DEAR DIARY #1 - travel, sickness, and accomplishments

Do you ever have so much to say that you don't know where to begin? Yeah, me, too.

I had this perspective that I would only share quality, useful content on SteemIt, but realized that it's the perfect place to share general thoughts . . . a diary of sorts.

It's been roughly 24 days since I posted or commented within SteemIt. It's like starting a TV show and getting interrupted. You really want to finish it, but a snowball effect of things gets in the way.

The Stress and Sickness Connection

Anyone that's taken a week-long vacation from work will tell you that stress is common in the week or so prior to leaving. There are so many things to get done at work as well as personal items that need to be attended to. I put myself in that position, tired my body out, and unfortunately got sick a few days into my visit with my mom in Atlanta. NO FAIR being sick while on vacation, but it happens a lot. It wasn't until the important points of my trip were completed that I got sick. It's almost as if my body said "that's it . . .you're done . . . I'm shutting down". But (looking back) what better place to be sick than at my mom's!?! Hahaha.

Mission Accomplished

Besides seeing friends and family, I needed to visit the Mexican Consulate. I have decided to put my nomadic life on hold and stay put in Cancun for awhile. With that decision came the desire to get a residency visa (a long process in which I will detail in another post). I have been thinking about and preparing for that Mexican Consulate visit for about 9 months! Finally, I had all the paperwork prepared and was successful in getting the necessary stamp in my passport. Now I have the permission to move forward in getting a residency card. A giant first step accomplished. Feels good.

Back On The Homefront

It feels good to be home. HOWEVER, there is just as much work to do to get back into routine as there was prior to my trip. Bummer. Short term goals included fully recovering from my head-cold (which is almost completely gone), prioritizing the endless 'to do' list, visiting with a local attorney to get the residency card process going here in Mexico, and finally . . . getting back to SteemIt.

I have a lot of reading to catch-up on ;)

If you enjoyed this post, give me a little upvote hug. If you are curious to know more, please comment and say 'hi' or follow me. Resteems are always appreciated :)

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