A pig, a bee and a sunbird.

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A pig, a bee and a sunbird meet on a rural road.  

One sunny day after Polly the pig was done rolling in the mud she decided to go for a stroll along the rural path leading away from her farm.

Polly was not allowed on the rural road, momma pig, Molly had warned her!

But today Polly just couldnt help wondering what adventures she may find on that forbidden rural road.

As Polly waddled along through the grass, she saw the road! 

Looking back, left and right, to see that no one had spotted her she went ahead and walked onto the road! 

All along the side of this road were beautiful flowers and Polly was drawn to the pretty red ones a bit further along the road. 


Polly pig felt a sharp pain on her head, it was so sore that she started crying. 

Through her tears, Polly looked up to see what had caused the pain and she saw a buzzing bee! 

Oh no!!! 

Wasn't that what momma had told her the other day?...

About the dangers along the rural road and creatures that bite and sting! 

Polly hadn't really believed her momma, she couldn't imagine how a small little creature could hurt such a pudgy pig like herself! 

Polly decided to turn around and tried to run as fast as her legs would take her, as Polly was running back to find momma she heard a flapping sound next to her ear. 

Polly carried on running, now so scared it felt like her heart would pump right out of her chest! 

Sally, a sunbird had seen the chubby little pig getting stung by a bee and thought she could perhaps help the little pig on her way. 

'Hello little pig, you need to stay away from this road you know, there are many flowers here and many bees because they get there food from the flowers.' 

Polly, still hurting from the sting, looked up through her tears and saw a friendly bird, Polly was grateful to have someone to talk to because she had lost her way. 

' Can you help me find my way back to my momma, I'm lost, I didn't listen to my mommy and now my head hurts so much.'

Sally, the pretty sunbird nodded her head and said, 'I'll help you get back home, I know how to handle bees because I get my food from the same flowers, but I have a long beak and I can fly higher and faster than any bee'. 

Sally flew ahead of Polly and got her home safely. 

Polly learned a lesson that day... 

She would never venture out on that road again and now she knew that momma pig was right and that she needed to listen to her! 


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