Relationship Communication.... #What do you need, and how are you Questions "

Uhm!...with so many hours of pondering, I decide to redirect my attention to relationship communication. I have actually took out time to look into some factors that is capable of stiffen relationship communication, because at the look of things, the word relationship has gradually transmogrified in line with communication and one ought to figure out that perfect statement/character that can keep His/her relationship lively and exciting.
Relationship, I mean between spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend or even with family. The two very common questions in relationship communication, what do you need, and how are you are very indispensable factors in relationship, in the sense that conversation is not always complete if either one of the two statements of enquiring is not made.

It is logical to enquire about the general wellbeing of our loved ones be it spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend, but the point here is that we have become so familiar with the leta thereby making relationship communication boring most at times. Yes! I know that you maybe somehow confused here, the fact is that your spouse wants you to enquire about his/her wellbeing during communication by asking *how are you? But gnashing it with what do you need makes relationship communication more exciting.

I have this big brother that I seldomly chat with because of his self-centered nature, he got me bored whenever am chatting with him, because he just wants to know how am doing and never care about my needs.
Yeah! Relationship becomes more stiffen when you tend to enquire about how your partner is doing and also his/her needs. Though, just knowing their needs is not even enough but trying to attend to their needs brings out all the ingredients needed to hold relationship more stronger.

At times you wonder why people ignores your calls, maybe you should ask yourself whether you belong to I just want to know how you're doing group. Yes! The fact is that without constant communication, relationship is just like mere childish play, but to make it to be more effective, one ought to accept responsibility.

Accepting responsibility in the form of attending to one and another's needs and that brings the excitement of relationship communication.

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Thanks for reading, hope I have inspired you?

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