Flash fiction: the death of misogyny

Kat Jayne

Attractive justice

The knife on the table began to look especially seductive, but the tender, innocent, tearful eyes of the child watching her at the doorway dissipated the anger that filled her at that moment.

"It would be to much." she thought.

As she turned she received another blow, so strong that marked and deformed her face, and then she received the storm of violent shouts from a deep voice that once only declared silky compliments to her.

After an hour silence returned to the house, and she finally threw away her husband's shirt, which she had carelessly burned. At that moment she wasn't felt anger, but she was full with grudge, and what seduced her then was the telephone on the dining room table. She took it shyly and found herself reflected in the glass of the screen.

"It had been to much."

Anthony Leong


She laughed, straightened up and said:

"When I went to the bathroom I threw up."

"Why did you do that?" he asked.

"So that the pills you dissolved in my drink wouldn't do to me what the poison I put in yours will do to you."



She opened the door and the guy standing there was the same guy she met the night before.

"What are you doing here? I told you it was just a one night stand."

"Calm down, I just came to bring you this pill. You better take it, I pretended to use the condoms, but I never did."

"I don't need to take it, you idiot! I'm sterile."

"Then why did you insisted so hard on me to buy them?" he asked.

"First: because you're a stranger, second: because I have AIDS."

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