Writing #15: Steady Effort


The very heart of yoga practice is ‘abyhasa’ – steady effort in the direction you want to go. - Sally Kempton

My pal Wendy gave this quote when I was talking about my yoga journey and when I was in a writing slump. I had to do a little self-analysis and it was revealing. But isn't it always?

On Tuesday past, after we got the internet hooked up and my PC updated itself and I got back to writing after a couple of weeks offline, I sat down and did a lot of writing for a client. That day I turned out 8,000 good words. And on Wednesday I was whining about not writing.

Wake up, Joanne. Just wake up.

Writing is writing. If I choose to fund my life with writing for hire, then that is writing. And I love this client and the topic. I had been scolding myself about my episodic novel and making it all so mysterious and troublesome.

Writing is Writing

I should needlepoint that message. Then Wendy, referring to my yoga endeavour, gave me the quote. And I got it. "...steady effort in the direction you want to go" It doesn't matter what enterprise it is, steady effort in the direction I want to go.

So I am back where I started -- doing it all slowly and surely. But doing it.

Meanwhile, I got this Follow Me Gif from @oendertuerk

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