughed. "Really Ned? You're not exactly wired that way―I think you lack a stealth mode, but it's the thought that counts. That was a sweet thought. Next time aim for breakfast out and we can sip coffee by the lake and watch the sunrise."

Damn! You'd think being a writer and creative I'd be able to come up with these great ideas, but Moll always took the lead in practical things. She was right―breakfast out would have been nice.

"Don't look so glum, Chum," she laughed, "you know I'm only teasing you. Just being able to take back our life is in itself a miracle."

I nodded. "I suppose you're right."

She picked up on my sad affect."What's really bugging you, Ned? Don't say nothing, because I know your moods."

"It's something I was thinking about―I suppose it's a happy problem really. I was wondering how to break the news to our friends and neighbours. It's going to be shocking for them."

"I hadn't really given it much thought," she said frowning, "I don't know why but I just presumed they'd be happy for us. Obviously, you're sensing something different."

"I expect Julie will be ecstatic to learn you're alive, but I'm not so sure about our neighbours. I've seen how the rumour mill operates around here and I'm not sure I want to see you subjected to that."

"Well, we have to tell them something," she giggled, "unless you want me to die my hair and pose as another woman."

"Maybe I'm overthinking this, but they spread rumours about me and Natalie Brinkman, just because she invited me in for coffee and Jill Preston because she brought me a sandwich when I was working on the shelter."

Moll paused and stared at me. "You mention 'they' spread rumours―who specifically do you mean when you use that word?"

I grimaced, "Jim and the boys."

"Jim Claybourne?" she asked incredulously. "Mae, his wife, has always been friendly to me―I can't imagine her letting Jim act this way."

"Actually, Mae is sort of a victim here too," I whispered.

"You mean Jim is cheating on Mae and then projecting his behaviour onto others like you―assuming most men are like him?"

"That's pretty much the state of play" I said sombrely.

Her eyes flashed. "I always thought Jim was lech, I didn't think he was a pig."

We sat in silence for a moment sipping our coffee.

Finally, I spoke up. "I don't know if Mae is aware or wants to know, but Jim and the boys have slandered Natalie and Jill Preston―made them out to be loose women."

"Hrmph," she snorted derisively, "That's probably their wish."

"Yeah, I agree. They're both nice women who don't deserve to be treated like this."

Moll was seething with anger. "So, what rumour could Jim and the boys spread about us?"

I shrugged. "That's just it―I have no idea. I mean, knowing their M.O. they might say I lied about your death to cover up a marital breakup, but then we got back together and concocted some lame story to explain away how you're now suddenly alive."

"Oh, I hate this!" Moll hissed. "You're right about one thing―this could turn into a circus if it's not handled properly."

I reached out and touched her arm to console her. "And now that you know about Jim and the boys, do you think they could be discreet? I don't think so. And Jim is a detective, so people would tend to defer to him because he's in a position of authority."

Moll looked at me helplessly. "How can good news be turned into bad news? Can this get any worse?"

I shook my head glumly. Well, let's wait and see what Sarah and Ross say. Maybe they'll have some insights that can help us out of this mess."

She caressed my cheek. "I know Julia will be overjoyed when she finds out about me. I won't let scum bags like Jim Claybourne poison the wells and ruin our reunion."

To be continued…

© 2021, John J Geddes. All rights reserved


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