How To Get Around Censorship On HubPages

It has happened again. And again. And again! I attempted to compose two more articles that borderlined the controversial for publication on my HubPages channel, and this one dreaded message eventually appeared at the top of my electronic rough draft. It read:

WARNING: Advertising has been disabled on this article based on automatic content filters

Every time I see that same message appear at the top of a rough draft of an article I am putting together on HubPages, I want to scream from the top of my lungs. I had previously believed that I had to contact Team HubPages to get them to review my article for "appropriateness," so to speak. Fortunately, I found out that there was a much easier way to get around this annoying message on the HubPages writing platform and take their censorship bull by the horns.

If you read my article titled "HubPages Is Still Practicing Censorship," you're likely well aware by now of how annoying the automatic advertisements-disablement feature on the HubPages writing platform can be. If you have read any of my earlier articles here on the Hive writing platform, you will realize that censorship is no friend of mine.

I recently spent nearly a grueling week putting together an article about the late actor Robin Williams and how I felt about all those Jesus freaks on YouTube having made videos about him burning in Hell according to them. Wow. Really nice people. This article was over 10,000 words long, and I kept running into problems with the automatic advertisements-disablement feature on my HubPage channel. Anyhow, I have discovered a way to get around that same feature on HubPages.

Whenever that dreaded message that I described above appears at the top of an article that you are composing on HubPages, what you have to do to get rid of it is simply attempt to soften up the language in your article and it will eventually go away. For example, what I did in my most recent article on HubPages whenever that dreaded message would trigger off is I would find less harsh words to describe the same thought or idea. That is, if that dreaded message appeared at the top of my article, I would take a sentence that might read "I don't believe that all suicides go to Hell" and change it to "I don't believe that everyone who takes their own life spends eternity in the lake of fire."

What I would recommend is that you keep either your Microsoft Word application or your WordPerfect application open on your computer so that you can cut text from your HubPages article and momentarily paste it to a temporary Microsoft Word or WordPerfect document. That technique will allow you gradually to identify which paragraph and which words are triggering off the automatic advertisements-disablement feature on your HubPages channel. Usually, it is only a matter of replacing one word in a paragraph with a less harsh word that has the same definition. It can get monotonous at times, but it is well worth it in the long run. In other words, you want to get paid for your hard work. Don't let anything stand in the way of you monetizing your articles on any writing platform, especially HubPages.

It felt so good when I was able to submit my most recent article for publication on HubPages, even though I know that I am going to get a great amount of pushback and even hate for doing so. In any event, so long as the Quality Assessment Team at HubPages approves my article for publication, I'll be happy. I just hope that the Hive writing platform never implements an automatic advertisements-disablement feature, because I value my freedom to post whatever I please here on my Hive-Blog channel and my PEAKD channel. However, I don't have much faith concerning what the Steem writing platform will do with their blockchain now that advertisers have stormed their platform.

If the Hive writing platform ever gets a Quality Assessment Team that screens each and every article that Hiverians submit for publication, then this platform better do something to make it all worthwhile. For example, give us some kind of monetary bonus for having to go through the extra steps to get our prose and literary works published here on this platform.

I know that it always feels better just to be able to post exactly what you wish to convey. There is simply nothing that could ever replace artistic freedom. However, until the advertisers on HubPages get themselves out of their Puritanical black hole, writers and content creators will simply have to find inventive ways to get around their censorship features on that writing platform. If you haven't joined HubPages yet, then at least you'll now know what to expect when you finally do so.

I really cannot understand what is wrong with these advertisers for HubPages, because controversial articles sell and make money. I guess they want to make everything as challenging as possible for the passionate writers and content creators who post on the HubPages writing platform. When will our nation (the United States of America) mature beyond all of these outdated societal norms that hold us back from expressing our thoughts freely on digital platforms?

Anyhow, if any of you Hiverians out there are planning to join the HubPages writing platform, please do not hesitate to ask me whatever questions you wish about it. I would welcome a multitude of posts in my comments section below. I will likely be posting more articles about the HubPages writing platform here on my Hive-Blog channel and my PEAKD channel.😃

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